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Prophase 1 Spindle apparatus forms, nucleoi and nuclear membrane disappear.
Synapsis Homologous chromosomes come together and intertwined
Tetrad each chromosome has two sister chromatids which contains four chromatids
After recombination occurs, are sister chromatics longer idental NO
Metaphase 1: tetrads align at equatorial plant and each pair attaches to separate spindle fiber by kinetochore
Anaphase 1 Homologous pairs separate and pulled to opposite poles of cell
Disjunction each chromsomoe of paternal origin separates from homolougs origin and can end up in either daughter cells
Telophase 1 nuclear membrane forms around each new nucleus at point where each chromosome still consits of sister chromatids joined at centromere
Meiosis 2 is ___ preceded by chromosal replication NOT
New cells of second meitoic cells have ___ number of chromsomes haploid
Mitosis: 2N --> ___N Meiosis 2N--> __ N 2N 1N
Mitosis: homologous chromosomes ___ pair up don't
Meiosis: homologous chromosomes pair up at metaphase plate forming Tetrads
Offsprings are essential genetic ___ copies of parent cells carbon
Asexual reproductions have 4 types, name them. 1. fission 2. budding. 3. regeneration 4. parthenogensis
Asexual reproduction is more prevalent in ____ than vertebrates invertebrates
Binary fission simple form of asexual reproduction seen in prokaryotic organisms. Divides into two equal cytoplasm.
Fission occurs in one-celled organisms such as amoebae, paramecia, algae, bacteria
Budding: Replication of nucleus followed by ____ cytokinesis Replication of nucleus followed by unequal cytokinesis
Budding occurs in hydra and yeast
budding pinches inward to form a new cell that is ___ size but genetically identical to the parent cell which then grows to adult size. smaller
Regeneration is regrowth of lost or injured body part. occurs in mitosis.
Regeneration occurs in lower animals: hydra and starfish, salamanders and tadpoles can generate new limbs
Parthenogenesis development of an unfertilized egg into adult organisms
Parthenogensis occurs in bees and ants. male develops from unfertilized eggs while worker bees and queen bees develop from fertilized eggs
Spore formation (diploid) produces ___ spores which develop into haploid gametophyte generation produces haploid spores which develop into haploid gametophyte generation
Alternation of generation in which a ___ generation is succeeded by haploid generation in which a diploid generation is succeeded by haploid generation
Spores are specialized cells with hard coverings that ___ lost of water prevent
diploid sporophyte generation produces ___ spores which develop into haploid gametophyte generations haploid
meristerms are undifferiated ____ in plants which provide a source of cells that can develop into adult plant. undifferiated tissues in plants which provide a source of cells that can develop into adult plant.
vegetative propgation is advantageous because it introduces ___ genetic variation and is a rapid form of ___ no reproduction
Natural vegetable propgatation: bulbs split into ___ bulbs. occurs in: ___ and ____ several tuplids - dafodils
Natural vegetable propgatation: Tubers are ____ stems with bubs. ie: ______ that cacn develop into adult plants underground. potatos.
Natural vegetable propgatation: Runners are stems running ___ and ___ the ground extend from the main ___. can produce ___ roots and upright stems such as in ____ and ___ grasses above and along. stem new strawberry and in lawn grasses
Natural vegetable propgatation: ____ are woody, underround stems and can develop new upright stems as in ___ and ___ plants rhizomes. ferns and iris
Auxins can be used to accelerate root formation
Layering is ____ . examples: ____ and ___ will take root when bent to the ground and covered with soil. blackberry and rasperry
stem of one plant called ___ Can be attached to root stem of another closely related plant called ___. scion. stock.
___ tissue of both stems must be in contact cambium
Gonads are ___ produced in specialized organs gametes
testes produce ___ in tightly coiled ____ tubules. sperm in voiled seminiferous tubules
Female gonads called ___ produce ___ (eggs. ovaries produce occytes
Hermaphrodites have ___ functional of ___ and ____ gonads such as: ___ and ___ both functions of male and female Hydra and earthworm
Spermatogensis occurs in ____ tubules. seminiferous
Diploid cells called ____ undergo meiosis to produce ____ haploid sperm of equal size. spermatogonia. four
Oogensis is the production of ____ gametes occured in the ___ gemale. ovaries.
Prophase 1 Spindle apparatus forms, nucleoi and nuclear membrane disappear.
Synapsis Homologous chromosomes come together and intertwined
Tetrad each chromosome has two sister chromatids which contains four chromatids
After recombination occurs, are ssiters chromatics longer idental NO
Metaphase 1 tetrads align at equatorial plant and each pair attaches to separate spindle fiber by kinetochore
Anaphase 1 Homologous pairs separate and pulled to opposite poles of cell
Disjunction each chromsomoe of paternal origin separates from homolougs origin and can end up in either daughter cells
Telophase 1 nuclear membrane forms around each new nucleus at point where each chromosome still consits of sister chromatids joined at centromere
Meiosis 2 is ___ preceded by chromosal replication NOT
New cells of second meitoic cells have ___ number of chromsomes haploid
Mitosis: 2N --> ___N Meiosis 2N--> __ N 2N 1N
Mitosis: homologous chromosomes ___ pair up don't
Meiosis: homologous chromosomes pair up at metaphase plate forming Tetrads
Offsprings are essential genetic ___ copies of parent cells carbon
Asecual reproductions are: 1 2 3 4 1. fission 2. budding. 3. regeneration 4. parthenogensis
Asexual reproduction is more prevalent ini ____ than vertebrates invertebrates
Binary fission simple form of asexual reproduction seen in prokaryotic organisms. Divides into two equal cytoplasm.
Fission occurs in one-celled organisms such as amoebae, paramecia, algae, bacteria
Budding Replication of nucleus followed by unequal cytokinesis
Buddingg occurs in hydra and yeast
budding pinches inward to form a new cell that is ___ size but genetically identical to the parent cell which then grows to adult size. smaller
Regeneration regrowth of lost or injured body part. occurs in mitosis.
Regeneration occurs in lower animals: hydra and starfish, salamanders and tadpoles can generate new limbs
Parthenogenesis development of an unfertilized egg into adult organisms
Parthenogensis occurs in bees and ants. male develops from unfertilized eggs while worker bees and queen bees develop from fertilized eggs
Spore formation (diploid) produces haploid spores which develop into haploid gametophyte generation
Alternation of generation in which a ___ generation is succeeded by haploid generation in which a diploid generation is succeeded by haploid generation
Spores are specialized cells with hard coverings that ___ lost of water prevent
diploid sporophyte generation produces ___ spores which develop into haploid gametophyte generation haploid
meristerms are ____ tissues in plants which provide a source of cells that can develop into adult plant. undifferiated
vegetative propagation is advantageous because it introduces ___ genetic variation and is a rapid form of ___ no; reproduction
Natural vegetable propagation: bulbs split into ___ bulbs. occurs in: ___ and ____ several; tuplids - dafodils
Natural vegetable propagation: Tubers are ____ stems with bulbs. ie: ______ that can develop into adult plants. underground. potatos.
Natural vegetable propgatation: Runners are stems running above and along the ground extend from the main ___. can produce new roots and upright stems such as in ____ and in lawn grasses. stem; strawberry.
Natural vegetable propgatation: ____ are woody, underground stems and can develop new upright stems as in ferns and iris plants rhizomes.
Auxins can be used to ____ root formation accelerate
Layering will take root when bent to the ground and covered with soil. examples: ____ and ___ blackberry and raspberry
stem of one plant called ___ Can be attached to root stem of another closely related plant called ___. scion. stock.
