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Organ Terminology +

Additonal Terminology

ather/o/scler/osis hardening of the artery
card/io/my/o/pathy disease of the heart muscle
hyper/tension high blood pressure
thromb/osis blood clots in the vascular system
ven/ous pertaining to the veins
endo/crine pertaining to glands that secrete hormones into the bloodstream
hyper/glyc/emia high blood sugar
hyper/lipid/emia increase of lipids in the blood
hypo/thyroid/ism a deficiency of thyroid secretion
somat/ic pertaining to the body
an/orexia loss of appetite
col/itis inflamed colon
hepat/itis inflammation of the liver
gastr/itis inflammation of the stomach
hepat/oma liver tumor
dermat/itis skin inflammation
kerat/osis area of increased hardness
sub/cutane/ous beneath the skin
trans/derm/al through the skin
an/emia decrease in red blood cells
hemat/oma a collection of clotted blood
hemo/philia a disease in which the blood does not clot normally
leuk/emia increase in white blood cells
splen/ectomy removal of the spleen
thym/oma tumor of the thymus
chondr/o/malacia softening of cartilage
fibr/o/my/algia chronic pain in the muscles
my/o/necr/o/sis increase in muscle death
my/o/plasty plastic surgery of muscle tissue
tendin/itis inflammation of a tendon
de/men/tia disorientation, confusion, loss of memory
dys/phasia difficulty in speaking
encephal/itis inflammation of the brain
mening/itis inflammation of the meninges
neur/algia severe pain along a nerve
arthr/itis inflammation of the joint
carp/al pertaining to the wrist
oste/o/arthr/itis chronic bone and joint disease
oste/o/carcin/oma cancerous bone tumor
rach/itis inflammation of the spine
a/men/o/rrhea absence of menstruation
dys/men/o/rrhea menstrual pain
dys/toc/ia difficult childbirth
endo/metr/i/osis abnormal growth of uteral tissue
mast/itis inflammation of the breast
vagin/itis inflammation of the vagina
a/sperm/ia inability to secrete sperm
balan/itis inflammation of the glans penis
prostat/itis inflammation of the prostate
semin/oma tumor of the testes
vas/ectomy removal of a segment of the vas deferens
bronch/itis inflammation of the bronchial membranes
hyper/capn/ia excessive carbon dioxide in the blood
pector/algia chest pain
pneum/o/nia bacterial infection of the lungs
rhin/itis inflammation of the nose
sinus/itis inflammation of the sinuses
an/uria inability to produce urine
cyst/itis inflammation of the bladder
dys/uria painful urination
lith/iasis formation of any stone
keto/uria ketone bodies in the urine
nephr/itis inflammation of the kidney
poly/uria excessive urination
labrynth/itis inflammation of the inner ear
ot/algia ear ache
ot/itis inflammation of the ear
ot/o/mycosis fungal ear infection
par/acusis partial hearing loss
tympan/itis inflammation of the eardrum
blephar/itis inflammation of the eyelids
conjunctiv/itis inflammation of the conjunctiva
endo/phthalm/itis inflammation of the inside of the eye
ocul/o/mycosis fungal infection of the eye
retin/itis inflammation of the retina
Created by: ebqueen1
Popular Pharmacology sets




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