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Manpower Block I

Manpower Apprentice Course Block I Study Guide

Name the three phases of brainstorming Generation / Clarification / Evaluation
Describe the Generation phase of brainstorming. 1-clearly state the topic and write it down 2-all members silently generate some ideas 3-record all ideas w/ each person presenting one idea at a time continue this phase until all ideas have been exhasted
Describe the Clarification phase of brainstorming. 1-give group enough time to review each idea 2-eliminate duplications 3-clarify ideas 4-write down additional ideas that are generated
Describe the Evaluation phase of brainstorming. review and discuss the list to eliminate idea that irrelevant to the topic
Name the three types of Brainstorming. Structured / Free-form / Silent
What is the advantages of Structured Brainstorming? Everyone has an equal chance to participate
What is the advantages of Free-form Brainstorming? Spontaneous, creative, relaxed atmosphere, easy to build on others' ideas
What is the advantages of Silent Brainstorming? Ideas can be more sensitive, provides anonymity, can be used in large groups
What is the disadvantages of Structured Brainstorming? Loss of spontaneity, fewer ideas may be generated
What is the disadvantages of Free-form Brainstorming? Can be dominated by strong idndividuals, spontaneity can cause a loss of ideas
What is the disadvantages of Silent Brainstorming? Loss of group effort and building on ideas, time consuming, difficult to clarify ideas
When using brainstorming techniques, what should be emphasis be on? quanity, not quality
Which form of braining storming encouraged everyone to contribute ideas as they come to mind? Free Forming
Which type of braining storming is more effetive when used in combination with other brainstorming techniques? Silent Brainingstorming
Which type of brainingstorming techniques allows everyone to have an equal chance to participate. Structured Brainstorming
Allocates manpower resourse to major commands (MAJCOMs), field operating agencies (FOAs), and direct reporting units (DRUs) is a funtinal responsibility of who? HQ USAF/A1M, directorate of Manpower and Organization
Exercises administarative contrl of all Air Force units and approves organizational changes and variances is a funtinal responsibility of who? HQ USAF/A1M, directorate of Manpower and Organization
Established policies and procedures used by funtional managers, MAJCOMs, FOAs, and DRUs to determine manpower requirements. HQ USAF/A1M, directorate of Manpower and Organization
Approves manpower standards and variances as delegated by the Chief of Staff of the air Force (CSAF) HQ USAF/A1M, directorate of Manpower and Organization
Approves officer and enlisted grade allocations. HQ USAF/A1M, directorate of Manpower and Organization
Validates colonal positions. HQ USAF/A1M, directorate of Manpower and Organization
Provides final grade factors to MAJCOMs, FOAs and DRUs. HQ USAF/A1M, directorate of Manpower and Organization
Manage manpower resourse allocated to their commands by HQ USAF in support of approved missions and levels of service. MAJCOM, FOA, DRU Chiefs of Manpower and Organization
Participate in Air Force-wide manpower management studies, and perform mission and funtional studies uniques to the command. MAJCOM, FOA, DRU Chiefs of Manpower and Organization
Annually review all changes to Air Force Manpower Standards (AFMSs) in conjuction with MAJCOM funtionsl managers. MAJCOM, FOA, DRU Chiefs of Manpower and Organization
Performs studies that apply to more than on MAJCOM or for organizations without management engineering capability Air Force Manpower Agency (AFMA)
Annually reviews and processes all changes to AFMSs received from MAJCOMs, FOAs, and DRUs. Air Force Manpower Agency (AFMA)
Gives technical guidance and support to functional offices of primary responsibility (ORRs), MAJCOMS, FOAs, DRUs Air Force Manpower Agency (AFMA)
Publishes all manpower standards (AFMS, new name CMS) Air Force Manpower Agency (AFMA)
Service as the point of contact for all Air Force management engineering procedural matters. Air Force Manpower Agency (AFMA)
Develops Management Engineering Programs (MEP) tools Air Force Manpower Agency (AFMA)
Provides implementation training on the latest MEP tools Air Force Manpower Agency (AFMA)
Develops and maintains standard, wartime, and special military man-hour availability factors (MAFs) Air Force Manpower Agency (AFMA)
Defines and describes data system requirements to support the grade allocation process Air Force Manpower Agency (AFMA)
Prepares final grade factors for command allocations Air Force Manpower Agency (AFMA)
Determines and prioritizes core processes consistent with available resources and approved levels of service; validates and defends their manpower requirements. Funtional Manager (HQ USAF or MAJCOM)
What are the four (4) Core Competencies of the Manpower career field. Requirements determination, program allocation and control,orgainizational structure, performance management
Chairs the manpower standards development team that is facilitated by the representative of AFMA or the MAJCOM Manpower Funtional Manager (HQ USAF or MAJCOM)
Reviews functional accuracy and recommends approval of manpower standards and variances. Funtional Manager (HQ USAF or MAJCOM)
