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Lymph-like material found in the anterior and posterior chambers. aqueous humor
Tears are secreted from the _____. lacrimal duct
The innermost membranous layer of the cornea. Descemet membrane
The muscles of the eye are called the _____. ocular muscles
The muscle which lifts the eyelid. levator palpebrae superioris
A cartilaginous loop which acts like a pulley. trochlea
The innermost layer of the eye. retina
The ligament which supports the lens. suspensory ligament
The outermost layer of the eyeball, the shell. sclera
The second layer of the eyeball. uveal tract
Another term for the second layer of the eyeball. choroid
A muscle of the eye. superior oblique muscle
Fat around the eye structure. periorbital fat
The aqueous humor is secreted by this structure. ciliary body
The outermost membrane of the cornea. Bowman membrane
A jelly-like substance behind the lens. vitreous humor
Eyelids. palpebrae
The transparent structure which forms the anterior portion of the eye. cornea
The blind spot. optic disc
Muscle on the top of the eye, innervated by a cranial nerve. superior rectus muscle
Muscle below the eye. inferior rectus muscle
The delicate membrane which lines the eyelids and exposed portions of the sclera. conjunctiva
acuity Sharpness of vision.
Snellen The eye chart used to determine acuity.
funduscopic Examination of the back of the retina to assess abnormalities of the optic disc.
ophthalmoscope An instrument with a light attached to it for examining the eye.
fluorescein dye A dye injected into the eye or the arm.
cobalt blue Type of light used when examining with fluorescein dye.
Amsler grid Grid used to test visual field.
perimetry Testing of peripheral vision.
tonometer An instrument for measuring tension or pressure.
gonioscopy Examination to demonstrate ocular motility and rotation
Clarity or sharpness. acuity
An instrument with a light attached to it, for examining the eye. ophthalmoscope
A dye injected into the eye or the arm. fluorescein dye
A grid used in testing the visual field. Amsler grid
An instrument for measuring tension or pressure. tonometer
Examination to demonstrate ocular motility and rotation. gonioscopy
The eye chart used to determine acuity. Snellen
Testing of peripheral vision. perimetry
Examination of the back of the retina to assess abnormalities of the optic disc. funduscopic examination
A light used on examination with fluorescein dye. cobalt blue
amblyopia Impairment of vision without any lesion of the eye detected.
arcus senilis A white or gray band around the margin of the cornea as a result of cholesterol deposition, hyaline change, or both. This occurs with advancing age.
blepharitis Inflammation of the eyelids.
blepharospasm A tonic spasm of the orbicularis oculi muscle that produces more or less total closure of the eyelid.
cataract An opacity on or in the lens that usually impairs vision or causes blindness. This can affect one or both eyes. There are different types of cataracts, and they are classified according to size, shape, and occurrence or by the etiology.
chalazion A cystic swelling in a gland of the eyelid due to a blocked duct.
chemosis Excessive edema of the conjunctiva.
choroiditis Inflammation of the choroid or uveal tract.
chorioretinitis Inflammation of the choroid and retina.
conjunctivitis Inflammation of the conjunctiva, usually associated with a discharge.
Inflammation of the eyelids. blepharitis
A band around the margin of the cornea which occurs as a result of aging. arcus senilis
Swelling of the eyelid due to a blocked duct. chalazion
Edema of the conjunctiva. chemosis
Impairment of vision without the presence of a lesion. amblyopia
dacryocystitis Inflammation of the lacrimal sac.
dacryostenosis Stricture or narrowing of a lacrimal duct.
diplopia The perception of two images of a single object. Also called double vision.
ectropion Eversion of eyelid edge.
entropion Inversion (turning inward) of edge of lower eyelid.
exophthalmos Abnormal protrusion of the eyeball (bulging eyes). This can be due either to a local process or caused by a more generalized disease, such as Graves disease. Also spelled exophthalmus.
glaucoma A set of diseases in which there is increased ocular pressure caused by a failure of the aqueous humor to be absorbed. This causes changes to the optic disc and defects in the field of vision.
hordeolum A localized, purulent, inflammatory bacterial infection of one or more glands of the eyelids. This is also called a stye.
stye Infection of the sebaceous gland of the eyelid. Also called a hordeolum.
hypermetropia Also called hyperopia, this is farsightedness. This occurs when the eyeball is too short and images are thus focused at a point behind the retina.
hyphema Bleeding into the anterior chamber of the eye, usually due to trauma.
macular degeneration The loss of central vision due to changes in a lining of the retina. This is an age-related disorder. In this condition, peripheral vision is preserved.
miosis Contraction of the pupil. This is a normal process unless related to paralysis of the dilator of the eye (paralytic miosis), caused by spasms (spastic miosis) or due to spinal disease (spinal miosis).
mydriasis Physiologic or morbid dilatation of the pupil.
myopia Nearsightedness. This occurs when the eyeball is elongated and light rays focus at a point in front of the retina.
nystagmus An involuntary, rapid, rhythmic movement of the eyeball that can be horizontal, vertical, rotatory, or mixed.
papilledema Swelling or edema of the optic disc, usually as a result of intracranial pressure, malignant hypertension, or thrombosis of a retinal vein.
photophobia Abnormal intolerance to light.
presbyopia Impairment of vision due to old age. This is caused by a decrease in the power of accommodation which causes the near point of distinct vision to be removed further from the eye.
pterygium A thick triangular piece of tissue, pale in color, that extends medially from the nasal corneal border to the inner canthus.
Nearsightedness. myopia
Contraction of the pupil. miosis
Involuntary rapid eyeball movement. nystagmus
Abnormal intolerance to light. photophobia
Triangular piece of tissue which extends to the inner canthus. pterygium
Age-related disorder with central vision loss. macular degeneration
Swelling or edema of optic disc. papilledema
Impairment of vision due to old age. presbyopia
Bleeding into anterior chamber of the eye. hyphema
Morbid dilatation of the pupil. mydriasis
nystagmus This is a symptom of systemic illness, such as multiple sclerosis or intoxication. It can also occur as a result of riding a circular ride or gazing fixedly at an object.
ptosis Drooping of the upper eyelid from paralysis of the third nerve or from sympathetic innervation.
retinopathy A general term for degenerative, noninflammatory diseases of the retina.
scleritis Inflammation of the sclera.
scotoma An area of lost or depressed vision within the visual field, surrounding an area of normal vision.
strabismus Deviation of the eye which the patient cannot control. This is present when the direction of gaze of the two eyes is not the same.
synechia Adhesion of the iris to the cornea or the lens. (Plural is synechiae).
uveitis Inflammation of all or part of the uveal tract or choroid. This condition commonly involves the other tunics as well (the sclera, cornea, and retina).
xanthoma palpebrarum A soft yellow spot or plaque occurring on the eyelids, often in groups. Also called xanthelasma.
xanthelasma Another name for xanthoma palpebrarum.
xerophthalmia Dryness of the conjunctiva and cornea due to a vitamin A deficiency.
Inflammation of the sclera. scleritis
Inflammation of the choroids. uveitis
Dryness of conjunctiva and cornea. xerophthalmia
Drooping of the upper eyelid. ptosis
A soft yellow spot occurring on the eyelids. xanthoma palpebrarum
Degenerative, noninflammatory disease of the retina. retinopathy
Adhesion of the iris. synechia
Area of lost or depressed vision. scotoma
Another name for a soft, yellow spot on the eyelids. xanthelasma
Deviation of the eye which the patient cannot control. strabismus
Created by: trinka
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