___ tissue of both stems must be in contact cambium
Gonads are ___ produced in specialized organs gametes
testes produce ___ in tightly coiled ____ tubules. sperm; seminiferous tubules
Female gonads called ___ produce ___ (eggs) ovaries produce occytes
Hermaphrodites have ___ functional of male and female gonads such as: ___ and ___ both. Hydra and earthworm
Spermatogensis occurs in ____ tubules. seminiferous
Diploid cells called ____ undergo meiosis to produce ____ haploid sperm of equal size. spermatogonia. four
Oogensis is the production of ____ gametes occured in the ___ female. ovaries.
One diploid primary female sex cell undergoes meiosis to form ____ egg. 1
Oogensis produces a ____ body which is small cell that contains little more than the nucleus. polar body.
Fertilization forms a ____ with ___ number of chromosomes zygote. diploid
External fertilization in vertebrates produces in ___. such as __ and amphibians. Water. Fish.
Internal fertilization Practiced by terrestrial vertebrates and provides a ___ route for sperm to reach the egg cell. direct
testes are the site of production of _______ (hormone) testosterone
testosterone regulates ____ male sex characteristics secondary male sex characteristics like facial public hair voice chains
Pathway of sperm SEVENUP
Ovaries are found in the ____ below digestive system ab cavity below digestive system
Ovaries consists of 1000s of ___ follicies
follices is a multilayered sac of cells that contains, nourishes, and protects an ____ ___ immature ovum
follicle cells produce ____ (type of hormone) estrogen
once a month an immature ovum is released from the ovary into the ___ ___ and drawn into the nearby ____. ab cavity; oviduct.
uterus is the site of ____ development fetal
Cervix connects the vaginal canal to ____ site of sperm deposition and where baby is expelled during childbirth
each fallon tube opens into the upper end of a muscular chamber called the ____ uterus
secretion of both estrogens and progesterone is regulated by ___ and ___ LH and FSH. regulated by GnRH
Estrogens are steroid hormones necessary for normal female _____ maturation
Estrogen contributes to the development of ____ sexual characteristics and sex drive 2nd
Estrogens are responsible for thickening the ____ endometrium aka uterine wall
Estrogens are secreted by the ___ follicles and the corpus lutetium ovarian
progesterone is a steroid hormone secreted by the _____ ____ during the ___ phase of the menstrual cycle. corpus lutetium. LH
Menstruation cycle are divided into four parts known as: follicular phase (FH), ovulation, luteal phase (LH), menstruation
follicular phase is when the Follicle stimulating hormone from ___ pituitary promotes development of follicle with grows and begins secreting ____ anterior pituitary; estrogen
Follicles mature during the ___ phase follicular (FSH, LH)
____ surge at midcycle triggers ovulation LH
ruptured follicles becomes the ____ ____ and secretes estrogen and progesterone to build up uterine lining in preparation for implantation. corpus luteum
corpus luteum secretes __ and __ secretes estrogen and progesterone
if ovum is not fertilized the corpus luteum ____. drop in progesterone and estrogen levels caused the endometrium to slough off giving rise to the ____ atrophies (dies). menses. (menstrutal flow)
If fertilization occurs, developing placental produces ____ which maintains corpus luteum and supply of estrogen and progesteroone maintains the uterus until the ___ takes over production of these hormones. hCg (human chorionic gonadotrophin); placenta
in mosses, the ____ is the dominant generation gametophyte
in mosses, sporophytes is a ____ organism that depends on the gametophyte for energy and ___. short-lived. nutrient.
spores divided by ____ to produce haploid or gametophyte generation mitosis.
in ferns, the ___ generation is dominant which releases spores from undersides of its leaves that develop into small heart shaped ___- sporophye. gametophytes
Angiosperms Flowering plants that have gametophytes consisting of a few cells that exists for a very short time
A ___ is the haploid, multicellular phase of plants and algae that undergo alternation of generations, with each of its cells containing only a single set of chromosomes. gametophyte
stamens are ___ plants male plants
pistils are ___ plants female plants
anther are _____ and produces ___ spores which develop into pollen grains. terminal sac in stamen. haploid.
Pistil: stigma- sticky top part of pistil which catches ____. pollen. has monoloid egg nucleus
petals specialized leaves surround and protects ___ to attract insects for their pollen for fertilization pistils
sepals are ____ cover and product flower bud during early development Green leaves
male gametophyte is a ___ grain pollen
epicotyl is the precursor of ____ stem and leaves upper
cotyledons are ___ leafs. seed leafs. dicots have two seed leafs while monoctos have only one.
hypocotyle develops into ____ stem and root lower
endosperm grows and feeds __. grows and feeds embryo.
seed coat develops from outer covering of ___. ovule.
meristem is the growth in higher plants is restricted to ____ cells embryonic
aprical meristem are found in ___ of roots and stems. growth in ___ occurs only at these points tips. length.
lateral meristem is known as the ___ cambium located btw xylem and phloem. permits growth in diameter. occurs in dicots like oaks.
autosomes are most chromosomes exist as pairs of ___ homologues
human has ___ pairs of autosomes 22
Sex chromosomes pair during ___ and segregate during the___ meiotic division meiosis; 1st (prophase 1)
Gender of a zygote is determined by the genetic contribution of the ___ male gamete
sex lined are genes that are located on the __ and __ chromosome X and Y
examples of sex-linked recessive are ___ and ___. hemophilia and colorblindness
sex linked recessive generally affects only ____. they cannot be passed from father to son but can be passed from father to ____. daughter who is a carrier, therefore ___ a generation. male. grandson. skipping a generation via sex recessive.
nondisjunction is the ___. failure of homologous structures to structure during meiosis 1 or the failure of sister chromatids to separate during meiosis 2
Meiosis 1 -- produce _____ _____ meiosis 2 -- produce _____ _____ 1: homologous chromosomes 2: sister chromatids
trisomy zygote that has three copies of same chromosmoe.
Monosomy single copy of the chromsome
down syndrome trisomy of chromosome 21
mutations that occur in somatic cells lead to tumors in the individual
mutation that occur in sex cells (gametes) will be transmitted to offspring
colchicine inhibits ______ therefore causing polyploidy or mustard gas spindle formation
______ occurs in cells and organisms when there are more than two paired (homologous) sets of chromosomes Polyploidy
Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a molecular disease caused by inability to produce ____ proper enzyme for metabolism of phenylalanine
Cytosine, uracil, thymine are ___ pyrimidines
Adenine and Guanine are __ Purines
Nucleotide compose of deoxyribose (sugar), phosophate group, nitrogenous base
DNA is a ___ stranded helix. double
the language of proteins consists of __ words 20; aka amino acids
DNA language must be translated by mRNA
each codon represent __ amino acid. however most amino acids are represented by __ than one codon. 1 amino acid. more than.
___ different codons 64
Dengeneracy or redundancy most amino acids have more than one codon specifying them.
RNA is composed of ___. it is ___ stranded. found in the ____ and ___. ribose sugar, single stranded RNA found in both nucleus and cytoplasm.
