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Inflammatory Process

What is the intensity of the tissue’s response to an injury will be related to the severity and type of injury sustained Inflammatory Process
What follows trauma and promotes hemostasis? Hemorrahage
What is swelling? Edema
What assists with bone healing? Osteoblasts and osteoclasts
What assists with muscle healing? Myofibrils
What are the 5 main categories 1) Controll hemorrahaging, and edema 2) Alleviation of pain and muscle spasms 3) Enhancement of tissue repair 4) Prevention of contracture and adhesions 5) Enhancement of scar tissue structure
What is involveed in the recovery period? 1) Rehab 2) Proprioception 3) Functional Training-position specific
What is the natural response to injury through which dead or lost tissue is replaced by living tissue Healing
What does the body go through? Repair and regeneration
Labile cells Most Potential
Stable cells Least Potential
What does the repair phase do? Restore but with scar tissue
What are the tools utilized to achieve the goals named in the 5 categories of intervention Tissue Healing Modifiers
The following are categorized as ___ 1) Ibuprofen - weakens collagen formation 2) Tylenol 3) Corticosteroid Pharmocological agents
Modalities (heat, ice, ultrasound, e-stim), exercise, stretching, propioception are examples of what? Physical Agents
What are the following examples of ?Epithelial, nervous, muscle, connective Types of tissues
What are the names of the body systems? Skeletal, muscular, nervous, cardiovascular
What are the types of connective tissue? Ligaments, capsule, tendons and bone
What is the function of connective tissue? Connect body cells, tissues, organs, provide strength and support
What does tissue fluid provide? Maintain normal tissue structure, function and aid in repair of damaged tissue
Mast Cells Chemical mediator
Macrophages Phagocytic cells>eats bad cells
Plasma Cells Produce antibodies
Fibroblasts Most abundant>Creates Collagen
3 main fiber types Collagen, Elastic, reticular
What sits in the space between the cells and fibers, provides supporting framework, lubricant, water, glycoproteins, proteoglycans Ground Substance
What are Connective Tissue Types Loose and dense
Released from damaged blood cells and connective tissue cells Chemical Mediators
Whate creates changes without being changed themselves? Enzymes
What is a chemical mediator that may act as an antagonist or synergist catalysts
What is another name for leukocytes? White blood cells
What is another name for erythrocytes? Red blood cells
What attracts fibroblasts? Macrophages
What promotes tissue growth or replacement of damaged tissue through metabolic activity Nutrients
What are the essential nutrients Minerals, vitamins, carbs, lipids, water, and proteins
What aid in collagen synthesis? Zinc
What vitamin is needed to prevent the lack of clotting? Vitamin K
What viatmin assists in fibroblastic function? Vitamin C
What vitamin assists in inabsorption of calcium? Vitamin D
What do proteins do? Act as an antibody
What is vital for collagen synthesis? Amino acids
What stops the bleeding either by vasoconstriction and coagulation or surgery Hemostasis
2 phases of hemostasis are? Primary and Secondary
What are the characteristics of primary hemostasis? Occurs with in seconds after trauma Once the vessel is damaged, platelets will accumulate along this disrupted wall These platelets will become activated and through a process called platelet release reaction, release mediators Serotonin and thrombo
What are the characteristics of secondary Hemostasis? Coagulation Mediators are released from damaged tissue and blood vessels to start the process
How many coagulation factors are there? 13
List the 13 coagulation factors. I Fibrinogen II Prothrombin III Thromboplastin IV Calcium ions V Proaccelerin VII Proconvertin VIII Antihemophilic Factor IX Christmas Factor X Stuart-Prower Factor XI Plasma XIII Fibrin Stabilizing Factor Thromboplastin Antecedent XII Hageman Factor
3 main stages of secondary hemostasis are? Formation of prothrombinase Conversion of prothrombin into thrombin Conversion of soluble fibrinogen into insoluble fibrin
How are the coagulation factors released? Extrinsic and intrinsic pathways
Stage 1: Formation of prothrombinase The formation of prothrombinase results from the interaction of factor X and V in both pathways
Stage 2: Conversion of prothrombin into thrombin With calcium ions and prothrombinase, the conversion occurs
Stage 3: Conversion of soluble fibrinogen into insoluble fibrin Thrombin acts to convert fibrinogen into fibrin Coagulum is formed from factor XIII
What happens in clot retraction? fibrin threads contract
What is the process called where fibrin threads are degraded? Fibrinolysis
Created by: dmart171
Popular Sports Medicine sets




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