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6th grade science cells. 2nd semester

Who was the first person to see a cell? Robert Hooke
How did cells get their names? Robert Hooke looked a slice of cork through a micro scope and saw 'empty' boxes that looked like the rooms that monks live in. Those homes were called cells.
Who was a botinist who studied plants and determined that all plants were made of cells? Mattias Schleiden.
Who was a zoeologist who studied animals and determined that all animals were made of cells? Theodor Schwann.
Who joined Theodor Schwann and Mattias Schleiden and said that new cells form as old cells divide? Rudolf Virchow.
What was the cell theory? 1. that all organisms are made up of one or more cells. 2. that cells are the basic units of structure and function in all organisms. 3. that all cells come from other cells.
One-celled organisms. Perform all of lifes' functions by themselves.
In many celled organisms. Special types of cells perform certain functions.
Groups of cells form ___ and so on... Tissue. Groups of tissue for organs. Groups of organs form organ systems. Groups of organ systems create an organism.
Prokaryotic Cells... Have no nucleus. Hereditary material (DNA) floats throughout the cytoplasm. Ex: Bacteria.
Eukaryotic Cells... You. (hehe :) )
Cell parts are called... _______ organelles.
The cell membrane is... the outer boundary of the cell. it allows materials to go in and out of the cell... depending on what that material is. Ex: Food, water, waste materials.
The nucleus is... The largest organelle. Controls all cell activities. separated from the cytoplasm by the nuclear membrane. contains chromatin.
Nucleur membrane is... The outer boundary of the nucleus. contains the DNA or heredity material of the cell. Forms chromosomes during cell division.
Cytoplasm is... the gel-like material inside the cell. Also known as the "space filler" of the cell. This contains all of the cell's organelles. This also contains large amounts of water. Cytoplasm is constantly 'on the move'.
ER Endoplasmic Reticulum This is the transport system of the cell. It runs from the nucleus to the cell membrane. This also moves materials throughout the cell.
Ribosomes are... Found along the ER and cytoplasm Make the ER seem 'rough' And they produce proteins for cell activities.
Golgi Bobies are... secreting organelles of the cell. These package proteins and move them to the cell membrane where they are removed from the cell.
Mitochondria are... Where the cell energy is made. food molecules are broken down and energy is released. sometimes called the 'power house' of the cell. very active cells (ex: muscle cells) have MANY mitochondria. The surface is folded to increase the amount of ...
Mitochondira continued... surface area and increase cell output. The greater the surface area, the more energy that can be produced.
Vacuoles are... The storage units of the cell. They can store food, water and wastes. Like the garage of the cell.
Lysosomes are... They contain the digestive enzymes that break down food molecules and old cell parts. like the garage collectors of the cell.
The difference(s) between plant and animal cells are/is... Plant Square Cells wall Chloroplasts Animal Blob shaped No cell wall No chloroplasts
Cell wall: Surrounds the outside of a plant cell and supports and protects the plant cell. also gives cell its shape made of cellulose.
Chloropasts: contains chlorophyll which traps the sun's energy photosynthesis takes place here.
Created by: brigid_oshea
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