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Unit 1 Test Guide

study guide

Apocrypha "hidden" books found in Roman Catholic Bible
Law first 5 books of OT
Torah literally is Hebrew for "law"
Pentateuch the first five books of the OT: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, numbers, and Deuteronomy
Hebrew Bible Bible of the Jews
Tanak Bible of the Jews
Testament either of the two main parts of the Bible: OT/NT
Covenant the agreement between God and the ancient Israelites, in which God promised to protect them if they kept His law and were faithful to Him
Canon closes list of authoritative writings
Canonization to make canonical; place or include within a canon, esp. of scriptural works
Septuagint 1.version of Hebrew Bible translated into Greek. 2. Bible of the early church- when no NT (spread and read in Greek)
Yahweh LORD- original Israelite name for their God
Abraham the first of the great Biblical patriarchs, father of Isaac, and traditional founder of the ancient Hebrew nation
Patriarchs the “founding fathers” of the Israelites: Abraham and Isaac, Jacob, and the sons of Jacob
The Exodus the second book of the Bible, containing an account of the Exodus, the departure of the Israelites from Egypt under Moses.
Moses the Hebrew prophet who led the Israelites out of Egypt and delivered the Law during their years of wandering in the wilderness.
Joshua Moses' successor, who led the Israelites in the conquest of Canaan
Samuel a Hebrew prophet, seer, and judge, who anointed the first two kings of the Israelites
Saul the first king of Israel
David died c970 b.c., the second king of Israel, reigned c1010–c970, successor to Saul
Solomon name of David's son, king of Judah and Israel and wisest of all men
Ezra a Jewish scribe and prophet of the 5th century b.c., who with Nehemiah led the revival of Judaism in Palestine.
Jerusalem a city in and the capital of Israel
Babylonia the southern kingdom of ancient Mesopotamia
Assyria Empire that destroyed N. Kingdom “Israel.” an ancient kingdom of N Mesopotamia, it established an empire that stretched from Egypt to the Persian Gulf, reaching its greatest extent between 721 and 633 bc . Its chief cities were Assur and Nineveh
OT: how many book? 24
composed over what time span? 1000 years
what language? Hebrew and Aramaic
what are some of the genres? historical, literary, narrative, wisdom, hymnic literature
what is the Fertile Crescent? a cresent-shaped region stretching from just south of modern-day Jerusalem then northward along the Mediterranean coast to present-day Syria and eastward through present-day Iraq then southward along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers to the Persian Gulf.
what bearing did the Fertile Crescent have on the geographical feature have on the history of the Ancient Near East? most of the nations during this time would fight over this land closest to the Fertile Crescent
How does the OT have human dimensions? product of human experience, reflections, styles, and styles of writing
How does the OT have historical dimensions? a. product of specific time and culture b. product of historical memory
How does the OT have religious dimensions? product of religious experience and understanding of reality
How does the OT have literary dimensions? product of literary forms and conventions
What does is mean to approach the OT "on its own terms?" it means to approach the OT by trying to understand how it impacted the original audience and what the OT meant to them
what are the divisions of the Jewish cannon? The Books of the Law (torah), The Books of the Prophets, The Books of the Writings
How do the divisions of the OT differ from the divisions of the Christian Bible? the christian bible is counted differently with 39 books and has 4 parts in the cannon
The Books of the Law priests laws (historical narratives and laws) to: provide Israelite foundations of world-view, origin/purpose of Israel, how should conduct self
The Books of the Prophets historical messages, poetic former and latter prophets. preserve traditions of Israel, answer questions about history, teaching about the nature of reality
The Books of the Writings wisdom lit. teach about the nature of life and how to live skillfully, guidance and encouragement in expressions of prayer, worship and celebration.
Creation origins:basic view regarding divine sphere, human sphere, and natural sphere. Yahweh is distinct from nature
Clan Patriarchs (fathers) Abraham: call and promise/covenant "birth" of ethnic identity
Confinement (P) (Exodus)slavery in Egypt, Moses, turned into slaves, Egyptians were henotheisists (belief in more than 1 god)
Commandments (P) giving of the law @ Mt. Sinai, Moses, religious "birth" of Israel
Camping(P) wandering in the wilderness, moses, rebelled when told to conquer land, were punished until next generation come of age
Covenant(P) renew covenant w/ next generation, Moses, ready to enter the land
Conquest(P) taking the Land (birth of landed ID), Joshua,
Cycles (P) judges, rebel against God, subjugated by neighbors, repent/cry out, delivers "Judge"
Crowns(H) United Monarchy, 3 kings -Saul: benjamin tribe : military, follows judges -David: Judah: established nation/organized land -Solomon: son of David: very harsh and mean
Chasm(H) divided monarchy: North: Israel, South: Judah
Captivities (H) fall of the kingdoms N: to Assyria in 721 BCE? S: to Babylonia in 586 BCE?
Construction (H) return/rebuild under Persian control (Ezra and Nehemiah)
Construction (H) return/rebuild under Persian control (Ezra and Nehemiah)
How do modern historians draw distinctions b/w "pre-historical" and "historical?" biased is based on political history, pre-historical period has little external evidence and OT sources written much later than events. Historical period: more external evidence and OT sources more contemporary
Created by: lex16
Popular Religion sets




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