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Lit. Terms H. Eng. 1

"The Scarlet Ibis" Lierary Terms Page 342

short story A brief fictional narrative written in prose
fiction Literature in which situation and characters are invented by the writer
narrative a kind of writing that tells a story
character an individual in a literary work (a character can be an animal)
main characters the most important characters in a literary work
secondary character a minor (lesser important) character who MUST interact with the central character
protagonist the central character in a literary selection around whom the main conflict revolves
antagonist a person or force in society or nature that most opposed the central character
round character show varied and sometimes contradictory traits
flat character reveals only one personality trait
dynamic character develops and changes in the course of literary work
static character remains the same from the beginning to the end of the selection
stereotype a character who is not developed as an individual, but as a collection of traits and mannerisms supposedly shared by all members of a group
idiom a word or phrase that has special meaning different from its dictionary meaning Ex.- "...turned our purse inside out..."
symbol an object, a person, a place, or an experience that represents something else, usually something abstract A.public symbol-a symbol that has become widely recognized, such as the bald eagle (symbol of the United States) or the olive branch (symbol of peac
flashback a literary device in which an earlier episode, conversation, or event is inserted into the chronological sequence of a narrative
symbol part 2 an object, a person, a place or an experience that represents something else, usually something abstract B. invented symbol-a symbol invented by a writer, whcih usually stand for something abstract, such as evil, innocence, or love
chronological order events are presented in the order in which they actually happened-first to last
foreshadowing an author's use of clues that hint at events that will occur later in the plot
personification a figure of speech in which an animal, object, force of nature, or idea is given human qualities or characteristics
figure of speech a specific device or kind of figurative language-hyperbole, metaphor, simile, personification
pun a humorous play on two or more meanings of the same word OR on two different words with the same sound EX. -"Get a 'reel' deal" for a movie ad
figurative language language used for descriptive effect, often to imply ideas indirectly
allegory a story in which characters and settings stand for something beyond themselves
plot the sequence of events in a narrative
Created by: pdickey84
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