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GCSE 2006 FL Vocab

Edexcel FL Vocab

Erdbeeren strawberries
immer always
das Fleisch meat
billiger cheaper
seit 2 Monaten (since) for 2 months
wie geht’s? how are you
furchtbar terrible
schlimm bad
Bauchschmerzen stomach ache
Durchfall diarrhoea
seit since
der Termin appointment
die Sekretärin secretary
jetzt now
das Krankenhaus hospital
die Stadtmitte town centre
jeden Tag every day
morgens every morning
die Chefin boss (female)
schreiben to write
zu Mittag essen to have lunch
das Leben life
traurig sad
einen Film drehen to make a film
viel Zeit verbringen to spend a lot of time
der Sohn (Söhne) son (sons)
die Tochter (Töchter) daughter (daughters)
kaum hardly / barely
glücklich happy
wichtig important
der Unterricht lessons
zukünftig future
die gleichen Interessen the same interests
überhaupt nicht not at all
ein zweites Mal machen to do a second time
schlechte Noten bad marks
heute today
zuerst first of all
brauchen to need
Würstchen little sausages
Kopfschmerzen haben to have a headache
Briefmarken stamps
das Heft (e) exercise book
der Kuli (s) pen / biro
die Sommerferien summer holidays
wohin where to
Urlaub machen to go on holiday
abfahren to leave
reisen to travel
die Pension guest house
fliegen to fly
das Schloss castle
der Dom cathedral
besuchen to visit
der Tiergarten zoo
die Brücke bridge
der Strand beach
populär popular
die Berge mountains
der Papagei parrot
das Kaninchen rabbit
das Meerschweinchen guinea pig
reiten gehen to go riding
Rad fahren to cycle
angeln gehen to go fishing
Created by: vonsk
Popular German sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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