Three different tpes of RNA are: name 3 of them. mRNA, tRNA, rRNA
mRNA transports DNA sequency from nucleus to _____ ribosomes
monocistronic is an example of ____. one strand codes for one ___. mRNA - one mRNA strand codes for one polypeptide.
tRNA is found in the ___ which aids translation of mRNA nucelotides into ___ cytoplasm. amino acids.
there are ___ known tRNA 40
rRNA is synthesis in the nucleolous
transcription:dna is transcribed into strand of mRNA which leaves through the ___ nuclear pores
translation occurs in the ___. cytoplasm
anticodon is ____ to one of the mRNA codons complementary
aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase an active site that binds to both the amino acid and its corresponding tRNA
in elongation, ____ ____ form between the mRNA codon in the A site is complementary anti codon hydrogen bond
translocation is ribosome advances 3 nucleotides along the mRNA in the 5 to 3 direction.
disfulfide bonds form cross bridges with polypeptide chains of ____ and ____ molecular cross bridges. intra and inter
plasmids contains ___ genes contains one or more genes
episomes are plasmids that are capable of integration into _____ _____ bacterial genome
bacterial cells are reproduced by: ____ ____ binary fission
transformation for bacterial chromosome is the process of foreign chromosome fragments - plasmid - is incorporated into the bacterial chromosome via recombination
conjugation can be described as ____ ____ in bacteria sexual mating
F factor in ____ ____ E. Coli
HFR cells and occurs in ___ bacteria that have high frequency of recombination
transduction occurs when fragments of bacterial chromosome accidently become packaged into viral progeny produced during a viral infection
recombination in bacteria occurs when when ____ ____ are separated. linked genes are separated. breakage and rearrangement of adjacent regions of DNA.
repressor binds to operon, structural genes ____ described not
inducer binds to repressor, no binding to operator = structure genes ____ transcribed.
inducible systems repressor binds to operator forming a barrier that prevents RNA polymerase from transcribing.
Inducer must ____ to repressor in inducible systems forming an ____ ____ complex. bind, inducer repressor complex.
in repressible systems, repressor is ____ until it combines with the ____ inactive, corepressor
repressor is ____ until it combines with corepressor. in a _____ system. inactive, repressible.
corepressors are often____ of biosyntheitc pathwayways end-products
constitutive operons containing mutations whose regulator genes code for defective repressors are ____ of being turned off incapable
lytic cycle causing it to burst by taking over genetic machinery
lysogenic cycle does not lyse the hot cells but replicates and eventually enters the lytic cycle.
bacteria containing proviruses are normally ____ to further infections resistant
males ____ be carries for lethal genes cannot
genes will be inherited only from ____ carriers female
all males with the early acting sex-linked lethal recessive allele will ____ die
cleavage is the ___. what kind of division is it? early embryonic development is characterized by a series of a rapid mitotic division
cleavage ____ surface to volume ratio of each cell therefore improving ____ and ____ exchange increases. nutrient and gas
indeterminate cleavage, ie? results in cells that maintain the ability to develop into a complete organism. ie identical twins
determinate cleavage is cells whose future differentiation pathways are determinate at an early development stage.
first complete cleave of zygote occurs approximately ___ hrs after fertilization 32
fertilization occurs within ____ to ____ hrs 12-24
second cleavage occurs after ____ hrs and the third cleavage occurs after ____ hrs 60; 72
morula a solid ball of embryonic cells
blastulation is the process when ____ developes into a fluid filled cavity morula
____ is a fluid filled cavity blastocel
after four days the hollow sphere of cells is formed called the ____ blastula
Morula --> ____ --> blastula --> ____ blastocel; gasulation
___ --> blastocel --> ____ --> gastrulation Morula; blastula
Gastrulation cell migrations transform the single cell layer of the blastula into three layered structure known as gastrula.
Gastulation: Ectoderm includes: hair, nails, epithelium of nose, mouth and anal canal. lens of eyes, retina, NS
Gastulation: Mesoderm Muscular system, circulatory system, excretory system, gonad, ct throughout the body, and portions of digestive and respiratory organs
gastulation: endoderm epithelial lining of the digestive n respiratory tracts, parts of liver, pancreas, thyroid, and bladder lining
chorion chorion lines the inside of the shell and it is a moist membrane that permits gas exchange
allatois sac-like structure is involved in respiration and exretion and contains numerous blood vessels to transport O2, CO2, water, salt, and nitrogenous waste
amnion encloses amniotic fluid- aq enironment which protects the developing embryo from shock
yolk sac blood vessels in yolk sac transfer food to the devloping embryo
gas exchange in fetus occurs across the placenta
placenta can remove ____ and ____ c02 and metabolic wastes
labor the baby comes out of the cervix
marsupials are ___ mammals. IE? nonplacental mammals. offsprings are born early and move to a bounch for the rest of their devlopment. aka kangroos
protozoans: movement of ___ and ___ accomplished by ___ diffusion within the cell gases, nutrients, simple.
cnidarians: hydra and other cnaidarians have body wallas that are____ cells thick. cells are in direct contact with either internal or external environments so no specialized _____ system 2. circulatory
Anthropods: ___ circulatory systems. blood is in ___ contact with blood tissues. open. Directo.
Sinuses where exchange occurs. they are spaces.
annelids: ___ circulatory stems. IE? earthworms- closed
aortic loops five pairs of cessels which connect dorsal vessel to venral vessels
Earthworms blood lacks ___ blood cells red blood cells
human cardiovascular system is composed of a muscular ___ chambered heart 4
blood is pumped into the ___ which branches into a series of ___ aorta; arteries
exchange of gases, nutrients, cellular waste products occurs via ____ across ___ __ in humans diffusion. capillary walls.
Capillaries then converge into ___ and eventually into veins leading ____ blood back towards the heart venues. deoxygenated.
deoxygenated blood into ___ circulatory (___ the lungs) pulmonary. towards
oxygenated bloods into ___ circulation (___ the body) Systemic. throughout.
right side of the heart pumped ____ blood Deoxygenated
Left side of the heart pumps ___ blood oxygenated
Two upper chambers are called atria
two lower chambers are called ventricles
artria are ___ walled thin
ventricles are extremely ____ muscular
Name three types of blood vessels arteries, veins, capillaries
arteries thick walled, muscular, elastic vessels that transport oxgenated blood away from the heart. except pulmonary arteries.
pulmonary arteries transport ___ blood from the heart ___ the lungs deoxygenated blood; towards
veins are ____ thinly walled, ineleastic vessels, carries deoxygenated blood TOWARDS the heart. expect pulmonary veins.
pulmonary veins carry ___ blood from the lungs __ the heart. oxyenated. towards.
vessels transport excess ___ ___ called lymth intestritial fluid
Lymph nodes are ___ along lymph vessels containing leukocytes swelling
phagocytic cells are leukocytes
plasma in blood is the ___ portion liquid
blood is an aq mixture of ___, salts, respiratory ___, wastes, hormones, blood protein. nutrients, gas
Erythrocytes are red blood cells
oxyhemoglobin when hemoglobin binds oxygen which is a primary form of oxygen transport in RBC
RBCs circulate in the blood for about ___ days 120
RBC are phagocytized by special cells in the ___ and ___. Spleen and liver
erythrocytes are formed from stem cells in the ___ bone marrow
Leukocytes are white blood cells
TF: leukocytes are larger than erythrocytes and serve protective functions TRUE
macrophages WBC who migrate from blood to tissue and mature in stationary cells.
