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Clin Lab Proced.07

Homework Packet #7

The _______________ portion of the cell surrounding the nucleus is the cytoplasm. Fluid
The _______________ is the central structure of a cell that contains DNA and controls cell growth. Nucleus
A chemical used to prevent deterioration of cells and tissues is a _______________. Fixative
A buffer is a chemical substance that lessens the change in _______________ of a solution when acid or base is added. pH
Blood cell production can be evaluated by examining _______________. Bone marrow
After slides are cleaned and polished, they can be stored in 95% _______________ until use. Ethanol
A _______________ is an immature granulocyte with a non-segmented nucleus. Band cell
A leukocyte containing dark staining granules in the cytoplasm is a ________________. Basophil
An _______________ is a leukocyte containing bright orange granules in the cytoplasm. Eosinophil
A small leukocyte having a round or oval nucleus, basophilic cytoplasm, and plays a vital role in the immune process is called a _______________. Lymphocyte
A neutral-staining leukocyte, usually the first line of defense against infections, is called a _______________. Neutrophil
A _______________ is a large bone marrow cell from which platelets are derived. Megakaryocyte
A clear, membrane-bound compartment in a cell cytoplasm is called a _______________. Vacuole
An immature _______________ is also known as a band. Neutrophil
_______________ is a marked variation in sizes of erythrocytes when observed on a peripheral blood smear. Anisocytosis
_______________ describes red cells that have reduced color or hemoglobin content. Hypochromic or (Hypochromia/Hypochromatic)
A determination of the relative numbers of each type of leukocyte in a stained blood smear is called the _______________. WBC Differential Count
Poikilocytosis is a significant variation in the shape of _______________. Erythrocytes
The five types of leukocytes, as well as erythrocytes and platelets, all originate from hemopoietic _______________. Stem cells
An increase in lymphocytes and in "atypical" lymphs is found in the patient condition ____________________. Infectious Mononucleosis
Folic acid deficiency can cause _______________ red blood cells. Macrocytic
A blast cell is an immature blood cell that is normally found in the _______________. Bone marrow
_______________ is an abnormal increase in the number of eosinophils in the blood. Eosinophilia
A shrunken red blood cell with scalloped or toothed margins is known as a _______________ cell. Crenated
Vitamin _______________ is essential to the proper maturation of blood and other cells in the body. B12
A _______________ describes the appearance of an increased number of immature neutrophil forms in the peripheral blood. Shift to the left
A reticulocyte is an immature erythrocyte that has retained _______________ in the cytoplasm. RNA
A dye that stains living cells or tissues is a _______________ stain. Supravital
An increase above the normal number of reticulocytes in the circulating blood is called _______________. Reticulocytosis
The number of reticulocytes divided by the number of red cells counted is expressed as the _______________. Percent Reticulocyte (% Reticulocyte)
The reaction of tissue to injury is called _______________. Inflammation
_______________ is an excess of RBCs in the peripheral blood. Polycythemia
The ESR rest is based on the principle of solid particles falling to the bottom of a liquid, a process called _______________. Sedimentation
In abnormal blood, the erythrocytes sometimes form aggregates resembling stacks of coins called _______________. Rouleaux
The total substances making up a mass is called an _______________. Aggregate
_______________ are proteins that increase in serum during acute infection or inflammation. Acute Phase Proteins (APP)
Results of the Westergren ESR are reported in _______________. mm/hr (millimeters/hr)
Blood specimens from a patient with polycythemia would be expected to show an _______________ ESR. Decreased or low
GAUGE A measure of the diameter of a needle.
HEMOCONCENTRATION Increase in the concentration of the cellular elements in the blood.
LUMEN The open space within a tubular organ or tissue.
FIXATIVE A chemical that prevents deterioration of cells or tissues.
MORPHOLOGY The form and structure of cells, tissues, and organs.
BASOPHILIC Having affinity for the basic stain; blue in color.
ERYTHROCYTE INDICES Calculated values that compare the size and hemoglobin content of the red blood cells in a blood sample to reference values.
FEMTOLITER (fL) A unit of volume which is 10^-15 L.
FOLIC ACID A member of the B vitamin complex.
HOWELL-JOLLY BODY Nuclear remnant remaining in red blood cells after the nucleus is lost, commonly seen in pernicious anemia and hemolytic anemia.
THALASSEMIA (or Sickle Cell Anemia) An inherited condition in which abnormal hemoglobin is produced, resulting in anemia.
Created by: luparl
Popular Medical sets




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