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6gr Dec Wordmaster

Fundamentally solid Bedrock - adj
To speak in an angry way Chide - verb
Dreamingly, thoughtful; sad, thoughtfulness Pensive - adj
The part of the mouth or lower course of a river where the river meets the sea Estuary - noun
Someone who is easily fooled or cheated Dupe - noun
Easily bent or flexed; characterized by flexibility and grace Lithe - adj
Unshakable in your belief/position (adj) Adamant - adj
One who produces promotional material for commercial clients especially for the TV/radio Huckster - noun
A series of songs performed by on person/band Medley - noun
To persuade by flattery or promises Cajole - verb
To turn away; to give up Forsake - verb
To intimidate by overbearing looks or words Browbeat - verb
Shifty; departing from the correct or accepting way; crooked Devious - adj
To compel by force, intimidation or authority; to dominate or control Coerce - verb
Having a large, plump body Corpulent - adj
Someone who sells fake products or cheats you out of your money Mountebank - noun
To put in harm or danger Jeopardize - verb
A consecrated place such as a church, a place of refuge and protection Sanctuary - noun
To laugh at in scorn or contempt; scoff at or mock Deride - verb
A protracted (long) speech usually marked by intemperate or harshly censored language Tirade - noun
A fleet of ships, boats or planes Flotilla - noun
Lacking food, clothing and other necessities Indigent - noun, adj or adv
Having a circular or winding course; not being direct in action Circuitous - adj
Bendable without breaking; easy to influence Pliable - adj
An artifice or expedient used to evade a rule, escape a consequence or hide something; a strategy employed to conceal something Subterfuge - noun
Created by: MrsKidd
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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