Notifies local labor unions, through the servicing civil personnel office, of MEP studies at all affected locations. Funtional Manager (HQ USAF or MAJCOM)
Verifies and validated local process. Installation (base-level) Manpower Office
Assists functional managers with process improvements Installation (base-level) Manpower Office
Audits the accuracy of workload data submitted by functional OPRs. Installation (base-level) Manpower Office
Coordinates all manpower changes with appropriate local OPRs. Installation (base-level) Manpower Office
Functions as liaison to MAJCOM Manpower management staffs (communicates directly) Installation (base-level) Manpower Office
Manpower Standards is part of what core competence? Requirments Determination
A-76 commercial activities and competitive sourcing and privatization studies is part of what core competence? Requirments Determination
Wartime manpower requirements and utilization is part of what core competence? Requirments Determination
Logistic Composite Model (LCOM) is part of what core competence? Requirments Determination
Process reengineering and continues process improvement initiatives is part of what core competence? Requirments Determination
Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution System (PPBE) is part of what core competence? Program Allocation and Control
Future Year Defense Plan (FYDP) is part of what core competence? Program Allocation and Control
Manpower resources, military grades and ceilings is part of what core competence? Program Allocation and Control
Air Force organization is part of what core competence? Organization Structure
Activates, redesignations, objectives, and reorganizations is part of what core competence? Organization Structure
Air Force Strategic Planning is part of what core competence? Performance Management
Management consulting services is part of what core competence? Performance Management
productivity programs is part of what core competence? Performance Management
IDEA Program is part of what core competence? Performance Management
Awards is part of what core competence? Performance Management
Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF) Survey is part of what core competence? Performance Management
3S331 Manpower Apprentice Performs at the learning level and assist other analysts with Manpower tasks. Must complete Manpower 3 level course.
3S351 Manpower Journeyman Performs (with spot checks) funtions within the Manpower career field. Must complete 6-18 months OJT and 5 lvl CDS.
3S371 Manpower Craftsman Experience in the perfromance and supervision of the funtions within the Manpower career field. Must also complete 7 level CDC
3S391-Manpower Superintendent Manages projects timelines, works issues for the 3, 5, 7 ,level performing work, and ensuringthe resources required to complete their projects in a timely manner. Performs at a management level.
AFSC 38F4 Fully qualified, Staff Level, above the wing level
AFSC 38F3 Fully qualified, wing level or below
AFSC 38F1 Not fully qualified, but must complete Force Support Officer Course.
What is the primary difference between a Manpower Apprentice and Journeyman? Experience
What is the primary difference between a Manpower Journeyman abd Craftsman? Journeyman normally perform; Craftsman normally perform and supervise.
What is the primary difference between a Manpower Craftsman and Superintendent is that Craftsman normally Supervise; Supertendents normally manage.
True or False, both 38F3 and 38F4 require 18 months of expererience? True
State the five (5) principles of Air Force Organization. Emphasis on Wartime Tasks / Functional Grouping / lean Organizational Structures / Skip-Echelon Structure / Standard Level
What are the key points of "Emphasis on Wartime Tasks"? Orgs must be structured to accomplish wartime tasks without reorganizing
What are the key points of "Funtional Grouping"? Orgs must have a natural division of work that clearly defines where responsibilities begin and end. Must have a clear purpose, goal, and scope with one individual in charge.
What are the key points of "Lean Organization"? Orgs must encourage rapid decision making, so they should be flat structures.
What are the key points of "Skip-Echelon Structure"? MAJCOMS, wings, and squadrons possess the full range of Staff functions needed to perform required tasks. NAFs and Groups do not.
What are the key points of "Standard Level"? The AF uses standard levels to describe organizations. Orgs are established at the lowest level required to successfully accomplish the primary mission.
State the ten (10) levels of Air Force Organization. HQ USAF / MAJCOMs / NAFs / Wings / Groups / Squardrons / Flights / Centers / Laboratory / Region
What are the two major entities of the Air Force? Secretarty of the Air Force (SECAF) Military / Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF) civilian
A Direct Reporting Unit (DRU) is a subdivision of the AF, directly subordinate to the CSAF (military side. A DRU performs a mission that does not fit into any MAJCOM
A Field Operating Agency (FOA) is a subdivision of the AF, directly subordinate to a HQ USAF funtional manager. A FOA performs field activities beyond the scope of any of the major commands.