Lymphocytes other WBC that are involved in immune response and production of B cells and T cells
platelets cell fragments that lack nuclei and involved in clot formation
blood transports nutrients and O2 ___ tissues to
blood transports wastes and CO2 ___ tissues from
___ and ___ are absorbed into the bloodstream at the intestinal capillaries and after processing they are transported throughout the body amino acids and simple sugars
waste products diffuses into ___ from surround cells and then these wastes are then delivered to appropriate excretory organs capillaries
thromoboplatin when both platelets and damaged tissues work together to release for clotting factors
prothrombins active form is known as thrombin
thrombin converts to fibrinogen into fibrin
threads of fibrins coat the damage and trap blood cells to form a __ blood clot.
serum is the fluid left after _____ _____ blood clotting
humoral immunity involves the _____ of antibodies production
cell-mediated immunity involves cells that combat fungal and viral infections
immunoglobulins are ____ which are complex proteins that recognize and bind to specific antigens and trigger immune system to remove them. antibodies
active immunity production of ____ during an immune response. antibodies
passive immunity involves transport of antibodies produced by another individual or organism
gamma globulin can be used to confer temporary protection against hepatitis and other diseases by ___ immunity passive
histamine injured cells that cause blood vessels to dilate to increase blood flow to damaged region
granulocytes attracted to injury site phagocytize antigenic material.
____ diffuse to other cells where they prevent spread ofvirus interferons
erthyroblastosis fetalis severe anemia for fetus when RH destroys fetal red blood cells.
translocation circulation in plants
xylem cells are ___ walled, often hollow cells located ____ the vascular bundle. thicken, inside
fibrovascular bundle phloem, cambium, xylem layers
meristem refers to the actively diving, undifferentiated cells of a plant
cambium - provides lateral growth of the ___ by adding to the ___ and ___ stem, phloem and xylem.
main functions of the lymphatic system is to __ excess interstitial fluid and return it to the ___ system. collect; circulatory
lymphatic system is to ___ chylomicrons from the small intestine and deliver them to the cardiovascular circulation absorb
adrenal glands are situated on the top of the ____ and consists of the adrenal cortex and the adrenal medulla kidneys
In response to stress, ____ stimulates the adrenal cortex to synthesize and secret steroid hormones aka _____ ACT (produced by anterior pituitary); corticosteriods
cortisol and cortisone are examples of glucocorticoids
glucocorticoids are involved in ___ regulation and ___ metabolism glucose and protein
Glucocorticoids raise blood glucose levels by promoting protein breakdown and ____ and decreasing protein synthesis gluconeogenesis
mineralocorticoids particularly ____ regulate plasma levels of sodium and potassium and total extracellular water volume in the ___ aldosterone; nephron
hypertension is high blood pressure
adrenal cortex secretes small quantities of ____ androgens - male qualities (facial hair, etc)
A steroid hormone, such as testosterone or androsterone, that controls the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics. androgen
Adrenal glands are situated on top of kidney and consists of the Adrenal cortex and adrenal medulla
Adrenal cortex secretes corticosteriods which has three different types called: glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, cortical sex hormones
adrenal medulla produces ____ and _____. epinephrine and norepinephrine.
catecholamines class of amino acid derived compounds
epinephrine increase conversation of glucogen to glucose in liver and muscle tissue - rise in blood glucose levels and increase in basal metabolic rate
release of adrenal cortical hormones is under the control of _____ adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ATCH) - anteior or pituitary gland.
ACTH stimulates the production of ____ and sex steroids glucocorticoids
Six hormones of the anterior pituitary are: FLAT PEG FSH, LH, ACTH, TSH, Prolactin, Endorphins, GH
GH promotes ____ and ___ growth bone and muscle
acromegaly is disorder characterized by a disproportionate overgrowth of bone.
prolactin is stimulates milk production and secretion in female mammary glands
endorphines is inhibit perception of pain
ACTH stimulates the ___ ____ to synthesize and secrete glucocorticoids and is regulated by releasing hormone CRF the adrenal cortex
Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) stimulates thyroid gland to synthesize and release thyroid hormones including thyroxin
Luteinizing Hormone (LH) - in females, LH stimulates ____ and formation of the corpus luteum. in males, LH stimulates ___ ____ of the testes to synthesize testosterone. ovulation; interstitial cells
Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) in females - In females, FSH causes maturation of ovarian follicles which begin secretion estrogen.
FSH in Males - FSH stimulates maturation of the seminiferous tubules and sperm production
Melanocyte- Stimulating Hormone (MSH) Secreted by intermediate lobe of the pituitary.
Neurohypoophysis (___ pituitary) posterior pituitary that does not synthesize hormones, stores and releases the peptide hormones oxytocin and ADH.
Neurosecretory cells of the hypothalamus produce hormones ___ and __ ADH and oxytocin
oxytocin secretes during childbirth, increase strength and frequency of uterine muscle contractions
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) increases the permeability of the nephron's ____ ___ to water, thereby promoting water reabsorption and increasing ___ volume. collecting duct; blood
thyroid gland produces and secrets three types of hormones: thyroxin, triiodothyronine, calcitonin
hypothyroidism common symtoms include- (from thyroid) common symptoms includes a slowed heart rate and respiratory rate, fatigue, cold intolerance, and weight gain
Thyroid: Hyperthyroidism overstimulated, resulting in the oversecretion of thyroid hormones. symptoms: increased metabolic heart rate, feeligns of excessive warmth, profuse sweating, palpitations, wieght loss, protuding eyes.
Cretinism hypothyroidism in newborn infants which is characterized by mental retardation and short stature
goiter thyrod often enlarges forming a bulge in the neck
insulin ____ plasma glucose decreases
glucagon ___ plasma glucose increase
growth hormones, the glucocorticoids, epinephrine are all capable of ____ plasma glucose increase
islets of langerhans composed of alpha and beta cells in pancreas.
alpha cells produce and secrete _____ beta cells produce and secrete ___ (PANCREAS) glucagon; insulin
glucaagon stimulates protein and fat degradation, from glycogen to ____ and ____. glucose and gluconeogenesis - all to increase blood glucose levels.
Insulin's - protein hormone secreted in response to a ___ blood glucose concentration. high
insulin's underproduction leads to _____ which is characterized by hyperglycemia(high blood glucose levels) diabetes mellitus
parathyroid glands are embedded in posterior surface of thyroid. they synthesize and secrete ____ hormone which regulates plasma ___ concentration. Parathyroid hormone (PTH); Ca2+.
when blood volume falls, kidneys produce ____ renin
renin is an enzyme that converts plasma protein ____ to angiotensis I. angiotensinogen
Aldosterone helps ____ blood volume by ____ sodium reabsorption at the kidney leading to an increase in water. restore - increasing
Aldosterone secretion occurs in the Kidneys & Adrenal Cortex
parathyroid glands increases ___ Ca2+
CalciTONIN ___ CA2+ decreases
Gastrin is a hormone that is stimulated in the stomach from _____ ingested foods
Gastrin is carried to the ___ glands and stimulates the glands to secret ___ in response to food in stomach. gastric; HCL
Secretion is released by the ___ intestine when acidic food material enters from the stomach small
carbohydrates is digested in the in mouth and small intestine
stomach only digest protein
gastrin produces ______ gastric glands
gastric glands produces HCl
pepsigen (gen-inactive) produces pepsin
Pepsin (in-active) breaks down proteins
Chief cells produce pepsinigen
Secretin is a ___ system that neutralize the ____ from the ___ in order to be processed in the small intestine bicarbonate system that neutralize the acidity from the chime in order to be processed in the small intestine
boblus food that goes down esophagus --> not acidic
peristasis movement down the esophagus. contractions..
cardiac splinter cuts the food off from the esophagus to the stomach. to gastrin -> gastric glands -> HCL -> pepsigen
Pyloric splinter food cutting from the stomach to the small intestine
chyme new acidic ball of food that enters small intestine; partly digested food from stomach.
