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CCA Abbreviations

CCA LVN Medical Abbreviations

ac before meals
ABG arterial blood gases
AC air conduction
ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone
ad lib as desired
ADH antidiuretic hormone
AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome
ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
ANS autonomic nervous system
ARD acute respiratory distress
ARF acute respiratory failure
ASHD arteriosclerotic heart disease
AV node atrioventricular node
bid twice a day
BC bone conduction
BE barium enema
BOM bilateral otitis media
BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy
BUN blood urea nitrogen
BX biopsy
c with
CABG coronary artery bypass graft
CAD coronary artery disease
cap capsule
CBC complete blood count
CHF congestive heart failure
cm centimeter
CNS central nervous system
CO2 carbon dioxide
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CP cerebral palsy
CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation
C-section cesarean section
CSF cerebrospinal fluid
CST contraction stimulation test
CVA cerebrovascular accident
D&C dilatation and curettage
DIP distal interphalangeal
dr dram
DTR deep tendon reflexes
DVT deep vein thrombosis
ECCE extracapsular cataract extraction
EDB expected date of birth
EDC expected or estimated date of confinement
EDD expected date of delivery
EEG electroencephalography
EENT eyes, ears, nose, throat
EGD esophagogastroduodenoscopy
EKG electrocardiogram
EMG electromyography
ENT ears, nose, throat
EOM extraocular movement
ERCP endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate
FBS fasting blood sugar
FHR fetal heart rate
FSH follicle-stimulating hormone
GERD gastroesophagea reflux disease
GH growth hormone
GI gastrointestinal
GI series gastrointestinal series
g gram
gr grain
gt drop
GTT glucose tolerance test
GYN gynecology
h hour
hs at bedtime
Hct hematocrit
Hgb hemoglobin
HHD hypertensive heart disease
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
ICCE intracapsular cataract extraction
ICP intracranial pressure
ID intradermal
IDDM insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
IM intramuscular
inj injection
IOL intraocular lens
IOP intraocular pressure
IU international unit
IV intravenous
IVP intravenous push; intravenous pyelography
kg kilogram
KUB kidneys, ureters, and bladder (radiograph)
L liter
L&D labor and delivery
LH luteinizing hormone
LLQ left lower quadrant
LMP last menstrual period
LP lumbar puncture
LUQ left upper quadrant
MCP metacarpophalangeal
MD muscular dystrophy
mEq milliequivalent
mg milligram
MI myocardial infarction
mL millilter
MS multiple sclerosis
MSH melanocyte-stimulating hormone
MTP metatarsophalangeal
NG nasogastric
NIDDM non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
NPO nothing by os, nothing by mouth
NSD normal spontaneous delivery
OB obstetrics
oint ointment
oz ounce
pc after meals
po by mouth
prn as needed
PAC premature atrial contraction
PAP prostatic acid phosphatase
Pap smear Papanicolaou smear
PAT paroxysmal atrial tachycardia
PCP Pneumocystitis carinii pneumonia
PEG pneumoencephalogram
PERRLA pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accomodation
PFTs pulmonary function tests
PID pelvic inflammatory disease
PIP proximal interphalangeal
PMS premenstrual syndrome
PNS peripheral nervous system
PRK photo-refractive keratectomy
PSA prostate-specific antigen
PT prothrombin time
PTCA percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
PTH parathyroid hormone
PVC premature ventricular contraction
q every
q2h every 2 hours
qam every morning
qh every hour
RA rheumatoid arthritis
RAIU radioactive iodine uptake test
RBC red blood cell
REM rapid eye movement
RF rheumatoid factor
RHD rheumatic heart disease
RK radial keratotomy
RLQ right lower quadrant
RUQ right upper quadrant
Rx take; treatment; prescription
s without
SA node sinoatrial node
SBF small bowel follow-through
sig write on label
SNS somatic nervous system
SOB shortness of breath
sol solution
sos if necessary
stat immediately
STD sexually transmitted disease
STH somatotropin hormone
subQ subcutaneous
supp suppository
SVD spontaneous vaginal delivery
T tablespoon
t teaspoon
tid three times a day
T3 triiodothyronine
T4 thyroxine
tab tablet
TAH total abdominal hysterectomy
TB tuberculosis
TEE transesophageal echocardiogram
TENS transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
TIA transient ischemic attack
tinct tincture
TM tympanic membrane
TO telephone order
TPN total parenteral nutrition
TSH thyroid-stimulating hormone
TSS toxic shock syndrome
TURP transurethral resection of the prostate
TVH total vaginal hysterectomy
U unit
UA urinalysis
UGI upper gastrointestinal series
UPPP uvulopalatopharyngoplasty
URI upper respiratory tract infection
UTI urinary tract infection
VA visual acuity
VF visual field
VO verbal order
WBC white blood cell, white blood count
@ at
> greater than
< less than
aa indicating equal amounts of each
AMA against medical advice
AND allow natural death
BP blood pressure
BRP bathroom privileges
CDC Centers for Disease Control Center
c/o complaints of
CO carbon monoxide
CT computer tomography
D5W 5% dextrose in water
dL deciliter
DNR do not resuscitate
DX diagnosis
elix elixir
ER emergency room
ETOH ethyl alcohol
FUO fever of unknown origin
Fx fracture; fractional urine test
H&P history and physical examination
I&O intake and output
IVU intravenous urogram
K potassium
KVO keep vein open
LOC laxative of choice; level of consciousness
m meter
mcg microgram
mm millimeter
mm Hg millimeters of Mercury
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
Ndx nursing diagnosis
O2 oxygen
OD optical density; overdose
pH hydrogen ion concentration (acidity and alkalinity)
prn as often as necessary, when required
ROM range of motion
SSE soapsuds enema
TKO to keep open
TLC tender loving care
TPR temperature, pulse, and respirations
gm gram
gtt drops
hr hour
ung ointment
ECG electrocardiogram
Tbsp tablespoon
tsp teaspoon
Created by: lilcrazymama2000
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