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Pharm Histamine

Test4 Histamine Lecture Shamd1 shamd1

Name the Mast Cell Stabilizers Cromolyn Na & Nedocromil –Tilade & Albuterol
Is this a 1 or 2 generation Hist antagonist? Ethanolamines:DIPHENHYDRAMINE (Benadryl) CLEMASTINE (Tavist) 1st gen H1 antagonist
Is this a 1 or 2 generation Hist antagonist?Ethylenediamine:TRIPELENNAMINE 1st gen H1 antagonist
Is this a 1 or 2 generation Hist antagonist?Alkylamine:CHLORPHENIRAMINE (Chlortrimeton) 1st gen H1 antagonist
Is this a 1 or 2 generation Hist antagonist?Phenothiazine:PROMETHAZINE (Phenergan) 1st gen H1 antagonist
Is this a 1 or 2 generation Hist antagonist? Piperazines: HYDROXYZINE (Vistaril) CYCLIZINE (Antivert) 1st gen H1 antagonist
Is this a 1 or 2 generation Hist antagonist?CETIRIZINE (Zyrtec) 2nd Gen H1 receptor antagonist
Is this a 1 or 2 generation Hist antagonist? FEXOFENADINE (Allegra) 2nd Gen H1 receptor antagonist
Is this a 1 or 2 generation Hist antagonist? LORATADINE (Claritin) 2nd Gen H1 receptor antagonist
Is this a 1 or 2 generation Hist antagonist? DESLORATADINE (Clarinex- FDA Approved In 2002) 2nd Gen H1 receptor antagonist
Is this a 1 or 2 generation Hist antagonist? LORATADINE (Claritin Hives Relief - FDA Approved In 2004) 2nd Gen H1 receptor antagonist
Is this a 1 or 2 generation Hist antagonist? AZELASTIN (Intranasal Spray) 2nd Gen H1 receptor antagonist
Is this a 1 or 2 generation Hist antagonist? H1 or H2? Ranitidine H2 Receptor Antagonists, there isnt a 1st or 2nd generation
Is this a 1 or 2 generation Hist antagonist? H1 or H2? Cimetidine H2 Receptor Antagonists, there isnt a 1st or 2nd generation
Are 1st Generation H1 antagonist Sedative Or Non-Sedative? Sedative
Are 2nd Generation H1 antagonist Sedative Or Non-Sedative? Non-Sedative
Where is histamine stored and released? What cells? Mast Cells, Basophils, Neurons (peripheral and central)
Where are H1 receptors located? Smooth muscle, endothelium, CNS
Where are H2 receptors located? gastric parietal cell, vascular sm cell, basophils
Where are H3 receptors located? CNS cells, and some in peripheral NS
Where are H4 receptors located? Highly expressed in bone morrow and white blood cells.
What are some uses of H1 antagonist (1st generation)? Adjunct in anaphylaxis(H2 antagonist, epinephrine must also be used Antiallergy (allergic rhinitis, allergic dermatoses, contact dermatitis) Sedative/sleep aid To prevent motion sickness (meclizine, cyclizine)
Name even more uses of H1 antagonist (1st generation). Antiemetic: prophylactic for motion sickness (promethazine) Antivertigo (meclizine) Local anesthetic: (diphenhydramine) Antitussive (diphenhydramine)
What are adverse effects of H1 1st generation drugs? Sedation (Paradoxical excitation in children) Dizziness Fatigue Tachydysrhythmias in overdose - rare Allergic reactions with topical use Peripheral antimuscarinic effects dry mouth blurred vision constipation urinary retention
Describe drug interactions of H1 1st generation drugs. Additive with classical antimuscarinics Potentiate CNS depressants opioids sedatives general and narcotic analgesics alcohol
What are the functions of H1 receptors Bronchoconstriction, vasodilation, separation of endothelial cells, pain and itching, allergic rhinitis, motion sickness
What are the functions of H2 Regulate gastric acid secretion, vasodilation, inhibition of IgE-dependent degranulation
What are the functions of H3 Presynaptic, feedback inhibition of histamine synthesis and release. They also control release of DA, GABA, ACh, 5-HT & NE
What are the functions of H4 Mediate mast cell chemotaxis
Why are the 1st generation H1 antagnist sedative? Because the cross the blood/brain barrier and act on central NS.
Do 1st generation H1 antagonist have anti-muscarinic effects? Yes, they do, and it can be additive with other anti-muscarinic drugs.
Sedation from H1 antagonist work on adults, however does it also do the same in children? If so Why? No, it causes excitation, it is a paradoxical effect.
Why do 2nd generation drugs not have a sedative effect? They do NOT cross the blood/brain barrier
what drugs end in -tidine? H2 antagonists
What are other uses of 2nd generation antagonist? These are used for peptic ulcer disease, stress ulcers, and for acid reflux.
Created by: shamd1
Popular Pharmacology sets




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