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Vocab for the Final

Rhetorical Vocab sheets # 1-4 for the final

Point of View The perspective the story is being told in.
First Person Speaking with I. I am telling you the Story.
Second Person When your using you to tell the story.
Third Person omniscient/all-knowing Where the author tells you the thoughts of different characters, more then one.
Third Person Limited Where the author only tells you about the thoughts of one character.
Allegory A type of fiction, ckaraters symbollize different ideas or people from history. Animal Farm.
Homily A serious talk or eassy. Religous advice.
Invective A harsh brutle attack on someone with words.
Syllogism A 3 part logical argument. First two statements make sense and are true so the third one must be true.
Catahresis A very extreme metaphor, sometimes funny. Only uses the poetic half of the meatophor.
Inference A conclucsion drawn on what is in the text.
Semantics The study of the meaning of words.
Prose Nonpoetic writing, sentences and paragraph form.
Pedantic When your writing is overly scholorly or confusing.
Loose Sentence Where the main clause comes first. I went to the store, to by light bulbs.
Periodic sentence Main clause comes at the end. When you enter the house, you should watch out for the dog.
Phrase A group of words that work together and only have either a subject or verb not both.
Clause A group of words that work together gramatically that have a subject and a verb. All men are mortal.
Subordinate clause A group of words with a subject and verb that are fragments.
Predicate nominative He is an Austronant. A noun that comes after a linking verb that modifys the subject.
Predicate adjective Where you have an adjective after the linking verb that modifies the subject. That resturant is first rate.
Subject Complement The overall term for predict nominative and predicate adjectives.
Antecedent The word that a pronoun is describing. Here's the letter. I found it this morning in the mailbox.
Mood The emotions evocet in a certin peace of writing. A type of verb.
Indicative Verb referses to something in reality.
Subjunctive When your talking about hopes and dreams. If we win this we can do this.
Imperative There is a comande going on.
Genre A type of literature, comedy, tragedy, science fiction.
Generic conventions Typical features or elements you will always find in a type of genre.
Tragedy A major genre, a movement from order to chaos, the hero often has a flaw.
Hubris excessive proudness
Catharsis Aristotle's idea of pity and sadness brought up then got rid of towards the end of the play.
Peripeteia (Peripety) A complete turn around in the life of someone poor to rich, bad to good.
Pathos The suffering of characters. The techniques an author uses to show the suffering.
Bathos Where we see characters suffer and we laugh.
Soliloquy A direct speech to the audience.
Chorus A group of people who chant or sing to the audience. This acts as a narrator. They give background info.
Comedy A restrictive society then it goes to one of freedom.
Satire This makes fun of the authority or customs or laws of someplace.
History A kind of play that celebrates an event of a nations past, to celebrate or as propaganda.
Romance That there is some type of quest that a character goes on to bring something back to give to his people.
Rhetoric Principle and techniques for effective writing and speeches.
Rhetorical modes The major types of writing.
Exposition Writing that explains or analyzes.
Argumentation writing that tries to convince or persuade your readers.
Description Writing that vividly portrays a person, place, or thing.
Narration A series of events and how they get their.
Suspension of Disbelief The idea that you have to accept the certain world that the author is giving you. Spirit of the book.
Flat character A character that does not change no inner contradictions. Also called Static character.
Round character A character that is psychologically complex. Also called a Dynamic character. They change throughout the novel or story.
Dramatic Irony We understand info or have received info that the characters don't have.
Denouement The last few pages of a novel, the rap up of a plot.
Anastrophe inverting the word order, rose the sin in the sky. Associated with Yoda.
Antithesis two ideas, not words, that contrast side by side. We are slaves but you are free.
Chiasmus She drove to merced. To Bakersfield drove he. Switching order of the elements in sentences that are close.
Ambiguity multiply meanings of text or a sentence or a paragraph. I have a club?!
Aphorism A short statement written by a known writer. A wise saying or insightful sentences, philosophical truth.
Colloquialism The use of slang or informal writing.
Conceit A metaphor that helps you structure the passage.
Extended Metaphor Is not as powerful or as original but same thing as conceit.
Connotation What you associate with the word.
Diction A chose of language that the author uses.
Didactic A language is used to teach something.
Euphemism Where you change a word to something less harsh. Died went to a better place.
Hyperbole An exaggeration. I will walk 1,000 miles for a candy bar.
Imagery Sensory details used to paint a picture in the readers mind.
Parallelism Words, phrases, clauses are arranged in similar ways. It was the best of times it was the worst of times.
Ambivalence Having mixed emotions. Liking as well as not liking.
Ad Hominem Attacking the person not the argument in a debate.
Sarcasm Bitter language used to hurt someone.
Understatement Where you don't give the full importance of the idea.
Wit Intellectually amusing language.
Syntax The order the Author chooses of his or her writing.
Synesthesia Combining different senses. Taste the rainbow.
Paradox An apparent contradictions, War's Peace.
Verisimiltude Imitating real life.
Objective correlative Something in the world that reflects the same state of mind of a character or person
Tone Authors attitude towards the subject matter. Sympathetic/hostile
Atmosphere Emotion that the tone invokes dispassionate.
Figurative language Writing or speech meant to be imaginative not meant to be taken literally.
Metaphor A comparison without using like or as.
simile indirect comparison using like or as.
Alliteration the same consanent sound starting each part or parts of a sentence or phrase.
Onomatopoeia The word imitates the sound series of words. Pow Bam
Irony Something that is believable but unexpected an eye doctor going blind.
Symbol Something that represents something else like a dove.
Allusion A reference outside of the story.
Synecdoche Referring to something only by part of the thing all hands on deck instead of sailors.
Metonmy A related idea that represents a thing like were Edison High - Edison High representing a team.
Oxymoron two words side by side that are opposite. Jumbo Shrimp
Polsyndeton A list of words that you have conjunctions in between. And .... And ...... And ......
Asyndeton Comas separating a list ....., ....., ....,
Personification Giving an ananament object human like characteristics.
Romantic Irony When the author sets up a real world image and then the author breaks it.
Socratic Irony A debate with someone acting silly asking questions that makes the person contradict themselves.
Apostrophe Someone addressing someone that is not really there. Death I will out smart you.
Ellipsis Leaving out a word or a group of words but the meaning is the same.
Anaphora Repetition of a phrase or clause. Like I have a Dream in a speech.
Malapropism Some Character is trying to use big words to sound smart but is using them wrong.
Spoonerism Words that are close to each other but you switch the beginning constanents. The dog is Bob. The dog bs iob.
Litotes Using a double negative instead of a direct point.
Assonance The same vowel sound used in words that are close. The old ogre showed us the magic stone.
Created by: edison student
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