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ENERGY - lesson 1

Potential, kinetic, thermal,conduction,convection,radiation

It takes _____________ to increase speed. energy
Energy can ____________ from one form to another. change
When energy changes from one form to another, the amount of energy _________ _______ change. does not
Moving objects have ____________ energy. kinetic
The faster an object is moving, the greater is the ______________ energy kinetic
The _______________ energy in the car when it was at the top of a ramp is due to its height above the floor. potential
The energy used to lift it against the force of ___________ was stored in the car. gravity
When the car is released, the ___________ energy is changed to _____________ energy. potential, kinetic
The greater the elevation of the car, the greater its ______________ energy. potential
when an object falls, its height decreases, so its ______________ energy also decreases. potential
An object falls due to the _____________ of ______________. force of gravity
As an object falls, its speed increases so _______ energy also increases. kinetic
During a fall, ____________ energy of the object changes to ____________ energy. potential, kinetic
Kinetic energy of an object depends on the ___________ of the object. mass
If two objects have the same elevation or height, the one with the greater mass has the greater ______________ energy. potential
A battery has potential energy in the form of stored ____________ energy chemical
The chemical energy in a bettery chantes to ____________ energy. electric
As a spring expands its enrgy changes to _______________ energy. mechanical
The water behind a dam has _____________ energy. potential
A person standing on a diving board is an example of _______________ energy. potential
A diver diving into the water is a form of _____________ energy. kinetic
An apple on the branch is a form ___________ energy. potential
An apple falling off of the branch is a form of ____________ energy. kinetic
A lumberjack cutting logs is a form of ___________ energy. kinetic
A skier standing on the mountain is a form of ___________ energy. potential
A skier skiing down the hill is a form of _______________ energy. kinetic
A baseball bat hitting the ball is a form of _____________ energy. kinetic
Energy cannot be reated or destroyed. Law of Conservation of energy
The more___________________ energy an object has, the hotter it is thermal
When objects are in contact, ________________ energy moves from the object that has the higher temperature to the object that has the lower temperature thermal
___________________ energy always travels from hotter to cooler objects thermal
_____________ works best through solids, especially through materials such as metals. conduction
Metals are __________________. conductors
Materials such as wood and plastic are _____________. insulators
Much of the Earth's weather results from _________ current in atmosphere. convection
_______________ is sometimes visible when thermal energy is changed to ___________ energy. radiation,light
A book on a table has more _________________ energy than a book on the floor. potential
A large semitrailer truck parked at a loading dock has ___________ kinetic energy than a compact car moving at 20 km/hr. less
A temperature rise means there is an increase in the ____________ of the particles of substance. kinetic energy
When a pot of water is put on a stove, the water at the top heats mostly by ___________ . convection
Energy travels from the sun to Earth by ________________. radiation
Created by: SONIAGODOY
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