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SPANISH1 Vocabulario


el alma gemala soul mate; kindred spirit
la amistad friendship
el animo spirit
el chisme gossip
la cita date
el compromismo commitment; responsibility
el deseo desire
el divorcio divorce
la fidelidad faithfulness
el matrimonio marriage
la pareja couple
el riesgo risk
compartir to share
confiar to trust
contar con to rely on, to count on
coquetear to flirt
dejar plantado to stand (someone)up
discutir to argue
ligar to flirt; to try to pick up
merecer to deserve
romper con to break up with
salir con to go out with
enamorarse to fall in love with
enojarse to get angry
estar harto to be fed up with
llevarse bien/mal to get along well/badly
odiar to hate
ponerse pesado to become annoying
querer to love
sentirse to feel
sonar con to dream about
tener celos to be jealous
tener verguenza to be ashamed
agobiado overwhelmed
ansioso anxious
celoso jealous
deprimido depressed
disgustado upset
emocionado excited
enojado angry, mad
pasajero fleeting
preocupado worried
casarse con to marry
divorciarse to get a divorce
casado married
divorciado divorced
separado seperated
soltero single
viudo widowed
carinoso affectionate
cuidadoso careful
falso insincere
genial wonderful
gracioso funny, pleasant
involvidable unforgettable
inseguro insecure
maduro mature
mentiroso lying
orgulloso proud
seguro secure; confident
sensible sensitive
tacano cheap/stingy
tempestuoso stormy
timido shy
tranquilo calm
el boleto ticket
la broma joke
la caja box
el cortometraje short film
la escena scene
el guion script
la historia story
la protagonista main character
el recuerdo momento
la ventanilla ticket window
abrazarse to hug
arveriguar to find out
meterse to break in
suceder to happen
la calidad de vida standard of living
los familiares relatives
immigrante immigrant
el lazo tie
la patria homecountry
la red de apoyo support network
la voluntad will
abandonar to leave
ayudarse to help one another
cuidar to take care of
emigrar to emigrate
fortalecerse to grow stronger
mudarse to move
por su cuenta on his/her own
el alma soul
el almado the loved one, sweetheart
los celos jealousy
el corazon heart
el olvido forgetfulness, oblivion
el sentimiento feeling
amar to love (each other)
besar to kiss
contentarse to be contented with/ satisfied with
enamorado in love
Created by: kaitlin6294
Popular Spanish sets




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