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anthro people

important people in Walsh UCSB cultural anthropology

Boas revolutionized anthropology, dismissed unilineal social evolution, professor at columbia, studied cultures rather than just the culture of one place
Alfred Cort Haddon went to Torress Straits and brought people there to study
Bronislaw Malinowski studied on the trobriands, was completely immersed in their culture
Marcell Mauss societiesare held together by techniques of giving and recieving
musha people peasant society- agriculture in egypt
lua thai people who practiced horticulture
inuit foragers
yarahmadzi nomadic pastoralists in africa
Johan Herder "volk" is based in cultural traditions and languages, attacked the view that civilization is the endpoint of human progress
E.B. Tylor defined culture as the sum of knowledge, belief, arts, morals, law, custom
Kroeber and Kluckholn indentified over 100 anthroplogical defintions of culture
Clifford Geertz studied Indonesia and Java vs the outer islands, trying to find why they supported communism-involution
diderot important encyclopedic statistician
alexander von humboldt went to latin america and took pictures and wrote extensive notes onto the pictures
antonia garcia cubas wrote an encyclopedic but also enumuritve account of mexico, wrote it in english and classified people in to regional "types"
Manuel Gamio was looking for reasons for unrest in mexico, dealt with more than just numbers, criticesed enumerative statistics
lewis henry morgan studied the iroquois, thought of society as unilineal social evolution
Darwin there is no foresight to evolution, cant predict what is going to happen next ( against unilineal
peter and rosemary grant saw finches adapt during a drought
E.E.Evans Pritchard looked how environemnt defined culture, studied the Nuer people
marshall sahlins defined foragers as having limited wants and were well adapted-the orginial affluent society
Kung San foragers, well adapted to their society
Maale people with more need work less, Ethiopian horticulture
Donald Donham studied the Maale
Alexander Chayanov peasants will work enough to survive, avoid fatigue
Fredrik Barth the poeple who live on the edge of an ethinic group are most obvoiusly ethnic, no core of ethnicity
Created by: hannad
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