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Lab words

words mod d

NSAID Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Td Tetanus and Diphtheria Vaccine
APAP acetaminophen
ASA aspirin
PCN Penicillin
UA urinalysis
C+S culture & sensitivy
Hx history
c with
s without
Tx treatment
Sx symptoms
Q4h every four hours
Qid 4 times a day
Tid three times a day
Bid twice a day
Po by mouth
Stat immediately
PRN as needed
d/c discontinue
qd everyday
npo nothing by month
URI upper respiratory infection
SOB shortness of breath
CxR Chest X
Dx diagnosis
CC chief complaint
BM bowel movement
WNL within normal limits
UTI urinary tract infection
LMP last menstrual period
HTN hypertension
CBC complete blood count
NKDA no known drug allergies
CA Cancer
HA Headache
Triangle change
NTG Nitroglycerin
GI gastrointestinal
DM Diabetes mellitus
CPR Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CR controlled release
ER extended release
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
AIDS acquired immune deficiencysyndrome
PCP Primary care provider
FUO fever of undetermined origin
AED automated external defibrillator
EOM extra ocular movement
CPT Current Procedural Terminology
a.c before meals
p.c after meals
Aq water
IBS irritable bowel syndrome
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
PTT Partial thromboplastin time
N+V Nausea/Vomiting
ADHD attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
HCTZ hydrochlorothiazide
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Fe iron
I+D incision and drainage
mg milligrams
Mcg microgram
TIA transient ischemic attack
PID pelvic inflammatory disease
CVA cerebrovascular accident
IM Intramusclar
SC Subcutaneous
IV Intravenous
ID Intrademal
MMR measles, mumps and rubella
DTAP diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis
DOE dyspnea on exertion
CHF congestive heart failure
CAD Coronary artery disease
ABG arterial blood gas
GTT glucose tolerance test
PSA Prostate-Specific Antigen
TSH thyroid-stimulating hormone
CO2 carbon dioxide
CDC center of disease control
CMP Complete Metabolic Panel
MI Myocardial Infarction
CAT Computerized Axial Tomography
MRI Magnetic resonance imaging
BMR Basal Metabolic Rate
GERD Gastroesophageal reflux disease
RAIU radioactive iodine uptake test
Created by: Littleraincloud
Popular Medical sets




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