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Skin/Wound Care

A protein substance that adds strength to a healing wound Collagen
chronic wound caused by unrelieved pressure that compromises blood flow to an area, resulting in ischemia in the underlying tissue Pressure Ulcer
to lose color(test of skin integrity of the circulation performed by applying and then relieving pressure) Blanching
Inadequate blood supply to tissue Tissue Ischemia
An oxygen deficiency to the tissues Tissue hypoxia
An area of hardened tissue Induration
Skin flushes bright red when pressure to area is relieved; extra blood rushes to area to compensate for ischemic period Normal reactive hyperemia
When redness does not disappear quickly when pressure to area is relieved; tissue damage has occured Abnormal reactive hyperemia
Black leathery covering comprised of necrotic tissue and plasma proteins Eschar
Removal of devitalized tissue; allows wound to heal and removes the medium for bacterial growth Debridement
Sharp debridement The use of a sharp instrument to remove devitalized tissue.
Mechanical debridement The use of wet-to-dry dressings, or hydrotherapy to remove devitalized tissue; reserved for wounds with large amount of nonviable tissue.
Enzymatic debridement The application of a topical enzymatic agent to the wound.
Autolysis The use of an occlusive moisture retaining dressing and the body's own mechanisms for ridding itself of necrotic tissue.
5 Risk and Contributing Factors to Pressure Ulcer Development Time, Pressure, Tolerance, Intrinsic factors, and Extrinsic factors
Alters skin characteristics or 02 delivery capablities: nutrition, age, circulation, underlying health status Intrinsic factors
3 Extrinsic factors Friction, shearing, and exposure to moisture
Mechanical force from dragging across coarse surface Friction
Pressure exerted against skin parallel to body surface; epidermal layer slides over dermis causing damage to vascular bed. Shearing
Macerates the skin and decreases the amount of pressure required to produce ulceration Moisture
Most common sites where pressure ulcers develop Over bony prominences
Primary Intention minimal tissue loss, approximated edges. (Clean surgical incision)
Secondary Intention Extensive tissue loss, edges not approximated; heals from inner layer to outer layer by granulation. (Pressure ulcer, infected wound)
Tertiary Intention Delayed primary closure, intially healed 2nd intention, then suturing. (Infected surgical wound)
3 Stages of Wound Healing in the order they occur Inflammatory, Proliferation, Maturation
Inflammatory "Cleansing"--hemostasis and inflammation (takes 1-5 days)
Proliferation "Regeneration"--fill defect and resurface skin; Collagen forms; granulation occurs (after 5-21 days)
Maturation "Epethelialization"--scar tissue forms and wound strengthens. Final phase of healing. (after 2-3 weeks)
5 Types of Wound Drainage Serous, Sanguineous, Serosanguineous, Purulent, Purosanguineous
5 Prevention factors to reduce formation of pressure ulcers Skin Care, Nutritional Needs, Frequent positioning and turning q 2 hrs, Obtain health hx, Do a comprehensive Risk Assessment (Braden and Norton scales)
Dehiscence Separation of 1 or more layers of wound (usually abd wound)
Evisceration Total separation of layers of wound with internal viscera protruding through incision. Surgical emergency!
Fistula Abnormal passage connecting two body cavities, usually resulting from infection.
Stage 1 Pressure Ulcer Intact skin with non-blanchable redness of a localized area usually over a bony prominence
Stage 2 Pressure Ulcer Partial thickness loss of dermis presenting as a shallow, open ulcer with a red pink wound bed, without slough. May also be intact, open, or ruptured serum-filled blister
Stage 3 Pressure Ulcer Full thickness tissue loss, Subq fat may be visible but bone, tendon or ms are not exposed. Slough may be present, may include undermining and tunneling
Stage 4 Pressure ulcer Full thickness tissue loss with exposed bone, tendon or ms. Slough or eschar may be present on some parts of wound bed, often include undermining and tunneling.
Unstageable Full thickness tissue loss in which the base of the ulcer is covered by slough or eschar.
Created by: lydiapoe90
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