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Chemistry concepts

Basic chemistry for Anatomy and Physiology

Matter Makes up all living, and non-living things.
Inorganic Compounds that contain carbon.
Atom Smallest unit of matter.
Element All atoms with the same atomic number.
Atomic number The number of protons in the nucles of an atom.
Mass number The weight number of protons and neutrons in an atom combined.
Isotope Forms of an element whose atoms contain an equal number of protons and electrons, but a different number of neutrons.
Orbital S,P,D,F.
Octet rule Every eight elements on the periodic table have similar characteristics.
Half-life time reuqired for half the atoms of a given amount of a radioactive tracer to disintegrate.
Radioactive tracer a radioactive substance traced through an organ system.
Dissociation The break down of a molecule in a soltuion to form ions.
Ionic bond A molecular bond created by the attraction of ions with opposite charges. Metal and a non-metal.
Ionization The breakdown of a molecule in a solution to form ions.
molecular formula A chemical formula that indicates the kinds of atoms and number of each kind in a molecule of a compound.
Structural formula A chemical formula showing the linkage of atoms.
Acid A substance with a PH level of 6 or less.
Base A substance with a Ph level of 8 or more.
Hydrogen ion H+
Hydroxide ion OH-
Buffer a compound that stabilizes the Ph of a solution by removing or releasing hydrogen ions
Nonpolar covalent bond Negatively charged bond of ions.
Polar covalent bond Positively charged bond of ions.
Anion An ion with a negative charge.
Cation An ion with a positive charge.
Hydrophobic Incapable of freely association with water molecules; insoluble.
Hydration Classes of compounds containing chemically combined water.
Hydrophilic Freely association with water; readily entering into solution.
Bound water an extremely thin layer of water surrounding mineral surfaces.
Surface tension the elastic-like force existing in the surface of a body, especially liquids, tending to minimize the area of the surface.
Capillarity Small blood vessel located between an anteriole and venule, whose thing wapp permits diffusion of gasses, nutrients, and wastes.
Specific heat number of calories necessary to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degrees celsius.
Heat of vaporization the heat absorbed per unit mass of a given material at its boiling point that converts the material to a gas at the same temp.
Solvent the fluid component of a solution.
Solute any material dissolved in a solution.
Aqueous solution a solution in water.
Created by: drummerkid960
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