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AHP/Lesson 14

AHP/Lesson 14/Anatomy: locating parts of the body

ad/ toward
af/ toward
afferent carrying toward the center
anatomic position position of body to describe location
anatomy science of structure of body
anter/o front/in front of
anterior in front of
biology the study of life
caud/o toward the tail or foot
caudal below
centr/o the center
central within or near the center
coron/o crown
coronal plane plane which divides body into front and back sections
coronal section divide into front and back
coronal relating to structure resembling a crown
cytology process of studying cells
dist/o farther from
distal away from center
dors/o back
dorsal on back side
/e (noun) noun suffix-no meaning, makes root word a noun
ef/ outside, outer
efferent carrying away from
ex/, ex/o out of, outside
extern/o outside
external outside or closer to the surface
/ferent bear, carry
frontal section dividing body into front/back portions
histology study of tissues
ili/o relating to the ilium (hip bone)
incision a cut, surgical wound
infer/o below
inferior below
intern/o inside
internal inside or away from
later/o side
lateral away from middle
longitudinal section divides body into left/right
/ly (adverb) in the style of
macroscopic parts of body seen with naked eye
macroscopically pertaining to macroscopy
medi/o middle
medial closer to the middle
microscope instrument for seeing small things
microscopic too small to be seen with the naked eye
microscopically pertaining to microscopy
midsagittal section section made down middle of body
midsagittal exact middle of body
morphologically pertaining to morphology
morphologic relating to study of form of organs
morphology study of form of body parts
/on (noun) noun suffix-no meaning
parasagittal section section made slightly to one side or other of midline
parasagittal one side or other of midline
pathologic relating to study of disease
pathology the study of disease
pathophysiology physiologic abnormality
peripheral at or near the rim or edge
pher/o support, bear
physiologically pertaining to physiology
physiologic relating to function of body parts
physiology study of how body works
plane direction of a section
posterolateral to side and in back of sagittal plane or middle
poster/o behind
posterior in back of
proxim/o nearer to
proximal near center of body or organ
sagittal plane plane which divides body into right, left sections
sagittal section divide body into right and left
sagittal right and left
sagittally relating to sagittal
scop/o examine
section slice or cut dividing body into parts
superomedial above and closer to the middle
super/o above
superficial on or closer to the skin or surface
superficially relating to the surface
superior above
superolateral above and further away from
transverse plane dividing above, below
transverse section dividing into top, bottom
transverse lying across long axis of body
transversely across long axis of body
ventr/o belly side
ventral on the belly side
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