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Stanford PCAP 2010


C5 = shoulder _______________ (motion) shoulder ABduction (arm moves away from midline)
Shoulder ABduction is associated with what Nerve? Axillary Nerve
Sensory Testing for C5 is over what area? Lateral Arm
Sensory Testing for the Axillary Nerve is over what area? Lateral Shoulder
C6 = wrist ____________ (motion) EXTENSION
Sensory Testing for C6 is over what area? Thumb and Index Finger (think...C6, six shooter / gun, make a gun with your thumb & 1st finger); Reflex? Brachioradialis
Sensory Testing for the Median Nerve is over what area? Lateral Palm (as in palmar side of hand over most of thumb, index and half of middle finger; finger tips/nail beds of index and middle finger)
Thumb Opposition (thumb crosses to fourth or fifth finger area) is associated with what Nerve? Median Nerve
Sensory Testing for the Radial Nerve is over what area? Dorsolateral hand
The Radial Nerve innervates muscles to cause _______ ______________. finger EXTENSION
The Ulnar Nerve innervates muscles to cause finger ______________ ABduction & ADDuction
Sensory Testing for the Ulnar Nerve is over what area? Medial hand
C7 = Wrist ________________ (motion) Flexion
Sensory Testing for C7 is over what area? Middle Finger
C8 = Finger ________________(motion) FLEXION
Sensory Testing for C8 is over what area? Ring and little finger
L4 = foot ______ and ______ (motions) foot DORSIflexion & ankle/foot INVERSION
Sensory Testing for L4 is over what area? Medial Leg/Medial Foot
S1 = foot ______ and ______ (motions) foot PLANTARflexion and ankle/foot EVERSION
Sensory Testing for S1 is over what area? lateral foot
The Patellar Reflex involves what motions?. Foot dorsiflexion & inversion
The Triceps Relfex involves C____. C7
The Brachioradialis Reflex involves C____. C6
When you ask the patient to "press the gas pedal" (PLANTARflexion) you are testing _____ nerve root. S1
The Sensory testing for the Femoral Nerve is primarily of the ______________ region. Anterior Thigh region
The Sensory testing for L3 is primarily of the (area on skin) Lower Thigh region
When you ask the patient to raise her thigh up off the seat (HIP FLEXION) you are testing ______ nerve root. L1
The Sensory testing for L1 is primarily where? Below the inguinal ligament
The Sensory testing for the Sciatic nerve is what region on the calf? Posterior-lateral
What nerve is associated with Knee FLEXION? Sciatic nerve
The Sensory testing of the Femoral nerve is over what region? Anterior Thigh
When you ask the patient to "kick" their lower leg out as if to kick a ball you are testing what nerve root? L3
The Sensory testing for the Femoral Nerve is primarily of the ______________ region. Anterior Thigh region.
The Sensory testing for L3 is primarily of the Lower Thigh region
The Sensory testing for the Sciatic nerve is what region on the calf? Posterior-lateral
When you ask the patient to move the thighs apart (Hip ABduction) you are testing L ____. L2
The Sensory testing for L2 is in the region of the _____________ thigh. medial to middle
When you ask the patient to extend her toes (pull toes up) you are testing what nerve root? L5
The Sensory testing for L5 would be in the region of the _______ leg and _____ foot. lateral leg and dorsal foot
When you ask the patient to extend his toes (bring them up, away from the floor) you are testing the ________________ nerve. peroneal
The Sensory testing for the peroneal nerve would be in the region of the ______ foot. dorsal
When you ask the patient to flex his toes (bend or curl down to floor) you are testing the __________________ nerve. Tibial
The Sensory testing for the tibial n. would be in the region of the _______ foot. plantar
The Sensory testing of T1 would be in the region of the ___________ _______. medial arm
If you ask the patient to spread their fingers and then bring them back together again you are testing ______ nerve root. T1
The Sensory testing for the Obturator nerve would be in the region of the __________. Medial thigh
When you ask the patient to bring his thighs (hip adduction) together you are testing what nerve? Obturator
When you ask the patient to flex his elbow you are testing what nerve? Musculocutaneous
What part of the arm would you perform sensory testing of the musculocutaneous nerve? Lateral forearm
When you ask the patient to ABduct the shoulder(s) you are testing nerve root C___. C5
Fingers spread apart and back together again...or finger ABduction/ADDuction would test nerve root _____ . T1
The patient is seated and you ask her to kick her lower leg out slowly (knee extension/lower leg extension) because you want to test the nerve root L____. L3
You ask the patient to pull her toes upward to the sky (toe EXTENSION) because you want to test nerve root L____. L5
Upper motor neurons (UMN) are a type of _____________ neuron. First Order
The _____________ tract is a very important upper motor neuron tract. Pyramidal
Lower motor neurons, or _______ _______ _________ are cranial and spinal nerves. second order neurons
The cell bodies of these neurons are located in the _________, but their axons can leave the central nervous system and synapse with the muscles of the body. brain stem
All lower motor neurons are either __________ or _______ nerves. spinal or cranial
L4 sensory is over what areas? Sensory over medial lower leg to medial heel/foot (crotch side)
Achilles Reflex = nerve root? S1
Created by: rcdanks
Popular Medical sets




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