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KPE 253--Chapter 8

the average adult has____quarts of blood in their body 5 to 6
rapid blood loss of 1 quart or more can lead to shock and death
external bleeding blood coming from an open wound
hemorrhage large amount of bleeding in a short time -severe bleeding
three types of external bleeding according to the type of blood vessel that is damaged -an arterial, venous, or capillary -regardless of the type of bleeding or the type of wound, the first aid is the same. First, and most important, you must control the bleeding
arterial bleeding -blood spurts from the wound -is the most serious type of bleeding because a large amount of blood can be lost in a very short period of time -less likely to clot because blood can only clot when it is flowing slowly -flows faster than most others
venous bleeding -blood from a vein flows or steadily or gushes -flows fast & study, not like arterial bleeding
capillary bleeding -most common type of bleeding, -blood oozes from capillaries steadily but slowly -usually is not serious and can be controlled easily -this type of bleeding will most likely clot -slow, oozing bleeding
each type of blood vessel--artery,vein, or capillary-- contains blood of a different shade of red
blood vessel spasm arteries contain small amounts of muscle tissue in their walls.
clotting -special elements (platelets) in blood form a clot -clotting serves as a protective covering for a wound until the tissues underneath can repair themselves
Management of bleeds (care for external bleeding) 1. PPE 2. Expose the wound 3. Apply a dressing & pressure- 5 minutes 4. Elevate above heart 5. pressure bandage 6. pressure points 7. donut ring (impaled object) 8. clean, redness, bandage when bleeding stops
internal bleeding occurs when the skin is not broken and blood is not seen
internal bleeding-signs and symptoms -bright rid blood from mouth, rectum, or in urine -dark, foul-smelling stool -pain, tenderness, bruising, or swelling -broken ribs -rigid abdomen
Care for internal bleeding 1. monitor breathing 2. expect vomiting 3. treat for shock by raising the V's legs 6 to 12 inches and covering the V with a coat or blanket for warmth 4. treat suspected internal bleeding by applying a splint 5. seek medical care
internal bleeding--treating bruises -use rice procedure -for serious internal bleeding call 911, care for shock, if vomiting occurs roll V onto the side
Popular Medical sets




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