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Digestive Terminol.

Chapter 11 Digestive System Medical Terminology

Peritoneum serous saclike lining of the abdominal and pelvic cavities.
Appendix small pouch attached to the cecum; no known digestive function, also called the vermiform appendix.
Abdomen portion of the body between the thorax and the pelvis
Soft palate posterior portion, not supported by bone
Hard palate anterior portion, supported by bone.
Uvula soft "V" shaped mass that extends from the soft palate; directs food into the throat
Pharynx, throat performs the swallowing action that passes food from the mouth into the esophagus.
Esophagus 10 inch tube that extends from the pharynx to the stomach.
Stomach "J" shaped sac that mixes and stores food; secretes chemicals for digestion and hormones for local control.
Cardia area around the opening of the esophagus.
Fundus uppermost domes portion of the stomach
Body central portion of the stomach
Antrum lower portion of the stomach
Pylorus portion of the stomach that connects to the small intestine
Pyloric sphincter rings of muscle that guards the opening between the stomach and the duodenum.
Small intestine 20-foot canal extending from the pyloric sphincter to the large intestine.
Duodenum first 10-12 inches of the small intestine
Jejunum second portion of the small intestine, approximately 8 feet.
Ileum third portion of the small intestine, approximately 11 feet.
Large intestine canal that is approximately 5 feet long and extends from the ileum to the anus.
Cecum blind "U" shaped pouch that is the first portion of the large intestine.
Colon next portion of the large intestine; includes the ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, and sigmoid colon
Rectum remaining portion of the large intestine, approximately 8-10 inches long
Anus sphincter muscle at the end of the digestive tract
Salivary glands produce saliva, which flows into the mouth
Liver produces bile, which is necessary for the digestion of fats; also aids in metabolism
Bile ducts passageways that carry bile; the hepatic duct (liver) and cystic duct (gallbladder) join to form the common bile duct. All together, they are known as the biliary ducts.
Gallbladder small, saclike structure that stores bile
Pancreas produces pancreatic juice, which helps to digest all types of food; also secretes insulin for carbohydrate metabolism
Peritoneum serous saclike lining of the abdominal and pelvic cavities.
Appendix small pouch attached to the cecum; no known digestive function, also called the vermiform appendix.
Abdomen portion of the body between the thorax and the pelvis
Adhesion abnormal growing together of two surfaces that are usually separated
Anorexia nervosa eating disorder characterized by prolonged refusal to eat, resulting in emaciation, amenorrhea, and abnormal fear of becoming obese.
Bulimia nervosa eating disorder involving gorging with food, followed by induced vomiting or laxative use (binge/purge)
Cirrhosis chronic disease of the liver with gradual destruction of cells and scar tissue formation, usually caused by alcoholism
Crohn disease chronic inflammation of the intestinal tract characterized by cobblestone ulcerations and scar tissue
Duodenal ulcer ulcer in the duodenum
Gastric ulcer ulcer in the stomach
Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) abnormal backward flow of gastric juices into the esophagus
Hemochromatosis iron metabolism disorder that occurs when too much iron is absorbed
Hemorrhoid varicose vein in the rectal area, may be internal or external
Ileus obstruction of the intestine
Intussusception telescoping of a segment of the intestine
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) periodic disturbance of bowel function
Obesity excess of body fat (not weight)
Peptic ulcer gastric or duodenal ulcer
Polyp tumor like growth extending outward from a mucus membrane, usually benign
Ulcerative colitis inflammation of the colon with the formation of ulcers
Volvulus twisting or kinking of the intestines
Proctoptsis prolapse of the rectum
Sialolith stone in the salivary gland
Steatohepatitis inflammation of the liver associated with excessive fat
Uvulitis inflammation of the uvula
Cholangiogram radiographic image of bile ducts
Cholangiography radiographic imaging of bile ducts
Cholecystogram radiographic image of the gallbladder
CT colonography radiographic imaging of the colon using a CT scanner
Esophagogram radiographic image of the esophagus
Laparotomy incision into the abdominal cavity
Colonoscope instrument used for visual examination of the colon
Colonoscopy visual examination of the colon
Endoscope instrument used for visual examination within a hollow organ
Endoscopy visual examination within a hollow organ
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) visual examination of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum
Esophagoscope instrument used for visual examination of the
Esophagoscopy visual examination of the esophagus
Gastroscope instrument used for visual examination of the stomach
Gastroscopy visual examination of the stomach
Laparoscope instrument used for visual examination of the abdominal cavity
Laparoscopy visual examination of the abdominal cavity
Proctoscope instrument used for visual examination of the rectum
Proctoscopy visual examination of the rectum
Sigmoidoscope instrument used for visual examination of the sigmoid colon
Sigmoidoscopy visual examination of the sigmoid colon
Herniorraphy suturing of a hernia for repair
Ileostomy creation of an artificial opening into the ileum
Laparotomy incision into the abdomen
Palatoplasy surgical repair of the palate
Polypectomy excision of a polyp
Pyloromyotomy incision into the pyloric muscle
Pyloroplasty surgical repair of the pylorus
Uvulectomy excision of the uvula
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) surgical repair of the uvula, palate, and pharynx, performed to correct obstructive sleep apnea
Abdominal pertaining to the abdomen
Anal pertaining to the anus
Aphagia without swallowing (inability to)
Colorectal pertaining to the colon and rectum
Dyspepsia difficult digestion
Dysphagia difficult swallowing
Gastrodynia pain in the stomach
Gastroenterologist one who studies ad treats the GI
Gastroenterology study of the GI
Gastromalacia softening of the stomach
Glossopathy disease of the tongue
Ileocecal pertaining to the ileum and the cecum
Nasogastric pertaining to the nose and stomach
Oral pertaining to the mouth
Pancreatic pertaining to the pancreas
Peritoneal pertaining to the peritoneum
Proctologist physician who studies and treats diseases of the rectum
Proctology study of the rectum
Rectal pertaining to the rectum
Steatorrhea discharge of fat (in stool)
Steatosis abnormal condition of fat
Stomatogastric pertaining to the mouth and the stomach
Sublingual pertaining to under the tongue
A&P resection abdominoperineal resection
BE barium enema
EGD Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
ERCP Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
EUS endoscopic ultrasound
FOBT fecal occult blood test
GERD Gastro-esophageal reflux disease
GI gastrointestinal
H. pylori helicobacter pylori
IBS irritable bowel syndrome
N nausea and vomiting
PEG percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
UGI upper gastrointestinal
UPPP Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty
Stoma surgical opening between an organ and the surface of the body
Created by: 5030831
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