most all nutrients is located in the ___ intestine small
villi are located in the small intestine that contains ______ that absorbs everything microvilli
After microvilli does his job, it moves to the ____ intestine that absorbs water and salt. large
CCK breaks down FATS
pineal gland at base of brain secretes melatonin
(Cholecystokinin) released from ____ in response to the presence of ____ and causes the contraction of the gallbladder to releases ___ into small intestine small intestine; FAT; bile
bile digestion of fats
melatonin helps people discover the physiological cycle of ____ hours in a day
peptide hormones have specific ____ on the surface of their target cells receptors
Cyclic AMP is a ____ messenger 2nd
cAMP relaying messages from ____ peptide hormone to cytoplasmic enzymes and initiates series of ____ extracellular; rxns
cyclic amp is inactivated by cytoplasmic enzyme _____ phosphodiesterase
steroid hormones enter target cells directly by bind to specific receptor proteins in the ___ cytoplasm
phototropism is when auxins make plants bend ____ the light towards
indoleacetic acid is one of the ___ associated with photropism auxins
auxin is a plant ___ hormone
geotropism is the growth of portions of plants ___ or ____ gravity towards; away
negative geotropism causes plants to grow ____ and ____ from gravity away and upward
positive geotropism causes plants to grown ____ the pull of gravity towards. leaves goes down...
gibberelins stimulate rapid stem____. elongation
kinetin promotes ______ in auxins (plant hormone) cell division
ethylene is the process of ____ ripening fruit
Inhibitors block ____ and serve an important role in growth regulation. cell division
abscisic acid is one of the most important ____ that break down gradually so buds and seeds can become active in the next growing season. inhibitor
acromegaly is the overproduction of growth hormones in plants
thyroid hormone deficiency may result in cretinism
melatonin helps people discover the physiological cycle of ____ hours in a day
peptide hormones have specific ____ on the surface of their target cells receptors
Cyclic AMP is a ____ messenger 2nd
cAMP relaying messages from ____ peptide hormone to cytoplasmic enzymes and initiates series of ____ extracellular; rxns
cyclic amp is inactivated by cytoplasmic enzyme _____ phosphodiesterase
steroid hormones enter target cells directly by bind to specific receptor proteins in the ___ cytoplasm
phototropism is when auxins make plants bend ____ the light towards
indoleacetic acid is one of the ___ associated with photropism auxins
auxin is a plant ___ hormone
geotropism is the growth of portions of plants ___ or ____ gravity towards; away
negative geotropism causes plants to grow ____ and ____ from gravity away and upward
positive geotropism causes plants to grown ____ the pull of gravity towards. leaves goes down...
gibberelins stimulate rapid stem____. elongation
kinetin promotes ______ in auxins (plant hormone) cell division
ethylene is the process of ____ ripening fruit
Inhibitors block ____ and serve an important role in growth regulation. cell division
abscisic acid is one of the most important ____ that break down gradually so buds and seeds can become active in the next growing season. inhibitor
acromegaly is the overproduction
thyroid hormone deficiency may result in cretinism
growth hormone promotes growth of ___ promotes growth of muscles
ACTH stimulates _____ of glucocorticoids stimulates secretion of glucocorticoids
Oxtocin increase _____ during childbirth increase contractions during childbirth
progresterone prepares ____ for implantation of fertilized egg prepares uterus for implantation of fertilized egg
aldodesterone induces water reabsorption in ____ kidneys
glucagon stimulates ____ of glucose into blood stimulates release of glucose into blood
throxine ____ rate of metabolism increase rate of metabolism
negative feedback is ____ whereby an end-product inhibits one or more of the earlier steps that lead to its production/secretion regulation
glucagon is secreted in the pancreas
oxytocin and vasopressin are produced by the _____ and released by the ____. hypothalamus; pituitary
negative geotropism is when leaves are going against gravity, meaning their leaves folds up.
myelin is produced by ___ in NS glial cells
myelin is produced by ___ in CNS oligodendrocytes
myelin is produced by ___ in PNS schwann cells
deporalization in action potential allows voltage gate ___ channels to rush down gradient ___ the cell NA+, into
Reporalization in action potential allows voltage gate ___ channels to open and down gradient. K+
refactory period difficult or impossible to initiate another action potential
the greater the ____ of the axon and the more heavily it is myelinated, the faster the impulses will travel diameter
effector cells ability to have neurons to communicate with postsynaptic cells other than neurons such as muscle or glands.
neurotransmitters are the nerve terminal contains thousands of membrane bound vesicles full of ______ _____ chemical messengers
curare blocks the __ synaptic acetylcholine receptor that it is unable to interact with its receptor post
botulism toxin prevents realese of _____ from presynaptic membrane acetylcholine
_____ is a neurotransmitter in both the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and central nervous system (CNS) in many organisms including humans. acetylcholine
anti-cholinesterases are used as ____ gases and insecticide parathoin. it inhibits the actiity of acetylcholinesterarse where ____ coordinated muscle contractions can occur. nerve, no
protozoa is a ___ organism that possess no organized NS unicellular
Cnidaria have a simple nervous system aka ___ nerve net.
___ possess a CNS consists of defined ventral nerve cord, anteror brian, clusters of nerve cells. annelida
____ possess a CNS consists of defined ventral nerve cord, anterior brian, clusters of nerve cells but also contain specialized sense organs arthropoda
afferent neurons are neurons that carry sensory info about the extenoral or internal environment to brian and spinal cord
efferent neurons are neurons that carry motor commands from brian or spinal cord to various part of body
interneurons participate only in local circuits linking sensory andmotor neurons in the brian and spinal cord. their cell body and nerve terminals are in the ___ location same
a network of nerve fiber are known as plexus
ganglia neuronal cell bodies often cluster together in PNS
nuclei of cell bodies are located in the ___ CNS
forebrain (prosencephalon) consists of ___ and ____ telencephalon and diencephalon
telencephalon is the ____ cortex which is highly convoluted gray matter and can be seen at the surface. cerebral.
The cerebral cortex processes and integrates ___ input and ___ responses and is important for memory and creative thought. sensory and motor
Olfactory bulb is the center for ____ and integration of olfactory input reception
diencephalon contains the ___ and ____ thalamus and hypothalamus
thalamus is a relay and integration center for the ____ and ___ spinal cord and cerebral cortex
hypothalamus controls ______ hunger, thirst, sex drive, water balance, blood pressure, temp regulation. endocrine system.
