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Swelling that can be cause by a number of different conditions Tumor
Well-differentiated cells that are clustered together in a single mass Benign neoplasm
less well differentiated, have ability to break loose and travel through the circulatory or lymphatic system and form secondary malignant tumors Malignant neoplasm
benign tissue tumor adenoma
benign bone tumor osteoma
benign blood tumor hemangioma
benign nerve tumor neuroma
malignant tissue tumor adenoscarcoma
malignant bone tumor osteoscaroma
malignant blood tumor hemangioscaroma
malignant nerve tumor neuroblastoma
normal cells respect each others boundaries contact inhibition
limited cell division, orderly and regulated, apoptosis, specific morphology, small cell nucleus, perform specific function, adhere or bind together, do not migrate, euploid (21 pairs of chromasomes), contact inhibition Characteristics of normal cells
Rapid cell division, do not respond to signals for apoptosis, anaplastic morphology, latge nucleus, no specific purpose, adhere loosely together (migrate), invade other tissues, aneuploid (< or > 21 pr chromosomes Characteristics of cancer cells
a nuclei of the necrotic cells dissolve and the cytoplasm shrinks, rounds up, and is phagocytized. Cell death. Apoptosis
usually proliferate at same rate as normal cells of tissue they arise from cancer cell proliferation
divide indiscriminately and haphazardly, may produce more than two cells during mitosis, DNA is mutated- rearranged, lack inhibition, will grow on top of other cells cancer cell proliferation
regulates and promotes growths genetic lock normal cellular differentiation
well differentiated cells that resemble cells of the tissue of origin benign cell characteristics
undifferentiated with atypical structure, bears little resemblence to tissue of origin malignant cell characteristics
progressive, slow,may come to standstill or regress benign cell rate of growth
variable, depends on level of differentiation, the more anaplastic, the more rapid growth malignant cell rate of growth
grows by expansion without invading surrounding tissue, usually encapsulated benign cell mode of growth
grows by invasion, sending out processess that infiltrate surrounding tissue malignant cell mode of growth
does not metastasize benign metastasis
gains access to blood & lymph channels to metastisize to other areas of the body malignant metastisis
Normal cell growth is controlled by? growth promoting proto-oncogenes and growth suppressing anti-oncogenes
potentially malignant cells are targeted for elimination by? tumor-suppressing genes
agents that cause cancer carcinogens
BRCA-1 and BRCA-2 Tumor suppressor genes
Alterations in what genes increase a persons risk for breast and ovarian cancer BRCA-1 and BRCA-2
Alteration in what gene increases a persons chance of familial adenomatous polyposis, a precursor for colorectal cancer APC gene
tumor inducing genes oncogenes
Known as the genetic lock that keeps the cell in its mature functioning state protooncogene
Able to directly lyse tumor cells without any prior sensitization? Natural killer cells
These cells release interferon and IL-2 which activates macrophages. T-cells
these cells produce antibodies tht bind to tumor cells, specific for a certain tumor B-lymphocytes
This allows for identification of cancer cell by immune system, then lyphocytes can destroy TAA - tumor associated antigen
Time between initial genetic alteration and actual clinical evidence of cancer latent period
This can cause cancer in almost any human body tissue ionizing radiation
These genes function to regulate cell growth tumor suppressor genes
These proteins are located on the cell membrane of cancer cell. carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and x-fetoprotein (FP)
p53 tumor suppressor gene have been found in these cancers. bladder, breast, colorectal, esophageal, liver, lung, and ovarian
Carcinogens are detoxified by this and are harmlessly excreted. protective enzymes
The stages of cancer are? initiation, promotion, progression
This stage is irreversible, but not all altered cells go on to establish a tumor because many undergo apoptosis (cell death) initiation stage
Chemical carcinogens. estrogen therapy, cigarette smoke,asbestos, radiation and nitrites.
