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SAT 800

proposity self-important behavior
ponderous weighty, unwieldy
precarious uncertain, risky
preclude to make impossible
precocious advanced in developement
predeliction partiality, preference
preposterous absurd, ridiculous
presumptuous overconfident, impertinetly bold
pretentious ostentatious, pompous
prevalent widespread, generally accepted
problematic doubtful, unsettled, questionable
proclivity inclination
prodigal wasteful, reckless with money
profligate dissipated, watesful, widely immoral
profound deep, not superficial, complete
profusion overabundance
proliferation rapid growth, spread
prolific abundantly fruitful
propitious favoravle, fortunate
propriety fitness, correct conduct
prosaic dull and unimaginative
protract prolong, to make something last longer
provincial pertaining, pertinent
provisional tentative, conditional
prudent cautious, careful
purse to pucker, contract into wrinkles
quell to extinguish, put down
quiescent at rest, dormant
ramble wander aimlessly
rancor bitterness, hatred
ratify to approve formally
raucous harsh and shrill
raze to destroy completely
recalcitrant obstinate, stubborn
recant to disclaim or disavow
recluse hermit, loner
redundant superfluous, repetitious, excessively wordy
refute to disprove
relegate to banish
relinquish to give up something with reluctance
relish to savor, enjoy
reprehensible deserving blame
repress to restrain, suppress
reprimand to reprove severly, rebuke
reproach to express disapproval
reprove to censure, rebuke, criticize
opaque dark, not transparent
opportunist making use of an opportunity, especially to get an advantage for yourself
painstaking showing hard work
paltry insignificant, petty
pardigm model, example, pattern
parochial narrow in outlook
parry ward off a blow, deflect
parsimony stinginess, excessive frugality
partisan one-sided, prejudiced
pedantic showing off learning, bookish
penchant strong inclinative
pensive dreamly thorough
peripheral marginal, outer
perjury false testimony while under oath
pernicious very destructive
perpetuate to make something last, perserve
perturb to disturb gently
pervasive spread throughout every part
petulant touchy, peevish
pious devout, religious
pitfall hidden danger
pity concise, meaningful
pivotal crucial, key, vital
placate to pacify, conciliate
platitude trite remark
plausible having a show of truth but open to doubt
pliant flexible, easily influenced
plight condition, state, predicament
poignancy quality of being deeping moving, keenness of emotion
polemical aggressive in verbal attack, disreputations
magnanimous generous
magnate person of prominence/influence
maladroit clumsy, bungling
malign speak evil of, bad-mouth, defame
martinet rigid disciplinarian, strict military
meander to wind or turn in tis course
meek quiet and obedient, spritless
mercurial capricious, changing, fickle
merger combination
methodical systematic
meticulous excessively careful, scrupulous
mitigate to appease, moderate
mollify to soothe
momentous very importanct
monotony sameness leading to boredom
morbid given to unwholesome thought, moody
morose ill-humored, sullen, melancholy
mundane worldy as opposed to spritual
munificent very generous
naivete quality of being unsophisticated, simplicity
negate to cancel out, nullify, deny
nonentity person of no importance
novelty something new
obdurate stubborn
objective not influenced by emotion, goal, aim
obliterate to destry completely
oblivion obscurity, forgetfulness
oblivious inattentive, unmindful
obscure dark, vague, unclear, to darken, make unclear
obsequious slavishly attentive, service
obstinate sutbborn, hard to control or treat
officious meddlesome, excessively pushy in offering one's service
ominous threatening
rant to rave, talk excitedly
Created by: haj0636
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