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SPED - Emily Glaser

Communication Disorders

Speech Disorder Either a difficulty producing sounds or difficulty having proper voice quality or fluency of speech.
Language Disorder Problems understanding, receiving, and comprehending information.
Cleft palate or Cleft Lip A condition in which a person has a deep slit in the upper oral cavity or upper lip.
Dialect Variation of language that reflects shared regional, social and ethnic factors.
Larynx Voice box.
Pharynx Space from the nasal cavities to the esophagus.
Articulation Sequenced sounds created by a person specialized to individual words. Children with articulation disorders cannot successfully combine or execute these sounds.
Apraxia of Speech A motor speech disorder in which a person plans to physically make speech but is inhibited in some way. This is often the result of a stroke, tumor, or head trauma, but can also be because of poor development.
Resonance Determined by the space of the throat, mouth, and nose, this is the perceived quality of someone's voice.
Hyponasality Air can only pass through the mouth and not through the nose.
Hypernasality Sounds can only pass through the nasal cavity on sounds other than "m", "n", and "ng."
Fluency Disorders Typically seen as interruptions in the flow of speech. A person with this disorder may speak at an abnormal rate or unnecessarily repeat syllables, words, and phrases.
Stuttering The repetition or prolongation of a sound or word.
Phonology The use of sounds to create meaningful syllables (i.e. words). Students with phonology disabilities may have problems discerning between sounds segments that signifies uniqueness of words.
Morphology A system that determines the structure of words. A person with a disorder that inhibits their morphology often has trouble switching between tenses correctly.
Syntax Rules of a language governing how words form sentences. Those with syntax disorders struggle with ordering information in a way that makes sense within a sentence.
Semantics The meaning of what is said. This develops as a child's vocabulary grows.
Pragmatics The use of communication as context. Non-verbal communication can be labeled under this, as well as simple verbalizations. This can also be characterized by communication between speaker and listener.
Social Interaction Theories A belief that communication skills can be learned through various social interactions.
Specific Language Impairment An impairment not related to any other physical or learning disability.
Organic Disorders Disorders caused by neuromuscular mechanics in a person.
Functional Disorders Disorders with no identifiable organic causes.
Bidialectal One who uses two variations of a same language.
Created by: eglaser
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