Physical carcinogens. ionizing radiation, UV-rays, uranium
Viral carcinogens. Epstein-Barr virus, AIDS, hep-B, Human papillomavirus
Bone cancer has been linked with exposure of radiation such as, radiologists, radiation chemists and uranium miners
thyroid cancer has been linked with exposure of radiation to the head nd neck area for treatment of disorders such as acne,tonsillitis, sore throat, or enlarged thyroid
higher incidence of childhood cancers occurs in children exposed to radiation during fetal life
Melanoma and squamous and basal cell carcinoma of the skin ar linked to exposure to ultraviolet radiation
this cancer is most common in whites skin cancer
The reversible stage providing the causitive substance is removed promotion stage
Final stage of cancer development when cells are able to grow on their own. Progression stage
when the tumor developes its own blood supply tumor angiogenesis
metastic cells are difficult to treat do to resistance of what? chemo and radiation
the most frequent areas of metastasis are lungs, brain, bone, liver and adrenal glands
hematogenous metastasis penetration of blood vessels by primary tumor cells via the release of metalloproteinase enzymes
classification of carcinoma skin, glands, mucous membranes
classification of sarcoma connective, muscle and bone tissue
classification of glioma brain or spinal cord tissue
classification of lymphoma lymphatic tissue
classification of leukemia leukocytes
in situ in site without invasion
staging is used for what cancers? cervical, prostate, colon, hodgkins
TNM classification staging by American Joint Committee on Cancer. T=tumor site N= regional lymph node involvement M= metastasis
unlocks genetic lock, tumor inducing, interferes with normal cell expression allowing the cell to become malignant oncogenes
proteins in the cell membranes of cancer cells, detected in the blood CEA and AFP
aloxin mold that grows in improperly stored grains and nuts
benzoapryne foods fried in fat tht has been reused multiple times
Nitrosamines in foods that are smoked, slated, cured or pickled using nitrites or nitrated
polycyclic aromatic hydrcarabons charbroiling or smoking meats and fish
high dietary fat increases bile salts which in presence of anaerobic bacteria in colon produces carcinogens
human papillomavirus linked to carcinoma of the cervix
epstein-barr virus linked to burkitt's lymphoma, nasopharyngeal cancer, B-cell lymphoma immunosuppressed patients and hodgkins lymphoma
hepatitis B linked to hepatocellular cancer
human herpesvirus-8 linked to kaposi's sarcoma in persons with AIDS
responds to malignant cells and prevent growth immune system
only definitive means of diagnosing cancer biopsy
used to obtain cells and tissue fragments through a large bore needle that is guidded into tissue in question needle biopsy
performed with a scalpel or dermal punch to obtain tissue sample incisional biopsy
removal of entire tumors smaller than 2cm, skinlesions, intestional polyps, and breast masses excisional biopsy
goal of cancer treatment cure, control, palliation
factors tht determine therapeutic approach tumoe cell type, location, and size and the systemic extent of disease.
release interferon, and IL-2 which activates macrophages T-cells
tumor associated antigen allows for identification of cancer cell by immune system, then lymphocytes can destroy TAA-tumor associated antigens.
TAA- tumor associated antigens may be displayed by cancers cells surface as a result of malignant trans formation
escape mechanisms or process by which cancer cells evade the immune surveillance tolerance, suppression of immune responce, weak surface antigens
primary cancer prevention stop smoking, use sunscreen, diet changes, avoiding ETOH, estrogens, radiation smokless tobacco, occupational hazards, regular exercise, decrease stress and adiquate rest, regular health screening
Cancer check-up every three years between 20-39 then anually
secondary cancer prevention *colorectal screening tests *pap smear and pelvic exam *breast self exam *mammograms *testicular self-exams *prostate specific antigen
using certain drugs, chemicals or nutrients to disrupt cancer developement chemoprevention
target groups for chemoprevention *healthy people with specific risk of a CA *people at greater than normal risk *people with precancerous lesions *people with history of cancer
seven warning signs of cancer Change in bowel and bladder habits A sore that wont heal Unusual bleeding or discharge Thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere Indigestion or difficulty swallowing Obvious change in wart or mole Nagging cough or hoarseness
Disrupts tissue integrity CA cachexia paraneoplastic syndrome clinical manifestations of CA
necrosis and frank bleeding, wound that does not heal, invades adjacent structures disrupted tissue integrity
recommended exercise 30 min moderate physical activity 5 times wkly
recommendation of colonoscopy beginning at age 50 and every 10 years thereafter
should begin three years after intercourse but no later than 21 years of age cervix screening
done annually or every two years using liquid-based tests Pap test
general ill health and malnutrition, marked by weakness and emaciation, usually associated with TB or CA (mostly in children and elderly) Cachexia
