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Anxiety Disorders

_____ is an unexplained discomfort, tension, apprehension, or uneasiness occuring when a person feels threatened. Anxiety
What are the most common of all psychiatric disorders? Anxiety Disorders
What is the primary goal of the nurse? determine the level of anxiety of the patient
True or False: most people with an anxiety disorder commonly have a dual diagnosis of substance abuse. TRUE
Anxiety caused by activities of daily living that motivates learning, increases sensory awareness and alertness, and increases communication. People are able to problem solve and they appear calm. Mild Anxiety
Anxiety that causes a decrease in sensory perception, causes small changes in behavior and speech, may include excessive body language and gesturing, and cause headache, DVN, palmar sweating, increased HR/BP, and muscle tension Moderate Anxiety
Anxiety that causes fight or flight response, tremors, grimaces, pacing, hand wringing, and often verbalization of emotional pain "I can't handle this" Severe Anxiety
a person whose behavior is angry, aggressive, they are withdrawn, crying, clinging may be in what state of anxiety? panic state
A nurse walks into a patients room and finds her rocking on the floor and crying. She is hyperventilating, and moaning. What is the best way for the nurse to approach this patient? walk slowly to the patient, and speak in a soft, slow and calm voice to help her relax.
We know a person needs treatmnet for an anxiety disorder when..? anxiety has a greater than expected intensity, it prevents fulfillment of professional, personal, and social roles, accompanied by flashbacks, obessions, or compulsions, and causes curtailment of daily or social activites.
True or False: When dealing with a client with an anxiety disorder, it is important to be serious and to the point. FALSE: some personality disorders call for seriousness, but someone with an anxiety disorder requires empathy.
what is the most effective tool to determine if an intervention for a patient with an AD was effective? Observe the patient's behavior changes and ask client to report their level of anxiety on a scale of 1-10.
disorder characterized by excessive worry and anxiety more days than not occuring for 6 months. GAD (generalized anxiety disorder)
________ is a persistent irrational fear attached to an object or situation that does not pose a significant danger. Phobia
fear of heights acrophobia
fear of being alone or in a public place, which escape would be difficult, or help would be unavailable. Usually occurs with a history of panic disorder. Agoraphobia
fear of closed in spaces claustrophobia
fear of water hydrophobia
fear of dark nyctophobia
fear of exposure to unfamiliar people or to the scrutiny of others and is often seen in Avoidant Personality Disorder Social phobia
What are the main nursing interventions regarding phobias? Gain the paitent's trust by acknowledging the feeling of the fear and refrain from exposing the patient to it. After trust is developed the best method for treating most phobias is desensitation.
progressively exposing the patient to a fearful stimuli and giving positive reinforcement whenever there is a decrease in phobic reaction desensitization
periods of intense apprehension or terror without any real danger panic attack
SOB, chest pain, fear of losing control, chills, hot flashes, fears of dying, trembling, sweating, and palpitations are signs of what? panic attack
recurrent, unexpected panic attacks that cause a person to worry about recurrences or complicaionts of the attack and cause a change in behavior in response to the attack for at least one month panic disorder
What is the major difference between OCD and Obsessive Compulsive personality disorder? in OCPD the person doesn't experience anxiety
ritualistic behaviors that the person feels compelled to perform either in accord with a specific set of rules or in a routine manner. Compulsions
recurrent, intrusive, and persistent ideas, thoughts, images, or impulses obsessions
What is one main diagnostic characteristic of OCD? recurrent obsessions/compulsions that take more than one hour per day or causes significant impairment or distress
When would be the best time for patient interactions and teaching when dealing with a patient with OCD? after ritual because the patient experiences a decrease in anxiety.
What is not OCD? trichotillomania (hair pulling), nail biting, tourette's syndrome, or religious practices.
development of characteristic symptoms after exposure to severe or extraordinary stressor that usually occurs within 6 months of the trauma. Post Traumatic Sress Syndrome (PTSD)
What are major features of PTSD? hyperarousal, recent nightmares, or flashbacks
What treatment is available for PTSD? anti-anxiety meds, antipsychotic meds to treat hallucinations and delusions, and group therapy.
Symptoms of PTSD that are faster onset and shorter duration. Acute Stress Disorder
Which drugs are used to treat long term anxiety and shouldn't be taken within 14 days of MAOIs? SSRIs/Prozac
these anti-anxiety meds aren't first line of treatment due to the fact that overdose could be lethal Tricyclic antidepressants/Elavil
Which drug can be used for an immmediate effect? Benzodiazepines-Xanax
Which drug is used if the patient has significant CV symptoms (palpitations)-which causes shortness of breath. Beta Blockers-Inderal/propranolol
Created by: SouthernBelle
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