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Polaris the North Star or Pole Star. located at north celestial pole
axis of rotation an imaginary line that goes from pole to pole through the interior of the earth and around which the earth rotates
circumpolar stars that travel in a circle around the celestial poles
constellations zones of stars in the sky. 88 recognized.
Ursa Major Great Bear, contains Big Dipper
Big Dipper In Ursa Major, contains Pointers - two stars that point toward Polaris. Used to mark seasons and locate other northern constellations
Ursa Minor Little Bear, contains Little Dipper. Polaris located at end of Bear's tail.
Cassiopeia Five bright stars, looks like an M or W
Cepheus resembles misshapen house. opposite Pointers on other side of Polaris, Gamma Cephei eventual North Star
Andromeda Depicts lady bound with chain to a rock. One of the bright stars in Great Square
Cetus Huge whale devours Andromeda
Perseus Contains Algol. Kills Cetus and frees Andromeda
Pegasus Three of its stars in Great Square are its wings
Great Square Not a constellation. Stars inAndromeda and Pegasus make it
Leo (The Lion) Contains Regulus and Sickle. Follow pointers backward from Polaris
Cygnus (The Swan) Contains Deneb. Deneb is located at the top of Northern Cross
Deneb The Swan's brightest star
Northern Cross Five brightest stars in Cygnus
Gemini (The Twins) Contains Castor and Pollux
Draco (The Dragon) Contains Thuban which used to be North Star
Orion (The Hunter) The brightest of all constellations. Contains Betelgeuse and Rigel
Taurus (The Bull) Contains Aldebaran. Also contains star cluster known as Pleiadies
Canis Major (The Big Dog) Contains Sirius. Close to Orion
Sirius Brightest star in the heavens
Bootes (The Herdsman) Contains Arcturus.
Virgo (The Virgin) Contains Spica
Lyra (The Harp) Contains Vega, the brightest summer star
Scorpius (The Scorpion) Contains (Antares)
Sagittarius (The Archer) Contains stars called the Milk Dipper or Teapot
Centaurus Contains Beta and Alpha Centauri. Also contains Southern Cross
Southern Cross Most familiar sight in Southern Sky
Created by: Jer Stephens
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