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2nd Quarter - Eng 11

2nd Quarter Vocab - Eng 11

analysis the separation of material into its component elements
boisterous rough and noisy, unrestrained
bourgeois a member of the middle class
compulsory required, mandatory
conscientious controlled by or according to one's careful, meticulous thought
Dark Romantic literary sub-genre characterized by characters who are inherently evil and sinful
digress to deviate or wander away from the main topic in speech or writing
exhibitionist a person who behaves in ways to attract attention
extended metaphor a metaphor that is extended through a stanza or entire poem, often by multiple comparisons of unlike objects or ideas
grippe the flu
halitosis the condition of having bad breath
harrowing extremely disturbing or distressing
hemorrhage a profuse discharge of blood, as from a ruptured blood vessel
lavish expended great amounts without limit
meter unit of measure in poetry
nonchalant coolly unconcerned, indifferent, or unconcerned
placid pleasantly calm or peaceful, unruffled
qualms a sudden feeling of apprehensive uneasiness
Romantic artistic, literary, and intellectual movement characterized by emotion experienced through contemplating Nature
rostrum any platform or stage for public speaking
swanky elegant in an effort to impress others
unscrupulous not restrained by conscious or principles, immoral
vehemently strongly emotional, intense or passionate, usually anger
Created by: msmay02
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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