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Organization of the body test review

Opposite of superficial Deep
Group of similar cells arranged with intercellular substance between them specialized to perform particular function Tissue
Scientific study of the structure of an organism which describes the size, shape, construction, and relative positions of the organs in the body Anatomy
Scientific study of the functions of an organism which describes how the organs worm independently and in relation to the whole organism Physiology
Define anatomical position (Anterior or Ventral view) The body standing erect with arms at side and palms facing forward
Identify body planes-be able to label (#4 on the written test) Transverse, Sagittal, median/midline, Coronal/Frontal
lengthwise plane running parallel to midline running front to back dividing body into equal right and left halves Sagittal
Lengthwise planes running side to side dividing body into front and back parts Coronal/Frontal
The front or belly side of the body Anterior or ventral
Farther away from the head or towards the lower part of the body Inferior
Farther away from a point of reference Distal
Refers to the head or the head end Cephalic or cranial
Refers to the tail or tail end Caudal
The front or palm of the hand Palmar
Supine is also called Dorsal recumbent
Lying abdomen down, face down (or to the side) Prone
The dorsal cavity includes Cranial and spinal cavity
The pericardial cavity is in the Ventral cavity
The pelvic cavity includes Urinary bladder, female/male sex organs, part of the large intestine, cecum, appendix, rectum
The gallbladder, lower ascending colon, terminal illeum and part of the urinary bladder is in what quadrant? Right upper quadrant
The cecum is in what quadrant? Right lower quadrant
Identify the nine abdominal regions (#12 diagram on written test...know this!!) Right hypochondriac, epigastric, left hypochondriac, right lumbar, umbilical, left lumbar, right iliac, hypogastric, left ileac
Arrange in order the major types of body structures from the simplest to most complex Cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organism
State the single ultimate goal of an organism survival
List the three basic activities for life of an organism Movement, metabolism, reproduction
What component makes up 60% of the body's composition? Liquids
Inside the cell you will find intracellular fluid
Covers the body; orotects the organisms from injury, disease , and infection; functions in temperature regulation, excretion of wastes, and the receiving of sensations Integumentary system
Takes in oxygen form the air and gives off carbon dioxide (CO2) that is produced by cell metabolism Respiratory system
Lungs, upper respiratory tract (nose, pharyx, larynx, trachea, bronchi) Respiratory system
Skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles make up what system? Muscular system
Created by: 1396353234
Popular Medical sets




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