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Gatsby Words

Supercilious Displaying arrogant pride, scorn, or indifference
Incredulous indicating or showing unbelief
Reciprocal given or felt by each toward the other; mutual
Wan Sickly, pale
Intimation to indicate or make known indirectly; hint; imply;
Anon In short time
Contiguous Touching or in close proximity
Facet Aspect, part
Interpose to place between; cause to intervene
Languid lacking in vigor or vitality
Strident having a shrill, irritating quality or character
Deft dexterous; nimble; skillful; clever
Erroneous straying from what is moral
Vehement Impassioned, emotional, or angry
Cordial courteous and gracious
Impetuous of, pertaining to, or characterized by sudden or rash action
Corpulent Portly or fat
Provincial Pertaining to a province
Din a loud, confused noise
Knickerbockers A New Yorker
Rajah a minor chief or dignitary
Elicit to draw or bring out or forth
Somnabulatory Sleep walking
Denizen an inhabitant or a regular
Rout To be defeated or disorderly
Reproach To find fault or to blame
Serf Slave
Obstinate firmly or stubbornly adhering to one's purpose
Exultation lively or triumphant joy, as over success or victory.
Nebulous hazy, vague, indistinct, or confused
Repose Peace, tranquility
Debauch To corrupt or pervert
Antecedent Prior
Ingratiate to place (oneself) purposely in the favour (of another)
Perturb to disturb or disquiet greatly in mind; agitate.
Dilatory tending to delay or procrastinate; slow; tardy; Weston
Tumult violent and noisy commotion or disturbance of a crowd or mob
Portentous ominously significant or indicative
Irreverent without due respect or veneration; disrespectful;
Vicarious taking the place of another person or thing
Rancor bitter, rankling resentment or ill will
Humidor a container or storage room for cigars or other preparations of tobacco
Settee a seat for two or more persons
Garrulous excessively talkative in a rambling
Forlorn lonely and sad; forsaken.
Laden burdened; loaded down.
Pasquinade a satire or lampoon
Surmise to conjecture or guess
Superfluous being more than is sufficient or required
Elocution a person's manner of speaking or reading aloud in publi
Orgastic Same as orgasmic lol
Borne To bear
Created by: WestonSandfort
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