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lee1 pg3


abscess (n) a swollen area full of puss within a body tissue
abscond (v) depart hurriedly and secretly typically to avoid detection or arrest
absinth (n) a shrubby plant with bitter aromatic taste
absolute zero (n) the coldest temperatur theoretically possible
absolution (n) forgivness
absolve (v) set or pronounced free from blame
abstain (v) restrain oneself from indulging
abstinence (n) the act of abstaining
abstract (adj) not tangible or concrete
abstract (v) take out, remove
abstract (n) a summary of a book
abstracted (adj) preoccupied
abtruse (adj) hard to understand
badmouth (v) subject to malicious gossip or criticism
baffle (v) to confuse
bafflegab (n) jargon which confuses more than it clarifies
baggy (adj) loose fitting
bag lady (n) a homeless woman who carries all her possesions in her shopping bag
bagman (n) a political fundraiser
bagpipe (n) a musical instrument consisting of a windbag connected to drone pipes
baguette (n) a long narrow loaf of french bread
bail (n) release from a difficulty
bail out (v) to become free of an obligation
bailiff (n) and officer of the court who serves, processes and enforces orders
baker's dozen (n) thirteen
balaclava (n) a tight knitted garment covering the whole head with holes for the eyes and mouths
calcium carbonate (n) a white solid found as chalk, limestone, or marble
calculus (n) a particular method of calculation or reasoning
caleche (n) a two-wheeled one-horse vehicle used in tourist areas of quebec
calender (n) a machine which cloth, paper, etc., is pressed byrollers to glaze or smooth it
calibrate (v) mark with a standard scale of readings
calibre (n) the internal diameter of a gun or tube, or the quality of character
calico (n) a cotton fabric with a printed pattern
calico (adj) irregular patches of colours
calisthenics (n) gymnastic excercisesto achieve bodily fitness and grace of movement
calla (n) a flower with a white spath and a yellow spadix
call girl (n) a female prostitute who accepts appointments by telephone
Created by: msi1
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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