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WW/Medical Abbrev

WW/Med Term/Lesson 10 Common Medical Abbreviations

a before (for Latin, ante)
aa of each (for Latin, ana)
abd abdominal
a.c. before meals (for Latin, ante cibum)
ADL activity of daily living
ad lib as desired
a.m. morning (for Latin, ante meridiem)
amt amount
AROM active range of motion
AX axillary (temperature under the arm)
BID two times a day (for Latin, bis in die)
BM bowel movement
BP blood pressure
BRP bathroom privileges
C Celsius
c (small c with line over top) with
cal calorie
cath catheter (tubular instrument that allows passage of fluid from or into a body cavity)
CBR complete bed rest
cc cubic centimeter (equal to a ml)
CHF congestive heart failure
cm centimeter
CN charge nurse
CNS central nervous system
c/o complains of
DC discontinue
DON director of nursing
Dr. doctor
DX diagnosis
F Farenheit
fx fracture
GI gastrointestinal
gtt drop (used in ref to liquid meds; for Latin, gutta)
GU genitourinary (ref to urinary & genital organs)
h hour
H2O water (hydrogen and oxygen)
HOB head of bed
HOH hard of hearing
HS hour of sleep (ref to meds taken at bedtime)
I/O intake and output
IV intravenous
kg kilogram
L liter
lb./lbs. pound(s)(for Latin, libra)
LE/LLE/LUE lower extremity; left extremity; left upper extremity (left arm, leg, hand or foot)
Lt. left
MI myocardial infarction (heart attack)
mm millimeter
noc night (for Latin, nocte)
NPO nothing by mouth (nothing per oral)
N/V nausea and vomiting
O.D. right eye (for Latin, oculus dexter);also abbr. for OVERDOSE
OOB out of bed
O.S. left eye (for Latin, oculus sinister)
O.U. both eyes (for Latin, oculus uterque)
oz. ounce
p (lower case p with line over top) after (post)
P pulse
p.c. after meals (for Latin, post cibum)
PO by mouth (for Latin, per os)
p.m. evening (for Latin, post meridiem)
prn as needed (for Latin, pro re nata)
PROM passive range of motion
pt. patient
qd every day (for Latin, quaque die)
qh every hour (for Latin, quaque hora)
q2h every 2 hours (for Latin, quaque hora)
qid 4 times a day (for Latin, quater in die)
qod every other day (for Latin, quaque outro die)
QNS quantity not sufficient
QS quantity sufficient
R (capital R with circle around it) rectal (reference to temperature)
R respirations (measured in breaths per minute)
RE/RUE/RLE right extremity; right upper extremity; right lower extremity (right arm, leg, hand or foot)
ROM range of motion
Rx prescription (recipe of prescription)
s (lowercase s with line over top) without (for Latin, sine)
sig. write; to be labeled (msg from Dr. to Pharmacist to label med with spec. instructions)
SOB shortness of breath
ss half (for Latin, solo semi), in reference to medication
SSE soap suds enema
staph staphylococcus (for Latin, staphylo - meaning bunch of grapes)
strep streptococcus (for Latin, strepto - meaning twisted)
syr syrup (referring to liquid prescriptions)
T temperature
tab tablet
tbsp. tablespoon
tid three times a day (for Latin, ter in die)
TO telephone order
TPR temperature, pulse, respiration
tsp. teaspoon
UP universal precautions
URI upper respiratory infection
UTI urinary tract infection
v.o. verbal order
v.s. vital signs (blood pressure, temp, pulse, respiration)
W/C wheelchair
wt. weight
Popular Medical sets




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