midbrain (mesencephalon) relay center for ____ and ____ impulses. important for motor control. visual and auditory
hindbrian (rhombencephalo) is the posterior of the brian which contains three things: cerebellum, pons, medulla
cerebellum helps ___ initiated by cerebellum for maintenance of balance, hand-eye coordination, timing of rapid movement motor impulses
pons in hindbrain acts a relax cortex to communicate with the __- cerebellum
medulla controls three things. name it. also known as medulla oblongata. breathing, heart rate, gastrointestinal activity
brainstem is constitute of three things: medulla, pons, midbrain
sensory info enters spinal cord through the ____ dorsal horn
all motor info exists the spinal cord through the ____ ventral horn
PNS consist of ___ and ___- nerves and ganglia
somatic NS innervates skeletal muscles and is responsible for movement
Autonomic nervous system innervates ___ and ___ muscles cardia and smooth
norepinephrine is used as a primary neurotransmitter in the sympathetic NS
parasympathetic division acts to conserve energy and rest of body to resting activity levels. T/F True
vagus nerve uses acetylcholine as a primary neurotransmitter in the PNS ystem that innervates many ___ and ____ viscera thoracis and abdominal
cones respond to ___ intensity illumination and are sensitive to ___ high, colors
rods detect ____ intensity illumination and are important in ___ vision low, night
cornea focuses ___ light rays
sclera is the ___ of the eye white
choroid layer helps supply retina with __- blood
retina contians ____ that sense light photreceptors
iris control ___ pigment
lens and the shape and the focal length of which is controlled by the ____ muscles ciliary
axons of the ganglion cells bundle to form the ____ optic nerves which conduct visual info to the brian
fovea is a densely packed with ____ and is important for high acuity vision cones
vitreous humor in eye maintains its ___ and ___ properties shape and optical
aqueous humor is formed by the eye and exits through ducts to join the ___ blood venous
myopia (nearsightedness) occurs when the image is focus _____ of the eye in front
hyperopia (farsightedness) occurs when the image is focus ___ the retina behind
astigmatism is caused by irregularly shaped ___- cornea
cataracts develop when the lens become opaque where light ___ enter the eye and blindness results cannot
resting membrane potential in a neuron result of an unequal distribution of ions between the inside and the outside of the cell. T/F True
Resting membrane potential of a neuron depends on three things: differential distribution of ions across axon membrane, active trarnsport, selective permeability
___ and ___ focuses light on the retina cornea and lens
____ is when the neuron goes past the resting potential and becomes even more negative inside than normal hyperpolarization
acetylcholine is ____ in the synapatic cleft by the enzyme acetycholinesterase after it has acted upon the postsynaptic membrane inactive
The chemical compound_______ (often abbreviated ACh) is a neurotransmitter in both the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and central nervous system acetylcholine
One NADH is produced per PGAL, for a total for ___ NADH 2
Alcohol fermentation occurs in Yeast and Bacteria
Lactic Acid Fermentation Occurs in Fungi and bacteria
Cellular respiration is the most efficent catabolic pathway used by organisms to harvest the energy stored in ___ glucose
Glycolysis yields ____ ATP 2
Cellular Respiration can yield ___ to ____ ATP 36-38
in cellular respiration, ___ is the final acceptor of electrons Oxygen
CELLULAR respiration occur in the eukaryotic ____. mitochondrion
Pyruvate decarboxylation in the mitochondrial matrix loses ___ and the coenzyme A to from ____ CO2, acetyl COa
Pyruvate decarboxylation reduced ___ to ___ NAD+; NADH
In Kreb cycle, __ CO2 are released 2
In Kreb cycle, __ atp is produced by substrate level phosphorylation 1
In Kreb cycle, NAD+ and FAD generates ___ and ___ NADH and FADH2
NADH produces how many times x3
FADH2 produces how many times x2
ETC occurs inside the _________ inner mitochondrial membrane.
cytochromes are electron carriers that resemble hemoglobin in structure of active site.
IN SUBSTRATE level phosphorylation, 1 glucose molecules yields ___ atp from glycolysis and __ ATP for each turn of the kreb cycle. Thus ___ ATP are produced. 2; 1; 4
In oxidative phosphorylation, 2 pyruvate yields __ NADH for a total of ___ NADH 1; 2
In oxidative phosphorylation, each turn of the citric cycle yields ___ NADH and ___ FADH2 for a total of __ NADH and ___ FADH2 3; 1. 6;2.
Glycolysis occurs in the __ Cytoplasm
Glycolysis makes _ ATP 2
Pyruvate makes __ ATP -2
Kreb Cycle makes _ ATP 2
ETC makes __ ATP 34
Net ATP made in cellular respiration (eukaryotes? Prokaryotes?) 36; 38
Fermentation occurs in the Cytoplasm
Pyruvate decarboxylation occurs in the inner mitochrondion matrix
Kreb Cycle occurs in the inner mitochondrion matrix
ETC occurs in the mitochondrion inner membrane
In Kreb cycle, breakdown of _____ generates nadh, fadh2, atp acetyl coA
2 Pyruvate --> ____ --> 2 acetyl coA pyruvate decarboxylation
glycogen is stored in the ____ liver
fat molecules are stored in adipose tissues
fats hydrolyzed by ___ to fatty acids and ____ lipases; glycerol
Glyceryol is converted to ____ PGAL
Fats yields the ____ number of ATP per gram greatest
transamination rxn is when proteins lose an ___ group and are converted to acetyl CoA, pyruvate in the kreb cycle amino group
oxidative deamination removes ___ molecules directly from an amino acid ammonia
Cnidaria are ___ and ____ Protozoa and Hydra
Cnidaria is when every cell is in ___ with the external environment of ____ where respiratory gases can be exchanged between cell and the environment by simple diffusion through cell membrane. contact; water
Annelids are - mucus secreted by cells on extrenal surface of earthworm's body provides a moist surface for gaseous exchange by ___ diffusion
Annelids circulatory system brings ___ to cells and waste produce ___ back to skin for exretion O2; CO2
Cnidarias are basically have a mouth that eats and shits in the same place. TRUE
Annelids are basically ones that have aortic loops of heart goes in 02 and shits out C02, ie. earthworms. one anus one mouth TRUE
Arthropod phylum are grasshoppers that have respiratory tubes called ___ tracheae
Arthropods chews their food and has a respiratory system.. True
Gas exchange between the lungs and circulatory system occurs across very thin walls of the ____ which are air filled sacs at the terminals of the airway branches. alveoli
___ are air filled sacs at the terminals of the airway branches alveoli
ventilation is to take in ___ from atm and eliminate co2 from body oxygen
during inhalation the diaphragm ___ and flattens the external intercoastal muscle ___ pushing the rib cage and chest wall up and down contracts
exhalation is when the lungs and chest walls are highly ____ and tend to recoil to their original position following inhalation elastic.
medulla oblongata controls breathing, ventilaion
pulmonary capillaries surround the alveoli which diffuses across ___ ____ an those of the alveoli. capillary walls
Oxygen diffuses from the alveolar air ___ the blood while __ diffuses from the blood into the lungs to be exhaled into
Photosynthesis produces ___ and gives off __ while respiration requires ___ to degrade ____ Glucose; O2 O2; Glucose
glucose DEGERATION. degeneration means CELLULAR RESPIRATION
Fatty acids enter the degrative pathways in forms of acetyl CoA
gas exchange in lung is ____ transport passive
Air travels through a sequence: Put in order: Trachea, larynx, pharynx, alveoli, bronchi Pharynx, larynx, trachae, bronchi, alveoli
chemosynthesis is for simple autotrophic ____ to obtain energy for the manufacture of organic molecule bacteria
Photosynthesis converts ___ and water to form ____ and oxyygen CO2; glucose
in the light rxn, ___ and ___ are formed ATP and NADPH
in the dark rxn, ___ is reduced CO2
photolysis is known as the ___ rxn light
Cyclcic e- flow: cofactor carrier is ___ ferrodoxin
Noncyclic electron flow: travels from ___ to ___ to transfer ___ for use in the dark rxn p680 to p700 to transfer NADPH for use in the dark rxn
cyclic electrron flow exits to p700 and then has a ____ rxn which returns it back and does not move forward to replenish energ. only produces ___ redox; ATP
___ escape of high energy electrons from chlorophyll molecules photoionization
___is where light reactions occur Grana
___ is site of PSI and PSII. thylakoids
____ is the light independent reactions occur (like cytoplasm) Stroma
6 turns of Calvin cycle produces ____ pgal, ___ RBP, ___ glucose, ___ co2 12, 6, 1, 6.
