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bruit a humming is heard that is caused by a turbulent blood flow through the vessel
cardioplegia arrest of myocardial contraction, as in the use of chemical compounds or cold temperatures in cardiac surgery
claudication severe pain in the calf muscle from inadequate blood supply
clubbing a condition in which the ends of the fingers and toes appear bulbous and shiny, most often the result of lung disease
dysrhythmias abnormal, disordered, or disturbed cardiac rhythm
Homan's sign an assessment for venous thrombosis in which calf pain occurs if thrombosis is present
ischemic inadequate blood supply
murmur an abnormal sound heard on auscultation of the heart and adjacent large blood vessels
pericardial friction rub friction sound heard over the fourth left intercostal space near the sternum; a classic sign of pericarditis
poikilothermy the absence of sufficient arterial blood flow, causing the extremity to become the temperature of the environment
point of maximum impulse the area of the chest where the greatest force can be felt with the palm of the hand when the heart cantracts or beats. Usually at the 4th or 5th intercostal space in the midclavicular line
preload end-diastolic stretch of cardiac muscle fibers; equals end-systolic volume
pulse deficit a condition in which the number of pulse beats counted at the radial pulse is less than those counted in the same period of time at the apical heart rate
sternotomy the operation of cutting through the sternum
thrill abnormal vessel that has a bulging or narrowed wall, a vibration is felt
artherosclerosis the deposition of lipids in the walls of arteries, narrows the wall and form rough surfaces that may stimulate clot formation
cardiac output a measure of the pumping ability of the heart; amt. of blood pumped by the heart per minute.
diastolic blood pressure the amt. of pressure exerted on the wall of the arteries when the ventricles are at rest. The bottom number in a b/p reading.
essential hypertension chronic elevation of b/p resulting from an unknown cause.
hypertension abnormally elevated blood pressure
hypertensive emergency systolic b/p above 180 mm Hg. and diastolic b/p above 120-130 mm Hg.
hypertensive urgency occurs in situations where there is severe elevation of b/p.
hypertrophy an increase in the size of an organ or structure, or of the body, owing to growth rather than tumor formation.
isolated systolic hypertension the systolic pressure is 160 mm Hg or more, but the diastolic pressure is lower than 95 mm Hg.
normotensive normal b/p
peripheral vascilar resistance opposition to blood flow through the vessels.
plaque a deposit of fatty material on the lining of an artery.
primary hypertension abnormally elevated b/p of unknown cause. Also called essential hypertension.
secondary hypertension high b/p that is a symptom of a specific cause, such as a kidney abnormality.
systolic blood pressure maximal pressure exerted on the arteries during contraction of the left ventricle of the heart. The top number of a b/p reading.
viscosity thickness, as of the blood
beta-hemolytic streptococci gram-positive bacteria that, when grown on blood-agar plates, completely hemolyze the blood and produce a clear zone around the bacteria colony.
cardiac tamponade the life-threatening compression of the heart by the fluid accumulating in the pericardial sac surrounding the heart.
cardiomegaly enlargement of the heart
cardiomyopathy a group of diseases that affect the myocardium's structure or function.
chorea a nervous condition marked by involuntary muscular twitching of the limbs or facial muscles.
Dressler's Syndrome post-myocardial infarction syndrome; pericarditis
emboli solid, liquid, or gaseous masses of undissolved matter traveling with the fluid current in a blood or lymphatic vessel.
infective endocarditis inflammation of the heart lining caused by microorganisms.
international normalized ratio World Health Organization's standardization for reporting the prothrombin time.
myectomy surgical removal of a hypertrophied muscle.
myocarditis the inflammatory process that causes nodules to form in the myocardial tissue; the nodules become scar tissue over time. Inflammation of the heart muscle.
pericardial effusion a buildup of fluid in the pericardial space.
pericardiectomy excision of part or all of the pericardium.
pericardiocentesis surgical perforation of the pericardium.
pericarditis inflammation of the pericardium
petechiae small, purplish, hemorrhagic spots on the skin that appear in certain illnesses and bleeding disorders.
rheumatic carditis serious complications of rheumatic fever in which all layers of the heart become inflamed.
rheumatic fever a hypersensitivity reaction to antigens of group A beta-hemolytic streptococci.
stenosis the constriction or narrowing of a passage or orifice, such as a cardiac valve.
thrombophlebitis the formation of a clot and inflammation within a vein.
Created by: charleegurl64
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