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ASFL Academic Team P

All Answers Begin With The Letter P

Figure of speech used in this sentence: The night wind was howling Personification
Name given to the southern part of Argentina, a generally cold, barren place Patagonia
In literature, another name for the central character in a conflict Protagonist
Scientific name for the North Star Polaris
Italian composer who wrote La Boehme Giacomo Puccini
Shakespearean character in A Midsummer Night's Dream who says, "Lord, what fools these mortals be!" Puck
American pilot who was shot down over the Soviet Union on May 1, 1960, in his U-2 espionage plane Francis Gary Powers
1883 act that established the principle of federal employment based on merit Pendleton Act
A self-contradictory statement Paradis
Term for the first five books of the Bible Pentatuch
Sunday that commemorates Christ's last entry into Jerusalem before his death Palm Sunday
Floating organisms found at or near the water's surface Plankton
Russian word for an attack against Jews and their property Pogrom
King of the Franks who founded the Carolingian dynasty Pepin (III or The Short)
Sanskrit word meaning "five rivers" used to designate a historic region in India Punjab
Common name for the fruit of a tree of the ebony family; about the size of an apricot. It is sour until very ripe when it becomes sweet Persimmon
U.S. state capital named by Roger Williams in 1636 Providence
Jewish festival commemorating the exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt Passover
Boat commanded by John Kennedy in World War II PT-109
Geological theory that the earth's crust is divided into a series of plate-like parts that move as distinct masses Plate Tectonics
Created by: lemeshadow
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