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med term Final study

Medical Terminology Final Exam Study guide

bp blood pressure
hct hematocrit
wbc white blood cell
sublingual under tongue
antipyretic medicine to reduce fever
qd every day
bid twice a day
tid 3 times a day
npo nothing by mouth
q4h every 4 hours
hyster uterus
mammo breast
anaplasia cells change and usually develop into cancer
aplasia born without organ
dysplasia abnormal development of tissue
hyperplasia too many cells causing enlargement of an organ
hypoplasia too little cells causing incomplete development.
a.c. before meals
p.c. after meals
p.o by mouth
q.h. every hour
q.d. every day
leuko white
cardiorrhexis rupture of heart
pericardiectomy surgical removal of sac around the heart.
ostomy surgical opening to outside of the body
myorrhexis rupture of muscle
pyro fever, fire
superior above
adenoma benign glandular tissue
dysplasia abnormal tissue
myosititis inflammation of muscle
dystonia abnormal muscle tone
hypokinesia abnormal decreased muscle function
cele hernia
septicemia blood poisoning
myosarcoma cancerous tumor in muscle tissue
ileum last section of small intestine
bile made in liver
diverticulum singular sac on tubular organ like the colon.
bruxism grinding teeth
cortex outer region of kidney
sedative depresses CNS without sleep
sciatica inflammation of nerve causing shooting pain down leg
causalgia burning pain following injury to sensory organ
au both ears
os left eye
od right eye
ou both eyes
laceration jagged torn wound
lesion pathological change in tissue
dermatoplasty skin graph
malignant melanoma formed from melanocytes
eclampsia can cause convulsions, coma, or death
priapism painful erection
ad toward
hyper excessive, increased
dys bad, difficult, or painful
ab away from, negative, absent
rrhexis rupture
rrhea flow or discharge
rrhaphy surgical suturing
rrhagia bleeding, abnormal excessive fluid discharge
scopy visual examination
plasty surgical repair
graphy process of producing a picture or record
centesis surgical puncture to remove fluid
stenosis abnormal narrowing
sclerosis abnormal hardening
necrosis tissue death
megaly enlargement
malacia abnormal softening
ectomy surgical removal
algia pain
gastro stomach
itis inflammation
plasty surgical repair
melano black
leuko white
cyano blue
thrombo clot
cysto urinary bladder
cbc complete blood count
radio-pharmaceutical radioactive medications for diagnostic tests
pericardiacentesis puncture of sac around heart
paradoxical drug reaction opposite of expected reaction for medication
c-reactive protein blood test to detect inflammation which could indicate heart disease
synovitis inflammation of the synovial membrane that lines the joint
asphyxiation no breathing
catabolism breaking down
epiglottis closes entrance to the trachea
choroid supplies blood to schlera (which is the white of the eye)
schlera white of eye
chemical thyroidectomy radioactive procedure to destroy thyroid cells
bolus amount of medication that you give at one time.
abdominal cavity contains major digestive organs
cranial cavity protects brain
pelvic cavity contains reproductive and excremental organs
spinal cavity protects spinal cord
thoracic cavity protects heart and lungs
morphine narcotic, analgesic
how many bones in auditory ossicles _3_ malleus (hammer), incus (anvil, stapes (stirrup)
electrography test to measure electricity active through muscle
lacrimal sac tear sac
myocele hernia of muscle
esophagogastroduodenoscopy visual exam of esophagus, stomach, and duodenum
Created by: 1186308696
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