A MAJCOM Direct Reporting Unit (DRU) is A MAJCOM DRU works directly for the MAJCOM commander and performs a mission that doesn't fit into any of the MAJCOMs primary subordinate units.
A MAJCOM Field Operating Agency (FOA) is A MAJCOM FOA reports directly to the MAJCOM funtional manager and performs specialized field activities beyond the scope of any og the MAJCOM primary subordinates units.
Name the three (3) types of Wings. Operational Wing/ Air Base Wing / Specialized Mission Wing
Name the two (2) types of Groups. Dependent Group / Independent Group
Name the three (3) types of Flights. Numbered flight / Alpha Flight / Funtional Flight
Define the organizational term Constitute. Provide the legal authority for a new unit.
Define the organizational term Disband. Withdraw the legal authority for a unit.
Define the organizational term Reconstitute. Renew legal authority for a disbanded unit.
Define the organizational term Activate. Bring into existence a constituted unit.
Define the organizational term Inactivate. Ends the exsistance of a unit.
Define the organizational term Designate. Give an official name (or a number and name) to a a unit.
Define the organizational term Redisgnate. Change the name or number of a unit.
Define the organizational term Consolidate. Combine two or more organizations by merging their lineages in to a single org.
Define the organizational term Assign. Plase a unit with an exsisting military org.
Define the organizational term Attach. {;aces a unit or part of a unit, with a ilitary org other than its parent org.
Name the three (3) organizational entities. Establishments / units / non-units
Define Establishment. An establishment is automatically created when a parent unit (group-level or above) is activated.
Define Unit. A unit is a military oranization constituted by directives issued by HQ USAF. It is either named or numbered.
Define Non-Unit. A non-unit is an organization entity that is not constituted by HQ USAF as a unit. (they do not have a DAF/A1M letter associated with them.
Name the seven (7) types of units. Active / in active /Disbanded / Parent / Attached / Detached /Primary Subordinate
Name the six (6) types of non-units. Named activity / Detachment / Operating Location (OL) / Squadron Section / Air Force Element / Provisional Unit
HQ USAF/A1M publishes DAF/A1M letters to establish what actions? Constitute / reconstitute / disband / consolidated / activated / inactivated / redesignate / assign / reassign
True or False MAJCOMs and their subordinate units (through their MO office) must have a HQ USAF/A1M approval to activate, inactivate or redesignate a unit? True
What is the first OCR question? What is the proposed actions
What is the second OCR question? Why is the action needed?
What is the third OCR question? What is the structure of the new organization?
What is the forth OCR question? How does the structure compare with the standard structure and nomenclature? Justify differences
What is the fifth OCR question? Are standard data code/data element changes requiring HQ USAF/A1MO action required? If so, explain.
What is the sixth OCR question? What are the potential impact on other organizations?
What is the seventh OCR question? What is the impact of the organization request on the unit history?
What is the eighth OCR question? What is the cost of the request in terms of dollars and resouces?
What is the nineth OCR question? If proposing a major unit change, what other similar units in the command are affected?
Statistics is defined as? a scientific approach to collect, analyze, and interpret data.
Descriptive Statistics is defined as? the process of using numbers or graphs to summarize or describe characteristics of a population.
Population describes…? all the individuals, items, events, etc., which possess some identifying characteristic.
Parameter describes…? a numerical characteristic of an entire population.
Sample describes…? a subject of a population.
Sampling describes…? the process of collecting samples and using sample data to estimate the characteristics of a population.
Random Sampling describes…? the process of selecting samples from a population so that all population members have the same probability of being selected for the sample.
Statistic is defined as? a numerical characteristic of a sample.
Inference is defined as? a generalization about an entire population based on sample data analyzed with inferential statistics
Inferential Statistics is defined as? the process of using numbers to make an inference about a population from a sample
What are the three (3) Measures of Central Tendency? the Arithmetic Mean / The Median (Md) / The Mode (Mo) / The Midrange (Mr)
What are the two (2) Measures of Dispersion? Standard deviation / coefficient of variation
The Standard Deviation measures? how much we can expect a given value to differ from the mean of its distribution
What does the Coefficient of Variation measure? it is a relative measure of dispersion: it measures variation about the mean as a percentage, free from any unit of measure.
The UMD is an output product of what system? Manpower Programming and Execution System (MPES)
The UMD is generally organized by? organization structure code (OSC) or functional account code (FAC)
Created by: 1310807311
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