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MCPHS - MedChem I Exam 2 (a)

Tx for Strong Acid Burns Flush w/ H2O
Alkali on Skin feels like? Nothing/Itch (too late)
Why not Tx w/ Chems? Exothermic Rxn' burns more
Why does Acetone turn skin white? Solu Lipids in Skin
DMSO will? Carry other Chem's thru skin
Cyanide ? Binds Ox. Cytochrome blocking respiration in Mitochondria
Tx's for Cyanide? Methylblue, Nitrates, O2, Thiosulfate
What is Mitochondrial Sulfotransferase? Rhodanese enzyme that converts Thiosulfate & CN- to SCN- (Tox.: 500 mg/kg rather than 3 mg/kg for CN-)
What does nitrates do? Makes MetHb
What does MetHb do? Reduces O2 capacity of blood (30% opt. for Tx)
Why can thiosulfate be used to tx for CN- poisoning? B/c CN-Hb3+ is reversable (CN- then binds w/ S making SCN- w/ low toxicity)
What is Kelocyanor? Dicobalt Edetate (Tx CN- Poisoning)
What is Vit B12? Cyanocobalamin (Cyanide & Cobalamin)
Iron Sulfide & Acid make? H2S (stink bomb) Deadly Gas. Heavier than Air. HS ion binds w/ Cytochrome Oxidase (Oder Tolerance Builds Up) Tx w/ Nitrates to 30% level (Kills Fisherman)
Why can't Tx H2S gas w/ Thiosulfate? HS-MetHb is not reversable
What is Ferrous and Ferric? Ferrous (Fe2+ Reduced) & Ferric (Fe3+ Ox.)
Oxygen binds to? Reduced Hb
What is Diaphorase 1? NADH-MetHb Reductase (Converts Hb3+ to Hb2+)
Methylene Blue is in what state? Oxidized
What is Reduced form of Methylene Blue? Leuko Methylene Blue (colorless)
What can Leuko Methylene Blue Do? Converts Hb3+ to Hb2+
What converts Methylene Blue to Leuko Methylene reduced state? NADPH & Diaphorase II
What is the name of Diaphorase II? NADPH-Methemoglobin Reductase
What is the source of NADPH? G-6-P + NADP via G-6-P dehydrogenase
Where does Methylene Blue Coupled Reaction take place? In the RBC
CO deaths/year? 500 accidents 2000 suicide
Lasting CO poison Effects? Apathy, Disorienttion, Amnesia = 100%, Irritability = 90%, Insomnia & Depression = 15 - 20%
CO is? Colorless, Odorless, Tasteless, Insolu aq, Misc w/air, Weak Carotid Recptr Effect (low/no chemo receptor response)
Color of skin w/ co poisoning? Pink
How is CO made? Incomplete Combustion of Carbon. Complete makes CO2
Sources of CO ? Fireplaces, Hibachi, autos, cigarette...
Who has high carboxiheme levels in blood? smokers
Endogenous production of co? hemoglobin breakdown
How fast will CO bind w/ Hb? 1/10 th rate of O2 & Hb
What is Dissociation Rate of CO-Hb? 1/2100 that of O2-Hb
What is the net affinity of CO for Hb? 2100/10 = 200 X's that of O2
Prediction of %CO-Hb? %CO-Hb = 20,000x[CO] / ([O2] + 200[CO])
%O2-Hb = ? 100 - %CO-Hb
What is conc of O2 in air? 20% O2 in Air
%O2Hb / %COHb ? [O2} / 200[CO]
What is Venous & Arterial Press? 40 & 80
What does CO do to Oxyheme Dissociation Curve? Shifts to Left
How many Hemes per Globin? 4
S & Sx at 1-10 %CO-Hb? 0-10 % CO-Hb = None
S & Sx at 10-20 %CO-Hb? 10-20% = Forehead Tight, Slight HA, Cutaneous Dilation
S & Sx at 20-30 %CO-Hb? HA, Throbbing Temples
S & Sx at 30-40 %CO-Hb? 30-40% = Severe HA, Weak, Dizzy, Dim Vision, N&V, Collapse
S & Sx at 40-50 %CO-Hb? 40-50% = All Prior Sx & Increased Respiration & Pulse
S & Sx at 50-60 %CO-Hb? 50-60 % = Syncope (Unconsciousness), Coma, Intermit Convulsions, Cheyne-Stokes Respiration (Start-Stop)
S & Sx at 60-70 %CO-Hb? 60-70 % = Coma, Depressed HR & Respiration, Poss. Death
S & Sx at 70-80 %CO-Hb? 70-80% = Weak Pulse, Slow Resp., Resp. Failure, Death
Smokers Ox-He%? 10% (May not get HA as S & Sx with CO Poisoning)
When checking Pulse w/ CO poisoning is it different? Pulse w/CO poisoning can be the same. Pulse Oximetry reads CO as O2
Tx. for CO poisoning? Min O2 Demand, Restore Tissue O2, Hyperbaric O2, Transfusion, Hypothermia
T 1/2 life of COHb? Rm Air 4-6 hr, 100% O2 40-80 min, HypBar O2 15-30 min.
What is the product of Redox Cycling? Free Radicals
What happens when a free radical attacks lipids? Lipid Oxidation = oxidative stress
What does oxidative stress do to? Uses up antiOxidants
Where can Exogenous free radicals come from? Ionizing Radiation & Metabolites of Xenobiotics
Do free radical properties differ from the parent compound? when the outer shell electron is lost the properties do change
Whas is a good Radical Scavenger? Glutathione, Vit E & C, SH Compounds, Nu:
List of Free Radical compounds? Alcohols, O3, Paraquat, CCl4, Nitrogen Oxides, Bleomycin, adriamycin, Nitrofuratioin, Doxorubicin
What is the danger of free radical rxn's in the body? accelearation of reaction: oxygen & catalytic ions Fe2+, Cu+, Cr5+, Mn2+ (create more and more in body)
Most Dangerous Free Rad? Superoxide Rad, Hydoxy & Hydoperoxy Rads. O2-, OH, OOH (Target Cells or Macrophages have these)
Sources of Oxygen Rad? Endogenous: Cytochromes Ox-Phosphorylation, CYP450's, Macrophages. Exogenous: Ionizing Radiation & Xenobiotics (quinones - rapid redox cycle)
What does SuperOxide Dismutase do? SOD converts 2(O2's) to HOOH (Hydogen Peroxide). It is found in Cytosol & Mitochondria
What happens to HOOH ? GSH Peroxidase (Cytosol Enzyme "Selenoenzyme") converts it to 2(H2O's) using 2 Glutathiones
When is HOOH not converted to water? When protective SOD Rxn' takes place near cytochrome or metal ions Fenton Reation occurs spontaneously converting back to OH & OH-
What met'l ions in Fenton Reaction? Fe2+, Cu+, Cr5+, Ni2+, Mn2+
How is GSH (Glutathione) converted to GSSG to make 2 H2O's? GSH is oxidized by GSH peroxidase
What reduces GSSG ? Glutathione Reductase & NADPH converts GSSG back to GSH (reducing it in the RBC)
What can Catalase in peroxisomes do? Convert HOOH to 2 H2O's & O2 Using "Gatalase"
Over all, what is depleted with Free Radical conversion? Free Radical Protection uses up a lot of NADPH
What does Glutathione normally do when not converting HOOH to water? Glutathione Regulates Protiens (turns rxn's on & off)
What happens if glutathione is low and Pt. takes too much APAP ? APAP is not cleared and becomes very toxic to body
Created by: MCPHS
Popular Pharmacology sets




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