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Drug Classfx pg 1

drug classifications

Ace Inhibitor vasoconstrictor -pril captopril
aminoglycoside serious infections inhibiting bacterial protein synthesis
analgesic used to relieve pain.
anesthetic reduces or eliminates pain, renders patient unconscious.
anorexiant decreases appetite.
antacid neutralizes excess gastric acid.
anthelmintic eradicates intestinal worms.
antiacne controls acne vulgaris
antianginal dilates blood vessels, used to treat angina pectoris.
antianxiety drugs to treat anxiety disorder
antiarrhythmic treats irregular heart rhythms. Norpace
antiarthritic reduces inflammation of joints.
antibacterial prevents the growth of bacteria. -cillin cef- amoxicillin (amoxil) cefaclor (ceclor)
anticholesterol lowers cholesterol levels -statin Lipitor (atorvastatin)
anticholinergic antagonistic to the action of parasympathetic or other cholinergic nerve fibers.
anticoagulant prevents blood clot formation. -arin warfarin (coumadin)
anticonvulsant prevents seizures.
antidepressant treats depression, SSRI, TCA;s, or MAOI's.
antidiabetic treat diabetes
antidiarrheal treats diarrhea
antidiuretic reduces volume of urine production
antidote agent that neutralizes a poison or counteracts its effects.
antiemetic drugs that treat the urge to vomit
entiepileptic prevents epileptic seizures.
antiflatulent reduces gastrointestinal gas
antifungal destroys fungi or inhibits its growth. -zole fluconazole (diflucan)
antigout treats inflammatory joint condition (gout)
antihemophillic allows blood to clot
antihistamine tx of allergies or anaphylactic rx
antihyperlipidemic lowers high levels of cholesterol
antihypertensive reduces elevation in blood pressure. -lol metoprolol (lopressor)
anti-infective treat disease produced by microorganisms
anti-inflammatory reduces inflammation
antimigraine used to treat migraine HA
antineoplastic attacks and destroys malignant cells
antiplatelet used to prevent clotting
antiprotozoal destroys protozoa
antipruritic supresses itching
antipsychotic reduce symptoms of hallucinations,delusions
antipyretic reduces fever
antiretroviral attacks any virus of the family Retroviridae
antispasmodic prevent muscle spasms
antitubercular treats tuberculosis
antitussive suppresses coughing
antivertigo treats dizziness
antiviral interferes with virus replication -cyclovir acyclovir (zovirax)
anxiolytic reduces anxiety
astringent causes contraction locally after application
barbiturate type of sedative
benzodiazepine CNS depressing agents with potential for abuse and/or dependence
beta blocker blocks response to beta stimulation, results in decreased heart rate, blood pressure. -olol Propranolol (Inderal)
bronchodilator relieves bronchospasm, treatment of asthma
anti-Parkinson's used to treat Parkinson's disease
calcium channel Blockers relax coronary artery smooth muscle to control fast heart rate, treats angina, arrhythmia, hypertension -dipine Nifedipine (Procardia)
cardiac glycoside treats mild to moderate heart failure
cephalosporin inhibits cell wall formation in bacteria
corticosteroid hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex. relieves inflammation and manages autoimmune diseases
decongestant causes mucous membrane vasoconstriction, relief of stuffiness and reduces nasal drainage
diuretic decreases blood pressure by decreasing blood volume, increases production of urine -thiazide -mide chlorothiazide (diuril) furosemide (lasix)
emetic causes vomiting
expectorant increases production of respiratory secretions and lowers viscosity of secretions
fluoroquinolone inhibits dna replication in bacteria
gastrointestinal agents treats disorders of the stomach and intestines, ulcer, reflux
GI stimulant increases the speed of gastric emptying
H2 Antihistamine affects the cells of the GI tract
Histamine evokes symptoms of the allergic reaction
hormone chemical substance, formed in a tissue or organ and carried in the blood,stimulates or inhibits the growth or function of one or more other tissues or organs
hypnotic causes sleep
macrolide bacteriostatic agents used to treat pulmonary infections caused by legionella and gram pos organisms
muscle relaxant causes skeletal muscle relaxation, reduces muscle spasms
narcotic often addictive; relieves pain and induces sleep; includes opium and its derivatives.
narcotic analgesic used to relieve severe pain; high abuse potential
nasal decongestant constricts vessels in nasal passages
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory for mild to moderate pain
opiate narcotic derived or related to opium
parasiticide destroys parasites in the skin
pediculicide kills lice
penicillin derived from mold penicillium, kills bacteria b preventing them from forming cell wall
radiopharmaceutical contains radioactive isotope; for diagnosis or for therapy
scabicide destroys skin mites and their eggs
sedative depresses CNS causing relaxation
tetracycline broad-spectrum bacteriostatic antibiotics that inhibit protein synthesis in bacteria
tranquilizer reduces anxiety or disturbance
vaccine introduces an antigen into the body to stimulate production of antibodies for protection against a disease causing microorganisms
vasoconstrictor narrows vessels and increases blood pressure
vasodilator expands vessels and lowers blood pressure Nitroglycerin
Created by: cbiondillo
Popular Pharmacology sets




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