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AP gov summer terms

abortion the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy.
american revolution the war between great britain and the american colonies (1775-1783). American colonies won independence
apathy lack of interest excitement emotion or passion
argument a disagreement. a discussion involving differing points of view.
bill of rights the first 10 amendments to the constitution. This document guarantees personal liberties and limits the powers of the goverment
boycott to join together in refusing to deal with a person or orginization to get a point across.
budget the cost of living or operating. stay within budget to keep your buisness going
cabinet an advisory body to the president, consisting of the heads of the 13 executive departments of the federal government.
capitalism the economic system in which all means of production and distribution are privately and operated for profit.
checks and balances the system that prevents any branch of goverment from becoming too powerful by requiring the approval of more than one branch for all important acts.
citizenship the state of being vested with the rights, privileges, and duties of a member of a society
civil war the civil war in the U.S. between the North (union) and the South (confederacy) in 1861-1865.
congress the legislative branch. consisting of the house of representatives and the senate
conservative a political ideology that tends to favor defense spending and school prayer and dissapproves social programs,abortion, affirmative action and a large active goverment. usually affiliated republican party
constitution the system of fundamental principles according to which our nation is governed.
culture The sum of attitudes, customs, and beliefs that distinguishes one group of people from another. Culture is transmitted, through language, material objects, ritual, institutions, and art, from one generation to the next
currency a continual passing from hand to hand for exchange and circualtion. ex. money
declaration of independence the public act by which the Second Continental Congress, on July 4, 1776, declared the Colonies to be free and independent of England.
democracy government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.
democrats a person who believes in the political or social equality of all people.
diplomacy the conduct of the relations of one nation with another by peaceful means
discrimination unfair treatment of a person, racial group, minority, etc; action based on prejudice
elite the most powerful, rich, gifted, or educated members of a group, community, etc
evangelicalism evangelical doctrines or of or according to the gospels or teachings of the new testamnet
federalism a system in which the national goverment and local authorities share powers and responsibilities.
foreign policy a policy pursued by a nation in its dealings with other nations, designed to achieve national objectives.
freedom of speech first amendment to the constitution.
globalization to extend to other or all parts of the globe; make worldwide: ex. efforts to globalize the auto industry.
government the form or system of rule by which a nation is controlled or managed.
healthcare the field concerned with the maintenance or restoration of the health of the body or mind.
ideology the body of doctrine, myth, belief, etc., that guides an individual, social movement, institution, class, or large group
immigrant a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence.
individualism a social theory advocating the liberty, rights, or independent action of the individual.
isolationism a policy of nonparticipation in or withdrawal from international affairs
judicial review the power of the supreme court to declare laws and executive actions unconstitutional
labor unions An organization of workers formed to promote collective bargaining with employers over wages, hours, fringe benefits, job security, and working conditions.
laissez faire the theory or system of government that believes government should intervene as little as possible in the direction of economic affairs.
liberal ideology that tends to favor government pending on social programs,affirmative action, woman's rights to abortion, and an active government, and to disfavor defense spending and school prayer. Usually affiliated with democratic party.
majority rule the doctrine that the numerical majority of an organized group can make decisions binding on the whole group.whoever gets the most votes wins.
marbury v. madison (1803) supreme court dcision that established the principle of judicial review.
mass media any of the means of communication, as television or newspapers, that reach very large numbers of people.
meritocracy an elite group of people whose progress is based on ability and talent rather than on class privilege or wealth (from family).
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement:an international trade agreement between the United States, Canada, and Mexico
national debt the financial obligations of a national government resulting from deficit spending.
political party group of people with common political goals which hopes to influence policy through the election process.
popular sovereignty the doctrine that the inhabitants of a territory should be free from federal interference in determining their own domestic policy. EX: deciding whether or not to allow slavery
public policy the course of actions taken by the goverment to solve and issue or set of issues.
republicans sometimes referred as the Grand Old Party.
supreme court highest court in the US.
taxes a sum of money demanded by a government for its support or for specific facilities or services, levied upon incomes, property, sales, etc.
terrorism the use of violence and threats to intimidate for political purposes.
doctrine something that is taught
bureaucracy the combined organizational structure, procedures, protocols, and set of regulations in place to manage activity in our goverment
Created by: cerealxxmariel
Popular History sets




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