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Science and Culture in the 19th Century

Philosopher who first developed utilitarianism. Bentham
English commissioner who established the link between disease and poor sanitary conditions, causing England to pass its first public health law. Chadwick
The belief that people contract disease by breathing in foul odors Miasmatic Theory
Theory that specific diseases were caused by specific living organisms. Germ Theory
Frenchman who developed the germ theory of disease Pasteur
The process of heating a beverage to kill to purify it from bacteria Pasteurization
The brainchild of English surgeon Joseph Lister, an innovation which greatly reduced wound infections Antiseptic Principle
The city planner who under Napoleon III bulldozed and rebuilt much of Paris Haussmann
Revolutionary psychiatrist and developer of psychoanalysis Freud
Husband and wife who wrote "The Subjection of Women" Mill (Stuart and Harriet)
English founder of neoclassical economics and writer of "Principles of Economics" Marshall
Russian chemist and creator of the periodic table. Mendeleev
English physicist whose discoveries were fundamental to electrodynamics and led to the creation of the first dynamo. Faraday
The first sociologist who proposed that all intellectual activity passes from a Theological to Scientific condition. Comte
The scientific method, as defined by Comte. Positvism
Pioneering geologist whose theories of uniformitarianism disproved the idea that the Earth's surface had been formed by short-lived cataclysms. Lyell
French biologist who proposed a system similar to evolution. Lamarck
The dude who actually proposed the theory of evolution. Darwin
The work that first advanced Darwin's ideas. On the Origin of Species
Englishman who coined the term "survival of the fittest" to describe humanity's continuing evolution in response to the economic struggle Herbert Spencer
The name given to Spencer's application of Darwinian thought to sociology Social Darwinism
The belief that art should depict life "exactly as it is" Realism
French realist author of J'Accuse Zola
Zola's novel detailing a coal strike Germinal
Balzac's magnum opus which characterized French society as amoral and brutal The Human Comedy
Flaubert's novel detailing the life of a bored housewife who pursues an adulterous affair and is eventually betrayed by her lover. Madame Bovary
One of George Eliot's finest novels, detailing how people are shaped by their social mediums in addition to their own choices Middlemarch
English author of "The House of Seven Gables" Hardy
FTP identify this English author of "The Mystery of Edwin Drood," "Bleak House," and "Great Expectations" Dickens (accept Charles Dickens)
Russian author best known for works such as "Anna Karenina" and "War and Peace" Tolstoy
Russian author famous for works such as "The Idiot" and "Crime and Punishment" Dostoyevsky
Russian author of "Fathers and Sons" whose work "Sportsman's Sketches" may have inspired Alexander II to free Russia's serfs Turgenev
Russian realist painter and sculptor of works such as "Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks" Repin
Created by: betsynewmark



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