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Cancer 102

Based on LU cancer notes, Lewis and Adams

radiation therapy delivery of high energy beams generate free radicals to break chemical bonds of DNA, used locally for cancer cells may be lethal or sublethal
Uses of Radiation therapy definitive (primary) therapy, adjuvant therapy (co therapy), prophylaxis, disease control, palliative
brachytherapy internal radiation therapy, more direct uses a catheter to place radiation directly at the site of cancer
general effect of chemotherapy on normal tissue fatigue, anemia, alteration of taste
effect of chemo on bone marrow infection, bleeding, anemia (cells replace 6-24 hours)
effect of chemo on neutrophils leukopenia, infection (cells replicate 12 hours)
effects of chemo on GI Tract Cells anorexia, mucostitis (mouth sore are a type), Nausea and vomiting, diarrhea. (cells replicate 12-24hours)
effects of Chemo on hair follicles alopecia (cells replicate 24 hours)
effects of Chemo on ova and testes reproductive dysfunction (replicate 24-36 hours)
Chemotherapy medication therapy used to treat solid tumors and hematologic malignancy
Factors affecting chemotherapy mitotic rate of tissue (quicker cells divide, quicker they respond to chemo), size, age and location of tumor, presence of resistant tumore cells
Main sites for Cancer metastasis bone, brain, lungs, liver, adrenal glands
Tumor angiogenesis blood vessels formed within tumors
defects in cellular proliferation cancer cells same rate as normal cells but don't follow rules of equalibrium, produce more than 2 cells, not
Cancer incidence rates relatively stable since 1992. Some types have become more common, others less so but overall the numbers are the same
Increased cancers non-hodgkins lymphoma, skin cancer
decreased cancers colorectal, lung, oral and pharyngeal cancer
Fastest rising cancer in the US melanoma
Cancer incidence male/female higher in men than women
Cancer incidence culture/ethnic African american males highest death rate of all, among women caucasian woman get cancer more often, but african american woman die from it more
Cause of death Cancer is second, heart disease first
dynamic equilibrium (cells) normally cell proliferation equals cell degeneration
contact inhibition proliferation control, normal cells respect the boundaries and territory of other cells, will NOT invade
rapid cellular proliferation bone marrow, hair follicle, epithelial lining of the GI tract
slow cellular proliferation myocardium and cartilage
Cancer cell proliferation proliferate at the same rate as normal cells, but do not respond to dynamic equilibrium and contact inhibition. sometimes produce two cells during mitosis
prootoncogenes normal cellular genes, important regulators of normal cellular processes, promote growth
tumor suppressor genes suppress growth, regulate cell growth
oncogenes tumor inducing genes, are mutated prootoncogenes
Benign neoplasms well differentiated, not invasive
malignant neoplasm range from well differentiated to undifferentiated. Characterized by ability to invade and metastasize
Stages of cancer development initiation, promotion, progression
Initiation mutation in the cells genetic structure resulting from an inherited mutation or following exposure to a chemical radiation or viral agent. Can develop into clone (group of identical cells). Irreversible (does not always develop into a tumor)
carcinogens cancer-causing agents capable of producing cellular alterations
Genetic Susceptibility cancer related genes have been identified, but it is believed that only 10% of cancers have a strong genetic link
Promotion characterized by the REVERSIBLE proliferation of altered cells
Prevention factors diet, exercise, quitting drinking and smoking etc...
latent period period of time, 1-40 years, between initial genetic alteration and clinical evidence of cancer
Progression final stage of cancer, increased growth rate of tumor, increased invasiveness and spread of cancer
Metastasis spread of cancer
Location where cancer metastasizes brain and cerebrospinal fluid, lung, liver, adrenal glands, bone
tumor angiogenesis formation of blood vessels within the tumor
tumor associated antigens cancer cell surface antigens as a result of malignant transformation
immunologic surveillance response of immune system to antigens, main job of immune system in regards to cancer
Escape mechanisms cancer has for immune surveillance suppression of factors that stimulate T cells to react, weak surface antigens, development of tolerance of immune system, suppression of immune system, blocking antibodies
Classification of Cancers anatomic site, histology (grading), extent of disease (staging)
Anatomic site classification identified by it's tissue of origin, anatomic site, and behavior of tumor (benign or malignant)
Sarcoma originate from mesoderm (connective tissue, muscle, bone, and fat)
carcinoma originate from ectoderm (skin and glands) and endoderm (mucous membranes of Respiratory, GI and GU tracts)
Lymphomas and Leukemias originate from the hematopoieteic system (blood cancers)
Histologic Grading appearance of cells and degree of differentiation evaluated by a pathologist, Four grades. The poorly differentiated tumors have a worse prognosis
Grade 1 mild dysplasia (slight difference) and well differentiated
Grade 2 moderate dysplasia, moderately differentiated
Grade 3 severe dysplasia, poorly differentiated
Grade 4 immature and primitive cells (anaplasia)and undifferentiated, hard to determine cell of origin
staging determines the anatomic extent of the malignant disease
stage 0 cancer in situ
stage 1 tumor only in tissue of origin, localized growth
stage 2 limited local spread
stage 3 extensive local and regional spread
stage 4 metastasis
