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GRE Vocabulary 1-5

abject wretched; lacking pride.
abjure renounce upon oath; disavow.
abominate loathe; hate.
abortive unsuccessful; fruitless
abrogate abolish
abscission removal by cutting off, as in surgery; separation.
abstract theoretical; not concrete; nonrepresentational.
abstruse obscure; profound; difficult to understand.
abysmal bottomless.
accessory additional object; useful but not essential thing.
acclaim applaud; announce with great approval.
acclivity sharp upslope of a hill.
accolade award of merit.
accoutre equip.
accretion growth; increase.
acerbity bitterness of speech and temper.
acetic vinegary.
acidulous slightly sour; sharp; caustic.
acrophobia fear of heights.
actuarial calculating; pertaining to insurance statistics.
actuate motivate.
acuity sharpness.
acumen mental keenness.
adjunct something (generally nonessential or inferior) added on or attached.
adjuration solemn urging.
adjutant staff officer assisting the commander; assistant.
adroit skillful.
adulterate make impure by adding inferior or tainted substances.
adventitious accidental; casual.
advert refer (to).
aegis shield; defense.
aaerie nest of a large bird of prey (eagle, hawk).
affected artificial; pretended; assumed in order to impress.
affidavit written statement made under oath.
affinity kinship. (She felt an affinity with all who suffered; their pains were her pains.)
aggrandize increase or intensify; raise in power, wealth, rank or honor.
aggregate gather; accumulate
alcove nook; recess
alimentary supplying nourishment. (also a name for the digestive tract)
allege state without proof.
alliteration repetition of beginning sound in poetry. (The furrow followed free).
alloy mix; make less pure; lessen or moderate.
allusion indirect reference.
amalgamate combine; unite in one body.
ambivalence the state of having contradictory or conflicting attitudes.
ambrosia food of the gods.
ameliorate improve.
amenable readily managed or willing to be led; answerable or accountable legally.
amenities convenient features; courtesies.
amity friendship.
amoral nonmoral;lacking a code of ethics; cannot tell right from wrong.
amok (amuck) in a state of rage.
anachronism something or someone misplaced in time.
analgesic causing insensitivity to pain.
anathema solemn curse; someone or something regarded as a curse.
animadversion critical remark.
animus hostile feeling or intent.
anneal reduce brittleness and improve toughness by heating and cooling.
anodyne drug that relieves pain; opiate.
anoint consecrate.
antecede precede.
antecedents preceding events or circumstances that influence what comes later; ancestors or early background.
anthology book of literary selections by various authors.
anthropoid manlike.
antithesis contrast; direct opposite of or to.
aperture opening; hole.
aphasia loss of speech due to injury or illness.
aphorism pithy maxim or saying.
aplomb poise; assurance.
apocryphal spurious; not authentic; invented rather than true.
apogee highest point.
apologist one who writes in defense of a cause or institution.
apostate one who abandons his religious faith or political beliefs.
apothegm pithy, compact saying.
apotheosis elevation to godhood; and ideal example of something.
appellation name; title.
append attach.
apposite appropriate; fitting.
apprise inform.
appurtenances subordinate possessions.
apropos to the point and timely. With reference to; regarding.
aquiline curved, hooked.
arabesque style of decoration involving intertwined plants and abstract curves; ballet position with one leg supporting the weight of the body, while the other leg is extended in back.
arbiter person with power to decide a matter in dispute; judge.
arbitrary unreasonable or capricious; tyrannical.
arboretum place where different varieties of trees and shrubs are studied and exhibited.
arcade a covered passageway, usually lined with shops.
archetype prototype; primitive pattern.
archipelago group of closely located islands.
argot slang.
aria operatic solo.
armada fleet of warships.
arraign charge in court; indict.
arrears being in debt.
arroyo gully.
artifice deception; trickery.
artisan manually skilled worker; craftsman, as opposed to artist.
ascendancy controlling influence.
aseptic preventing infection; having a cleansing effect.
aspersion slanderous remark.
assail assault.
assay analyze; evaluate.
assiduous diligent.
asteroid small planet.
astigmatism eye defect that prevent proper focus.
astral relating to the stars.
astringent binding; causing contraction; harsh or severe.
asunder into parts; apart.
atavism resemblance to remote ancestors rather than to parents; reversion to an earlier type; throwback.
attenuate make thinner; weaken or lessen (in density, force, degree).
attrition gradual decrease in numbers; reduction in the work force without firing employees; wearing away of opposition by means of harassment.
audit examination of accounts.
augury omen; prophecy.
aureole sun's corona; halo.
auroral pertaining to the aurora borealis.
auspicious favoring success.
autocratic having absolute, unchecked power; dictatorial.
automaton mechanism that imitates actions of humans.
avarice greediness for wealth.
aver assert confidently or declare; as used in law, state formally as fact.
avid greedy; eager for.
avocation secondary or minor occupation.
axiom self-evident truth requiring no proof.
bacchanalian drunken.
badinage teasing conversation.
bait harass; tease.
baleful threatening; menacing; sinister; foreshadowing evil.
ballast heavy substance used to add stability or weight.
bandy discuss lightly or glibly; exchange (words) heatedly.
baneful destructive; causing ruin or death.
Created by: megan8787
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