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What are the External causes/Etiology + Pathology of Wheezing? 1. Wind-Cold 2. Wind-Heat
What are the Internal causes/Etiology + Pathology of Wheezing? 1. Diet - turbid phlegm 2. Emotion - LV qi 3. Prolonged dz 4. Stress & over-strain
What is the Excess reason for Wheezing? LU qi fails to descend and disseminate
What is the Deficient reason for Wheezing? 1. LU fail to govern the qi 2. KD fail to grasp the qi
What are the general principles of tx for Wheezing? 1. During acute attacks: evil qi is strong, tx the manifestation. 2. During remissions from wheezing: tx the root.
Common ingredients that calm Wheezing? 1. Ma Huang 2. Chen Xiang 3. Su Zi 4. Xing Ren 5. Sang Bai Pi 6. Ting Li Zi 7. Bai Guo 8. Di Long 9. Ge Jie 10. Dong Chong Xia Cao 11. He (Hu) Rao Ren
Formula for Invasion of LU by Wind-Cold? Ma Huang Tang (Ephedra Decoction)
Fomulas for Invasion of LU by Heat or Wind-Heat? Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang (Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Gypsum and Licorice Decoction) OR Sang Ju Yin (Mulberry Leaf and Chrysanthemum Decoction)
Formula for Accumulation of Phlegm-Heat in the LU? Sang Bai Pi Tang (Mulberry Root Bark Decoction)
Formulas for Accumulation of Turbid Phlegm? Er Chen Tang (Two-Cured Decoction) PLUS San Zi Yang Qin Tang (Three-Seed Decoction to Nourish One's Parents)
Formula for LV Qi Stagnation Damaging the LU? Wu Mo Yin Zi (Five Milled Herb Decoction)
Formulas for LU Qi Deficiency? Bu Fei Tang (LU-Supplementing Decoction) PLUS Yu Ping Feng San (Jade Windscreen Powder)
Formula for LU Qi and Yin Deficiency? Sheng Mai San
Formulas for KD Yang Deficiency? Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan (KD Qi Pill from the Golden Cabinet) PLUS Shen Ge San (Ginseng and Gecko Powder)
Formulas for LU and KD Yin Deficiency? Bai He Gu Jin Tang (Lily Bulb Decoction to Preserve the Metal) OR Yue Hua Wan (Moonlight Pill) PLUS Mai Wei Di Huang Wan (Ophiopogon, Schizandra and Remannia Pill)
What formula for ssx acute wheezing, phlegm that's easy to expectorate, white, clear, cold air makes wheezing much worse, no sweat/thirst/sore throat + typical EXT ssx? Ma Huang Tang
What formulas for ssx phlegm that's difficult to get out/sticky, nasal discharge (also sticky), sl thirst, sl sweating? Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang OR Sang Ju Yin
What formula for ssx wheezing worse at night or 1st thing in the AM, phlegm can be green, blood-streaked, thirsty, feels warm, lips dry, feels sluggish, more severe chest sx; t=coat sl thicker, greasy, p=slippery, rapid (acute) or softer (chronic)? Sang Bai Pi Tang
What formula for ssx wheezing w/profuse, thick, easy to expectorate phlegm, worse in the am or after eating, strong sensation of full/heaviness in chest, hard to lose weight, poor appetite, loose stool, nausea, feels puffy, no thirst; p=slippery? Er Chen Tang PLUS San Zi Yang Qin Tang
What formula for ssx unable to cope w/stress (has lots of it), SOB, rapid breathing (w/pain), palps, sighing, jaw pain, tension H/A, women have irr periods + cramps; t=no change or becomes darker over time, p=very wiry? Wu Mo Yin Zi
What formula for ssx soft voice, low sounding cough, ssx aggravated by any activity, phlegm thin, white, spontaneous sweating, aversion to wind, pale; t=pale, thin white coat, p=softer, weak? Bu Fei Tang PLUS Yu Ping Feng San
What formula for ssx chronic wheezing, dry cough, worse in evening, low lvl sore throats, dry mouth + skin, trouble gaining weight, nightsweats? Sheng Mai San
What formula for ssx very severe, long hx wheezing (very noisy), more difficulty inhaling, worse with cold/sex, spon sweating, edema, frequent nocturia, poor sex drive, t= can be dark, purple w/thin white coat, p=K pos very weak, overall slow & forceless? Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan PLUS Shen Ge San
What formula for ssx chronic wheezing, dry cough, aggravated by wine/spicy food/smoking, overexertion or lack of sleep, wheezing worse @ night, t=narrow, thin, shrunken, less coating/peeled, cracked? Bai He Gu Jin Tang OR Yue Hua Wan PLUS Mai Wei Di Huang Wan also Du Qi Wan
Created by: brighteyedster
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