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drug catagories

A generic drug paired with acetaminophen to make Percocet. oxycodone
A generic name for Ultram. tramadol
A generic narcotic used to treat pain. hydrocodone
A common name of the pain relief narcotic Duragesic. fentanyl
A generic narcotic used to treat pain. codeine
The generic name of the brand name narcotic MS Contin. morphine
A generic narcotic used to treat pain. methadone
A generic name of the brand name narcotic Darvon. propoxyphene
A generic name of the brand name narcotic Demerol. meperidine
Percocet oxycodone and acetaminophen
Tylox oxycodone and acetaminophen
OxyContin oxycodone
Percodan aspirin and oxycodone
Vicodin hydrocodone and acetaminophen
Lorcet hydrocodone and acetaminophen
Darvon propoxyphene
Ultram tramadol
Demerol meperidine
MS-Contin morphine
A brand name of a narcotic made from hydrocodone and acetaminophen. Vicodin
A brand name of the narcotic meperidine. Demerol
A brand name of a narcotic made from oxycodone and acetaminophen. Tylox
A brand name of a narcotic made from oxycodone and acetaminophen. Percocet
A brand name of the narcotic tramadol. Ultram
A brand name of a narcotic made from oxycodone. OxyContin
A brand name of the generic drug propoxyphene. Darvon
A brand name of a narcotic made of aspirin and oxycodone. Percodan
A brand name of a narcotic made from hydrocodone and acetaminophen. Lorcet
A brand name for the narcotic morphine. MS-Contin
A brand name of aspirin. Ecotrin
A drug good at killing pain and lowering fever. acetaminophen
A brand name of naproxen. Anaprox
A brand name of aspirin. Bufferin
A brand name of acetaminophen. Tylenol
A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory used to alleviate pain, fever, and swelling. naproxen
A brand name of acetaminophen. Anacin-3
A brand name of aspirin. Excedrin
A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory useful for reducing redness and swelling. ibuprofen
A brand name of ibuprofen. PediaCare
A brand name of ibuprofen. Motrin
Originally called acetylsalicylic acid, Bayer & Co. first trademarked this drug. aspirin
A brand name of a pain reliever that is still prescription-only in most of the world. Aleve
A brand name of naproxen. Naprosyn
A generic form of the drug Novocain. procaine
An inhalational anesthesia. nitrous oxide
A loss of pain and sensation through the use of drugs. anesthesia
An intravenous anesthesia. methohexital
A generic name for the regional anesthesia Xylocaine. lidocaine
A brand name of the regional anesthesia benzocaine. Orajel
A brand name of the generic anesthesia lidocaine. Xylocaine
A generic name of an intravenous anesthesia. midazolam
A brand name of the intravenous anesthesia propofol. Diprivan
A brand name of the intravenous anesthesia midazolam. Versed
procaine generic
novocain brand name
lidocaine generic
xylocaine brand name
bupivacaine generic
marcaine brand name
sensorcaine brand name
benzocaine generic
orajel brand name
nitrous oxide generic
halothane generic
desflurane generic
methohexital generic
brevital brand name
midazolam generic
versed brand name
propofol generic
diprivan brand name
A(n) _____ is used to treat constipation. laxative
Of the following, which is a metal element? aluminum
Of the following, which strengthens bones? calcium
Of the following, which element also works as a laxative? magnesium
Which of the following is a brand name for calcium carbonate? Tums
Which of the following is a brand name that combines magnesium and aluminum? Maalox
A brand name for aluminum hydroxide is spelled _____. ALternaGEL
The 11th most common element in the human body is spelled _____. magnesium
A generic name of an H2 blocker. nizatidine
A generic name of an H2 blocker. famotidine
A generic name of a proton pump inhibitor. lansoprazole
A generic name of an H2 blocker. cimetidine
A brand name of an H2 blocker antacid. Tagamet
A brand name of a proton pump inhibitor antacid. Prilosec
A generic name of an H2 blocker antacid. ranitidine
A brand name of an H2 blocker antacid. Pepcid AC
A brand name of a proton pump inhibitor antacid. Prevacid
An example of regional anesthesia is an interscalene block.
Xylocaine is an example of a local anesthetic.
ultram brand
lidocaine generic
halothane generic
percocet brand
motrin brand
codeine generic
nitrous oxide generic
acetaminophen generic
tums brand
alternagel brand
The drug pr_poxyp_ene is a generic narcotic. propoxyphene
Some brand names of i_up_ofe_ are Nuprin and Advil. ibuprofen
The combination of aspirin and oxycodone is _erc_dan. Percodan
T_lox is a brand name analgesic. Tylox
Dentists often administer Nov_ _ain as a local anesthetic. Novocain
bupivacaine local
Brevital IV
Orajel local
Versed IV
desflurane inhalational
Class of drugs that treat general anxiety, insomnia, and panic attacks. benzodiazepines
Which of the following is NOT a benzodiazepine: buspirone
A drug used to treat anxiety is: Xanax
Zantac is an antacid/H2 Blocker
A common brand name drug for the benzodiazepine known as diazepam is: Valium
A brand name antianxiety medication that is not a benzodiazepine is: BuSpar
A generic name antianxiety medication that is not a benzodiazepine is: buspirone
A common brand name drug for the benzodiazepine known as clonazepam is: Klonopin
A brand name muscle relaxant. Flexeril
A brand name benzodiazepine. Halcion
Drugs to relax muscles, provide relief for panic disorder and anxiety, and treat insomnia are classified as: antianxiety medications
generic names of antiarrhythmic drug. metoprolol, amiodarone, procainamide, disopyramide, mexiletine
A brand name of the antiarrhythmic drug procainamide. Procan SR
brand name of the antiarrhythmic drug metoprolol. Lopressor
A brand name of the antiarrhythmic drug procainamide. Pronestyl
A generic name of a cephalosporin. ceftriaxone
A brand name of a cephalosporin. Keflex
Broad spectum antibiotics that are used on penicillin-resistant bacteria. cephalosporins
A brand name of a cephalosporin. Rocephin
A generic name of a cephalosporin. cefuroxime
A brand name of a cephalosporin. Ceclor,cephalexin, ceftazidime
A brand name of an antibiotic that works on bacteria by making it difficult or impossible to repair their DNA. Cipro
A topical antibiotic. bacitracin
An antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections in the vagina, stomach, skin, joints, and respiratory tract. metronidazole
A brand name of metronidazole. Flagyl
A fairly toxic antibiotic used to treat serious infections. vancomycin
A topical antibiotic. polymyxin B
A brand name of a topical antibiotic ointment. Neosporin
A brand name of the antibiotic gentamicin. Garamycin
A common injectable anticoagulant is: heparin
Typically refers to drugs that prevent clotting. anticoagulants
Typically refers to drugs that dissolve and disperse clots. thrombolytics
Brand name for a common anticoagulant. Coumadin
Brand name for a common injectable anticoagulant. Lovenox
acne tetracycline
anxiety BuSpar
irregular heart rhythm metoprolol
muscle relaxer Flexeril
throat infection amoxicillin
ALS (Lou Gehrig disease) baclofen
anticoagulation heparin
topical skin infection Neosporin
infection of bacteria resistant to penicillin ceftazidime
anthrax Cipro
Created by: trinka
Popular Medical sets




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