TNM Classification system uses tumor size (T), spread to lymph nodes (N), and metastasis (M) to classify the cancer T-N-M- The letter is followed by 0-4 or x 0-no evidence, 1-4 ascending degrees, x cannot be determined
Prevention of Cancer Reduce or avoid exposure to carcinogens, healthy balanced diet, exercise 5x a week, adequate rest, Health exam, reduce stress, know the warning signs of cancer, Have cancer screenings as warranted, do self-exams, seek medical care if a change is noticed
CAUTION Change in the bowel or bladder habits, A sore throat that does not heal, Unusual bleeding or discharge from body orifice, Thickening or lumps, Indigestion or diffuculty swallowing, Obvious change of wart or mole, Nagging cough or hoarseness
biopsy only definitive means of diagnosing cancer
Surgical Therapy for cancer preventative, cure and control, supportive and palliative, rehabilitative
irritants medication that damages the inside of the vein causing phlebitis and sclerosis and limiting the future vein access. Does NOT cause tissue damage if it infiltrates
vesicant if infiltrated into skin, can cause severe local tissue damage breakdown and necrosis
CVAD central venous access device, placed in large blood vessels. used for long term access. Three types tunneled catheters, PICC, and implanted ports
Tunneled catheter single, double or triple lumen, inserted through a central vein (central line)into the superior vena cava or right atrium
PICC peripherally inserted central venous catheters, single or double lumen. Inserted at or above Antecubital fossa. Good for 6 months
Implanted infusion ports port implanted in the skin with a line running to a vein. Must use a huber needle with these
teletherapy external beam radiation, most common form of radiation treatment
Nursing Management of Problems caused by treatment
GI, stomatitis, mucositis, esophagitis asses oral mucosa daily, artificial saliva, discourage use of irritants
Nausea and vomiting antiemetics, diversional activities, tell patient to eat and drink when not nauseated
anorexia monitor weight, encourage small frequent meals, high protein and high calorie foods, avoid nagging
diarrhea low fiber, low residue, consume at least 3L of water
Constipation stool softeners
Hematology Monitor lab values of LFT's, Hemaglobin, Hematocrit, WBC, and platelets
Integumentary avoid sun, avoid other irritants, discuss potential hair loss, use mild soap (dove, ivory)
GU tract Monitor urinary changes, discuss reproductive choices before treatment,
nervous system monitor mental status
respiratory monitor for pneumontitis, dry hacking cough, fever, and exertional dyspnea
Cardiovascular system Monitor Heart changes, EKG
Psychoemotional Fatigue and depression, rest when neccessary
biologic therapy agents that modify the relationship between the host and the tumor by altering the body's response to the tumor cells. 1. direct antitumor effects 2. restore, augment, modulate host immune system 3. other effects such as preventing metastisize
targeted therapy targets specific cellular receptors and pathways that are important to tumor growth
stem cells may become any type of cell
bone marrow transplants, stem cell transplants sometimes used effectively for treatments of certain cancers. Desired outcome is cure
Malnutrition suggest nutritional supplementation as soon as weight loss of 5% is noted. Monitor Albumin and prealbumin levels. High Protein foods
Altered taste sensation believed to be caused by cancer cells stimulating the bitter taste buds. Affects most cancer patients
Infection primary cause of death in cancer patients. Lungs, GU system, mouth, rectum, peritoneal cavity and blood. Compromised immune system makes these patients very susceptible to infection
Normal Values on a CBC
RBC's male 4.5-6 female 4-5
Hematocrit 3x hemoglobin if fluid volume is normal
Hemoglobin Male 13.5-18 Female 12-16
platelet count 150-400
WBC 4.0-11.0
Remember for Histologic Classification lower number best prognosis, higher number harder to treat
debulking surgery reduce tumor size
nadir blood counts are wiped out by the treatment, when they are most prone to infection and other problems
Which cancer has the highest mortality rate? Lung Cancer 28% of all cancer deaths
Glioma cancer of interstital (glial) cells in the brain, spinal cord, pineal gland, posterior pit gland or retina
adjuvant chemotherapy administering chemo after surgery or radiation therapy
growth fraction measure of the number of cells undergoing mitosis in a tissue
alkylation (alkylating agents) process of forming bonds or linkages with DNA, either kills cell (when it attempts to divide) or slows the replication of the tumor cell
antimetabolites chemically resemble building blocks of cells, interfere with the metabolism of tumor cells,
antitumor antibiotics drugs obtained from bacteria that have the ability to kill cancer cells. Not widely used. Very specific to a type of cancer, cytotoxic
vinca alkaloids older drugs derived from the periwinkle plant. prevent division of cancer cells
taxanes isolated from the yew tree, prevents division of cancer cells. bone marrow toxicity caution
topoisomerase I an enzyme that helps repair DNA damage
Corticosteroids (glucocorticoids) dexamethasone and prednisone, suppress cell division. also given with chemo to reduce nausea, weight loss and tissue inflammation
Gonadal Hormones used to treat tumors that contain specific hormone receptors.
antiestrogens used to treat tumors that depend on estrogen for growth
aromatase inhibitors antiestrogens that block the enzyme aromatase
androgen antagonists prescribed for advanced prostate cancer
biologic response modifiers given with antineoplastics (chemo) to help limit the severity of the immunosuppressive effects of those meds
cancer is cured when every malignant cell is removed or killed through surgery, chemo, radiation or pt.s immunes system
Created by: 582303342
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