the sacromere is composed of ___ and ___ filaments think and thick
Thin filaments are chains of ____ molecules actin
Thick filaments are chains of ____ molecules myosin
absolute refractory period is when the muscle is _____ to a stimulus unresponsive
latent period is the time between stimulation and the onset of ____ contraction
During the latent period (lag time) the action potential spreads along the sacolemma and ____ ions are released CA2+
the link of the _____ is the sacrolemma of the muscle and the nerve terminal neuromuscular junction
summation is when the contractions become ____ when stimuli are so frequent that the muscle ___ relax continuous; cannot
tetanus is when muscles will fatigue and the contraction will ___ weaken
smooth muscle is responsible for involuntary actions by the ___ ANS
smooth muscle is found in the digestive tract, bladder, uterus, and blood vessel walls. T/F? TRUE
myogenic means capable of contracting to ATP
circadian rhythms animals that associate with the 24hr frame
spontaneous recovery if the stimulus is no longer regularly applies, teh response tends to recover over time.
classical or pavolvian condition involves with teh normal ____ responses with an environment stimuus autonomic
salivation reflex has to deal with arbitray stimulus
unconditioned stimulus is the innate reflex. ex: food for salivation.
unconditioned response is like salivation for a dog when he hears the bell
neutral stimulus is a stimulus that has to be combined with an unconditioned stimulus
conditioned reflex is the product of the condition experience. t/f true
position reinforcement reward for doing something good.
negative reinforcement reward for not doing something bad
punishment is a condition to ___ exhibiting a given behavior stop
extinction is gradual ___ of conditioned responses in absence of reinforcement elimination
spontaneous recovery is the recovery of the recovery response after ____ extinction
stimulus generalization is the ability of a conditioned organism to respond to a ____ stimuli but not identical to the original conditioned stimulus similar
stimulus discrimination involves the ability of the learning organism to differentially respond to a slightly ___ stimuli different
efferent neuron has to deal with motor
afferent neuron has to deal with sensory
reproductive displays are____ behaviors found in all animals including humans. specific. signals in preparaation for mating
agonistic displays has to deal with ___ appeasement such as a dog wagging its tail
dominant members of the specieis will prevail over a subordinate one.
pecking order refers to the _____ hierarchy social
olfactory sense is immensely important for ____ communication
pheromones that influence the behavior of the ___ species same
Releaser pheromones trigger a ____ behavior change in the recipient reversible.
primer pheromones produce ____ term behavioral and physiological alterations in recipient animals long
releaser pheromones can also secret as alarm and ____ defensive substances toxic
simplex reflex is controlled by the ___ by a two neuron pathway from receptor (afferent) to the motor (efferent) spinal cord
reticular activating system is when an animal response to potential danger or hearing one's name called. TRUE
abiotic environment is the ___ environment physical. environment we are living in.
biotic environment is the ___ environment living. people who live in the environment.
species is any group of similar organisms that are capable of ___ reproducing
organ systems are made out of organs
organs are made from tissues
tissues are made from cells
cells are made from molecules
molecules are made from atoms
atoms are made of sub-atomic particles
population is a group of organisms of the ___ species living together in a given location same
biotic community refers to only the populations and ___ their physical environment not
ecosystem includes the biotic community and the non-living environment. t/f true
biosphere includes all portions of the planet which support life: atmosphere, lithosphere(rock and soil surface) and hydrosphere (oceans). TF true
photic zone in water, the top layer through which light can be penetrate, is where all aquatic ____ activity take place photosynthetic
aphotic zone only animal life and other heterotrophic ___ exist life
loams contain high percentage of each type of soil
minerals including nitrates and phosphates affect the type of ____ that can be supported vegetation
niche defines the functional role of an organism in its ___ ecosystem.
no two species can ever occupy the same niche. t/f true
herbivores are animals that consume only ___ plants and plants food
symbiotic bacteria is capable of digesting ____ inhabit the digestive tracts of herbivores and allow the breakdown and utilization of cellulose cellulose
carnivores are animals that eat other___ animals.
omnivores are animals which eats _____ and ____ plants and animals
symbionts live____ in an intimate often permanent association which may or may not be beneficial to participants together
commensalism, mutualism, parasitism are types of ____ relationships symbiosis
commensalism is when one benefits and one is not affected
mutalism is when both organisms benefits
parasitism is when parasite benefits and host dies
ectoparasites are parasites that cling to the ___ surface exterior
endoparasites ___ ____ in the host lives within
saprophytism includes protists and fungi that ____ dead organic matter decompose
scavengers are animals which consumes ____ Dead animals
interspecies relationships between species
intraspecific cooperation formation of societies in animal species
hyperosmotic environment means when organisms ___ water and take in sale lose. ex: saltwater fish. active exertion of salt across gills
hyposmotic environment means when the intake of excess water and excess salt ___ lost. ex: freshwater fish excreting dilute urine.
poikilothermic are animals who are ___. the environment ____ their actions. cold blooded. affects.
homethermic are animals who are ____. animals who are homeotherms need to maintain constant body temp than environments so they have _____. warm blooded. hairs, fats, feathers to retain heat loss.
chemosyntthetic bacteria are producers
producers are autrophic plants
primary consumers are animals which consume ____ green plants aka herbivores
secondary consumers are animals who consume herbivores aka carnivores
tertiary consumers are animals who consume carnivores
saprophytic organisms are decomposers aka bacteria and fungi.
Desert Biome: receives less than __ inches a year 10
Desert Biome: desert animals lie in ___ burrows, holes.
Grassland biome: by a low rainfall of ___ to ___ inch year 10-30
Grassland biome: no shelter for ____ mammals. ex of mammals are: herbivorous. zebra, cattle, antelope, bison.
Tropic rain forests: are jungles by ___ temperatures and torrential ___ high, rains
Tropic rain forests: monkeys, lizards, snakes, birds, epiphytes(plants growin on other trees) TRUE
Tropic rain forests: trees grow __- closely together where sunlight hardly reachs teh forest floors.
examples of places of Tropic rain forests amazon basin, sotuheast asian, central africa, central america, amazon basin, southeast asai
examples of places of grassland bioles rockies, steppes of ukraine, pampas of argentina
temperate deciduous forest: have ___ winters and ___ summers. ___ rainfalls cold, warm. moderate.
temperate deciduous forest: have trees such as maple, beech, paks, willows which shed their leaves during cold winter months.
animals in temperate deciduous forest: deer, fox, woodchuck, squirrels
temperate deciduous forest: kinda like big bear true
temperate coniferous forest: forests are: cold and dry
temperate coniferous forest trees consist of pine, fir, spruce trees
temperate coniferous forest are areas like united states and south canada.
temperate coniferous forest is like mountain high area true
taiga biome receive ___ rainfall than temperate forest less.
taiga biome have long cold winters and have only one type of coniferous trees aka spruce
taiga biome contains on floors of mostly ___ and ___ moss and linches
animals in the taiga biome include moose, black bear, wolf, birds.
taiga biome consists of areas of ___ and __- canada and russia
tundra biome is ___. froze plain between taiga lands and northern ice-sheets treeless
tundra has a very short ___ and have animals such as ___ summers. moss, polar bears, musk oxen, arctic hens.
