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Med. Term Suhailah4

Medical Terminology Prefixes, Suffixes, Combing Forms "D"

Dacry/o- lacrimal sac; tears
Dactyl/o- finger or toe
-dactyly Condition of fingers or toes
De- reversal of; without
Dec/i- one tenth
Decidu/o- falling off
Defici/o- lacking; inadequate
Degluti/o- swallowing
Delt/o- triangle
Delus/o- false belief
Dem/o- people; population
Dendr/o- branching structure
Densit/o- density
Dent/i- tooth
Dentit/o eruption of teeth
Dent/o- tooth
Depend/o- to hang onto
Depress/o- press down
Derm/a- skin
-derma skin
Dermat/o- skin
Derm/o- skin
Desicc/o- to dry up
-desis procedure to fuse together
Dextr/o- right; sugar
Di- two
Dia- complete; completely through
Diabet/o- diabetes
Diaphore/o- sweating
Diaphragmat/o- diaphragm
Diaphys/o- shaft of a bone
Diastol/o- dilating
-didymis testes
Didym/o- testes
Dietet/o- foods; diet
Diet/o- foods; diet
Differentiat/o- being distinct; specialized
Different/o- being distinct; different
Digest/o- break down food; digest
Digit/o- digit (finger or toe)
Dilat/o- dilate; widen
Dipl/o- double
Dips/o- thirst
Dis- away from
Disk/o- disk
Disect/o- to cut apart
Dissemin/o- widely scattered throughout the body
Distent/o- distended; stretched
Dist/o- away from the center or point of origin
Diverticul/o- diverticulum
Donat/o- give as a gift
Dors/o- back; dorsum
-dose measured quantity
Dos/i- dose
-drome a running
Duc/o- bring; move
-duct duct (tube)
Duct/o- bring; move; a duct
Du/o- two
Duoden/o- duodenum (1st part of small intestine)
Dur/o- dura mater
Dynam/o- power; movement
Dyn/o- pain
Dys- painful; difficult; abnormal
Created by: 100001033451881
Popular Medical sets




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