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актёр Actor
актриса Actress
артист/артистка Artist
астронавт Astronaut
балерина Ballerina
баскетболист/ка Basketball player
господин Mr.
госпожа Mrs.
доктор Doctor
композитор Composer
космонавт Cosmonaut
пианист/ка Pianist
писатель Writer
поэт Poet
президент President
профессор Professor
спортсмен/ка Athlete
танцор Dancer
теннисист/ка Tennis Player
турист/ка Tourist
футболист/ка Football Player
хоккеист/ка Hockey Player
шахматист/ка Chess Player
американский American
английский English
канадский Canadian
русский Russian
известный Famous
неплохой Not bad
плохой Bad
хороший Good
как how
неплохо nоt badly
очень very
плохо badly
хорошо well
меня me
тебя you (sg.)
его him
её her
нас us
вас you (pl.)
их them
кто who
кто такой, кто такая who (if you know the person's name, and want a more detailed description)
это this is
Всего хорошего! All the best!
До свидания! Good bye!
Пока! Good bye! See you later!
Доброе утро! Good morning!
Добрый вечер! Good evening!
Добрый день! Good day! Hello!
Здравствуй/те! Hello!
Как дела? How are things? How are you?
А у тебя? And (with) you?
Привет! Hi!
Спокойной ночи! Good night!
Как вас зовут? (Как тебя зовут?) What is your name?
Очень приятно! Nice to meet you!
а And, but
да Yes
или Or
не No (negative in a sentence)
нет No
сиасибо Thank you
тоже Also
карп carp
чайка seagull
петух rooster
орёл eagle
акула shark
заяц hare
медведь bear
волк wolf
кузнец blacksmith
портной tailor
плотник carpenter
винокур liquor distiller
Created by: Ruskilives
Popular Russian sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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