symptoms in systems not directly affected by the disease paraneoplastic syndromes
a skin disorder characterized by dark, thick, velvety skin in body folds and creases-associated with a gastric CA Acanthosis nigricans
microscopic examination of body secretions (eg. pap smear, sputums, bronchial washings) cytology
elevated with colon, pancreatic, gastric, breast cancers CEA carcino embryonic antigen
elevated in prostate cancer PSA
elevated in liver, testicular, ovarian cancers AFP
elevated in ovarian cancer CA-125
obtained by surgery alone or surgery with chemo or radiation cure
goal is maintanence for long periods of time with therapy -chronic leukemias or chronic lymphomas control
goal is to relieve symptoms and improve quality of life with cancers that cant be cured palliation
removal of as much as possible of a tumor debulking or cytoreductive procedure
may be used so radiation and chemo therapy may work better tumor debulking
measures for pain relief with palliation care cordotomy or rhizotomy
neurosurgical procedure that ablate the lateral spinothalamic tract cordotomy
neuroablative intervention that destroy the sensory division of the peripheral or spinal nerve rhizotomy
releif of bowel obstrustions colostomy
curative for basal cell carcinoma, I or IIA hodkins disease and used in combo for many others radiation therapy as cure
used to shrink tumors pre-op or used post-op, used to shrink tumors for pain relief or relief of compression radiation
pt not radioactive with this treatment external radiation
given in a fractionated dose during cell division to catch more cells and to allow normal cells to repair from damage radiation
cancers that are highly radio sensitive leukemias, lymphomas
these cancers are not sensitive to radiation melanoma
pt is radioactive with this treatment brachytherapy
*lead shielding *radiation badges *gloves when handling secretions *disposable equipment(bagging items per protocol) *coordinatined care protective devices to minimize caregiver exposure
acute S/E of radiation *bone marrow suppression *fatigue *anorexia *skin and mucosal reactions *alopecia *pulmonary effects *GI effects *reproductive effects
may receive for bone marrow suppression and /or Hgb below 10g/dl transfusions
encourage a walking program for this fatigue
monitor weight,have small frequent meals, high protein and high calorie diet, bland soft foods, and avoid temperature extremes for this anorexia
use systemic and topical analgesics, anacids to coat mouth, cleanse with saline soln, topical tx with equal parts of antacid and benadryl or viscous lidocaine Mucositis
for skin and mucosal reactions wash with tepid water and soft cloth avoid soaps, deodorants, powders, cosmetics, highly scented lotions, tight clothing, hot water bottles, electric heating pads, hot or cold packs. protect from sun, wind, and cold
ususally occurs after 10th tx alopecia
fibrotic changes, pneumonias, use cough suppressants and elevate HOB pulmonary effects of radiation
N/V alters tastse and effects nutrtion, monitor for dehydration, use prophylactic antiemetics, antidiarrheals, and antispasmodics, sitz bath for comfort GI effects of radiation
men will have decreased sperm count, may recover, women are likely to be infertile. sperm and ova bank prior to tx reproductive effects of radiation
occur in second 6 months after tx and likely effect- kidneys, bone (demineralization), nervous tissue (parathesias), cartlage sub-acute effects of radiation
occur 1 year and beyond. related to vascular changes that decrease circulation to tissue. children may have delayed growth, sexual maturation and cognition with CNS therapy long-term effects of radiation
mitotic rate of tissue size of tumor age of tumor presence of resistant tumor cells physiological and psycological status of host factors that determine response of cancer cells to chemo
lowest level of peripheral blood cell counts or bone marrow function- occurs at 7-28 days Nadir
cytoxan, nitogen mustard, cisplantin, nitrosoureas, thiotepa alkylating and alkylating-like agents
interfere with cell division and DNA during resting and dividing stages. Most effctive on hematologic, breast, lung and ovarian tumors alkylating and alkylating-like agents
fatigue bone marrow suppression leading to pancytopenia nausea & vomiting Stomatitis & ulceration of the intestinal mucosa reversible hair loss kidney toxicity pulmonary fibrosis tinnitis & hearing loss neurotoxcity adverse reactions of alkylating and alkylating-like agents
has effecton cells during all phases of the cell cycle, including those in the process of cellular replication and proliferation and those in resting phase. cell cycle phase-nonspecific chemotherapeutic drugs
exert their most significant effects during specific phases of the cell cycle cell cycle phase-specific chemotherapeutic drugs
infiltration of drugs into the tissue surrounding the infusion site, pain being the cardinal sign, but can occur without causing pain. extravasation
will damage the intima of the vein, causing phlebitis and sclerosis and limiting future preipheral venous access, but will not cause tissue damage if infiltrated. irritants
in advertently infiltrated into the skin, may cause severe local tissue breakdown and necrosis vesicants
Created by: csnodgrass5
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