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Stack #42468

Orgo Ch1 - Electronic Structure and bonding/ Acids & Bases

Ch1 (front)Ch1 (back)
Electronegativity tendency of an atom to pull bonding electrons toward itself
bond strength or dissociation energy energy required to break a bond or the energy released when a bond is formed
pi bond side to side overlap of 2 "p" atomic orbitals
Easy way to determine hybridization of C, O, or N look at number of pi bonds: none - sp3 hybridized/ 1 - sp2 hybridized/ 2 - sp hybridized
When pKa decreases, what happens to acid strength? It increases.
pH scale describes. . . Used to describe acidity of a SOLUTION
pKa is characteristic of a particular COMPOUND
carboxylic acid compounds that have a COOH group. i.e. acetic acid, formic acid
What happens to the stability of a base as the electronegativity increases? It increases
Stable bases are _______ bases. weak
As we proceed down a column in the periodic table, elements get larger, electronegativity ___________ but the stability of the base __________. decreases / increases
stable base base that readily bears the electrons it formerly shared with a proton.
degenerate orbitals orbitals that have the same energy
aufbau principle an electron always goes into the available orbital with the lowest energy.
Pauli exclusion principle no more than 2 electrons can occupy each atomic orbital and the 2 electrons must be of opposite spin
Hund's rule (blank)
ionization energy the energy required to remove an electron from an atom
electronegative elements that readily acquire an electron
inductive electron withdrawal pulling electrons through sigma bonds (in a halogen-substituted carboxylic acid, an electronegative halogen atom pulls the bonding electrons toward itself)
H - H equation tells us whether a compound will exist in its acidic form(proton retained) or in its basic form(proton removed) at a particular pH.
pH < pKa compound will exist primarily in it's ACIDIC form
pH > pKa compound will exist primarily in it's BASIC form
Lewis acid species that accepts a share in an electron pair
Lewis base species that donates a share in an electron pair
Created by: Rutgerl
Popular Chemistry sets




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