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Knox VidPro CompQuiz

Definition of photographic composition The pleasing selection and arrangement of subjects within the picture area
2 ways to make arrangements in photographs 1 placing figures or objects in certain positions 2 choosing a point of view, or shifting your camera to make changes in composition
To create a picture demonstrating simplicity, you would compose your images so that the reason for taking the picture is very clear
How would you do this? By arranging all other parts besides the subject of the photograph to complement the subject
Identify four ways to create simplicity 1 choose simple backgrounds 2 avoid unrelated subjects 3 move in close 4 uncenter the subject
What is the rule of thirds? The theory that the screen is split into invisible lines, like a tic-tac-toe board
with moving subjects you must leave space for them to move into
What does placing the subject onto one of the four intersections do on the rule of thirds grid. allows you to use the remaining space to improve the composition of the subject.
What should you remember about the horizon? Place the horizon off-centre.
Where should you place verticles? Off centre.
Diagonal lines are... Diagonal lines are dynamic.
Why should you use diagonal lines? They create a leading line into the picture, a path for the eye to follow.
What do repetitive lines do? You can use repetitive lines to draw the viewers attention to your center of interest.
Give the definition of an S curve. A curving diagonal line that goes through an image which the eye can follow to the subject.
What are 3 ways you can develope your artistic eye. 1. keep backgrounds simple and clutter free. 2. Use diagonal lines for emphasis, repetitive lines to draw the viewers attention to center point. 3. Use an S curve to carry the viewers eye through an image.
Give the definition of photographic balance. The arrangement of light and dark, shapes, colors to complement one another.
What 2 types of balance are there? Explain why one is potentially more efective than the other. Symmetrical and nonsymmetrical balance . Nonsymetrical balance is more effective as it is more visually interesting.
Give the definition of framing. To use objects in the foreground to frame the subject.
What effect does framing have on a photograph. Can provide a sense of depth, and additional visual content.
Give the definition of a merger in your own words. Mergers are strong lines in the image background that negatively affect the subject by distracting the viewer.
How can you avoid mergers? To avoid mergers, check background and image outlines for strong lines that cut off the subject.
How are mergers caused? Poor viewfinder- photographic alignments.
Composition 101 part 1 Composition 101 part 1
What does "the screen is the real estate you are using to sell your vision" mean? The screen is the place you tell your story, its your medium, what will keep your audience.
Give an example of a long shot from your imagination. You are often establishing shots that portray characters in their environment. They often show alot more background.
What are medium shots used for?? To show interactions between two characters, for example-- two people sitting at a table, etc..
Why do film-makers use close ups?? To reveal facial expressions and emotion, that are unseen with a long or even medium shot.
What is the rule of thirds?? Dividing the frame into 9 equal rectangles, placing your main subject at the intersection of two lines.
What are leading lines? Lines that draw a viewers eye in a particular direction, can funnel the eye to a certain spot on the screen.
Define 'juxtaposition' To place two things together for comparison. Can be literal or symbolic.
Define 'headroom' The space above a person's head. Too much or too little and it will look unbalanced or cramped.
Why is is important to leave nose room? Leaving space in front of subjects nose; it bothers us when there's not enough room.
Define 'lead room' Nose room for moving objects (cars, horses, etc.)
Why is it important to be aware of background? If you're not aware of the background when composing your shot, things can get in the way and interfere. Also, it can be used to add your shot with visual interest and information.
Why is it important to be aware of foreground? It can be used to add information.
WHwy is balance important to the composition of a frame? An equally weighted appears to be at rest and makes the viewer calm.
How do you add tension to a shot? Identify two ways. -skewing the balance -adding vertical angled lines -tilting the camera a few degrees to one side -using a wide angle lens that distorts the shot so the lines arent parallel
Why is it key to maintain your composition? So that you don't confuse your viewers.
composition part 2> Explain what a natural frame is, and why it's useful. Something that frames your subject in the shot that naturally occurs (tree, window, plant, etc).
What effect can too much light have on a subject? harsh shadows, too much contrast, can't see highlights and details
When using "selective depth of field: what is the videographer able to do? focus the audience's attention on a certain part of the shot using clear focus to draw the eye to the subject
In what situation may it be useful to break the rules of composition? when you are trying to surprise or shock the audience or create a different or special focus
What is the importance of continuity? Keeping lighting,location and sound levels and other elements of the shot the same from shot to shot
Created by: tallteacher
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