polar region is a ___ area with no vegetation and terrestrial animals. no
____ areas are the most stable ecosystems, conditions affecting temperature, amt of available oxygen, carbon dioxide aquatic
aquatic biomes have two types: ___ and ___ marine and freshwater
in the marine biomes: intertidal zone include: it is exposed at low tides which undergoes variations in temperature and periods of dryness. ex? algae, sponges, clams, snails, sea urchins, starfish, and crabs.
littoral zone is the region on continental shelf which contains ocean area with depth up to 600. these contains algae, crab, crustaceans, and ___ fish
pelgic zone is typical of the open seas and can be divided into ___ and ___ zones photic and aphotic
photic zone is the sunlight layer (250-600ft) which contains plant ___. active swimmers such as fish sharks or whales feed on ___ and smaller fish. autrophic chief is diatom, an algae. plankton
aphotic zone benefit the photic zone which has no sunlight. no photosyntheiss and only ___ exists. very cold water and high pressures and in complete darkness. contains nekton and benthos (crawling and sessile organisms). firecely competive. hetertrophic
freshwater biomes such as rivers, lakes, ponds and marshes. freshwater is ____ creating a diffusion gradient with is a passage of water into cell. hypotonic
turgor is a plant cells that have rigid cell walls and build up cell pressure so water can flow ___ in
symbiotic relationships are ___ term relationships btw two organisms long
black bears living in Yosemite are an example of a __- population
a community includes ___ all species living in a particular area
photic zone receives __ light
aphotic zone has only ___ living heterotrophic
a primary consumer feeds on ___ producers autotrophic
protists are __ cells and are ____. single. eukaryotic.
fungi are _______ plants. they are nonmotile. non-photosynthetic.
fungi are either _____ or ____ saprophytic or parasitic
saprophytic bread mold. any organism that lives on dead organic matter
parasitic atheleti's food fungus
plantae has multicellular organisms and are nonmotile and are ____ photosynthetic
cyanobacteria are ___. have cell walls and photosynthetic pigments with no flagella. nucleus. chloroplasts. mitochondria. can withstand extreme temp and descended from first organisms. blue green algae living mostly in fresh water
cocci are __ shaped round
bacilli are __ shaped rods
spirilla are __ shaped spiral
xylem is ___ conducting water
phloem is ___ conducting food
bryophyta does not contain ___ xylem
bryophyta the ____ is dominant compared to ___ gametophytes is dom and sporophyte isnt
in tracheophyta the ___ is dom compared to ___ sporophte generation is dominant and gametophyte is short lived.
trachelophyta are ___ plants vascular
psilophytes contain ____ instead of roots and one vascular bundle. trachelophyta. rhizoids
lycophyta has ___ and nonwoody and contain microphyll leaves. trachelophyta. roots.
sphenophyta has roots, leaves, olly joined stems where worls of leaves occur on each joint. this division is part of the ______ trachelophyta
pterophyta is the largest division and includes ferns. they grow in length not in width. they grow from an undergrown stem known as ___. trachelophyta rhizome.
tracheophta have deep roots instead of rhizoids and helps them grow in great hights because of the woody support system. cellular water storage creats ___ cells. turgid
___ are the largest grouping of gymnosperms conifers
megaspores are female
microspores are male
molluscas have calcium carbonate exoskeletons, chambered hearts, blood sinuses, nerve cords. ex: claims, snails and squid
annelids has a coelem (true body cavity contained in mesoderm). ex: earthworms and leeches
nematods are ___. they have digestive tubes and anus with mesoderm. lacks circuatory systems. ex: roundworms. hookworm, trichinea, freeliving soil.
platyhelminthes are _____. bilaterally symmetrical. flatworms.
cnadarians only have _ layers of cells. 2: ecto and endo
cnadaris have ___ symmetrical radial
ex of cnadarians are: hydra, jelly fish, coral, sea anemones
____ is an example of a chordate that is not a vertebrate amphioxus.
chordates have __ notochord
vertebreate has a __- backbone
arthropoda are insects that have _______ appendages, chitinous exoskeletons and open circulatory systems joint.
three types of anthropods are: insects, arachnids, and crustaceans.
archnids are examples of spiders, scorpions
crustaceans are examples of lobser, crayfish, shrimp
enchinoderms are those who can ____ body parts regenerate
chordates have notochords in early stages of embryologic development.
lanchelets and tunicates, amphioxus are ___ but not ___ chordates; vertebrates
petrification is the process in which minerals ___ the cells of organisms replace
CASTs are formed by minerals deposited in ___ molds.
analogous means similar structure but ___ origin different
homologous means similar structure, ___ origin same
natural selection is when genotypes with favorable variations are selected through natural selection and the frequency of the favorable genes ____ within the gene pool increases
mutations changes ___ frequencies in a population, shifting equilibrium allele
genetic drift is also known as the founder's effect - changes in composition of gene pool due to chance.
gene flow - migration of individual between population will result in a loos or gain of genes thus change teh composition of a populations gene flow. TF TRUE
deme is a ___ local population small
genetic variation, changes in environment, migration to new environments, adaptation to new environments, natural selection and isolations are all factors of speciation
adaptive radiation is the emergence of a number of a ___ ancestral species single
convergent evolution is when two different classes come to appear like each other physically based on their adapting to the same ___ niche. environment.
parallel evolution is when its one origin and separates through time because of separate environments but growing together. true/false true
divergent is from one ___ ancestor and because of different involvements changes to two separate species common
first primitive cells probably contained ___ polymers nucleic acid
autotrophic anaerobes include chemosynthetic bacteria
autotrophic aerobes include green plants and phytoplankton
heterotrophic anaerobes include yeast
heterotrophic aerobes include amoebas, earthworms, humans
convergent evolution is when organisms differ phylogenetically develop in similar ways when exposed to similar ___ environments
directional selection is when the phenotypic norm of a particular species shifts towards an ___ to adapt to a selective pressure extreme
genetic drift aka chance variation has a great effect in ___ population smaller
homologous structures are similar in origin but not similar in ___ function
filtration in the kidneys where blood plasma enters the ____ through capillary walls surround bowman's capsule. glomerulus
filtration in the kidneys is ___ with blood plasma isotonic
secretion in the kidneys occur in the nephron tubule
secretion in the kidneys secretes ___, ___ and __- acid, base, ions
reabsorption in the kidneys secrete ___, ___ and ___ glucose, salts and amino acids
reabsorption in the kidneys reabsorbs filtrate and return to __ blood
reabsorption in the kidneys is ____ to blood hypertonic
reabsorption in the kidneys occurs in the proximal convoluted tubule
lowest solute of the osmolarity gradient in the kidneys to highest solute are ____ to ____ cortex to inner medulla
osmolarity gradient and concentration of urine are located in the collecting tubule
osmolarity gradient collects ___, ___ and ___ water, salts and urea
concentration of urine in the medulla of the kidney is ___ hyperosmolar
sutures hold bones and ___ together skull
ligaments serve as ____ to ____ connectors bone to bone
insertion of a bone is the point of attachment of a ___ to ___ that moves muscle to bone
flexion is ___ of a joint bending
extension is ____ a joint straightening
muscle tissue consist of bundles of specialized ___ contractile fibers
myofibrils in skeletal muscles are divided into ___ sarcomeres
myogenic means that they are capable of contracting without stimulus from nerve cells. examples include: __ and __ smooth and cardiac
cerebellum has to do with ___ coordination motor. without cerebellum people can lose balance.
cerebrum deals with ___ and __ sensory and memory.
thymus is involved in development, maturing, and education of _ cells. T
renin is in response to ____ in blood pressure and volume decrease
Created by: Andrewvo
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