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A very extensive list of words for the Sun Certified Java Associate (SCJA)

abstract (definition) A modifier that indicates that either a class or method has some behaviour that must be implemented by its subclasses
access modifiers Modifiers that define the access privileges of interfaces, classes, methods, constructors, and data members.
AJAX An acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. A web application model where the client interfaces with the server without the need for the associated HTML pages to be reloaded.
applet An application that executes within applications, devices, and most commonly web browsers. It must support the applet programming model.
application server A server that hosts various applications and their environments.
arithmetic operator Java programming language operator that performs addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), or remainder production (%) operations.
array A fixed-length group of same type variables or references that are accessed with an index.
assignment statement A statement that allows for the definition or redefinition of a variable by assigning it a value. It is represented by ‘=’ in Java code.
association A relationship between classes.
attributes A system’s state consisting of its instance variables.
base class A term that describes a class used to derive other classes through inheritance. This may also be called a parent class or base class. (same as superclass)
bean A reusable software component conforming to design and naming conventions.
block Code between matching braces—for example, { int x; }.
boolean A Java keyword that is used to define a primitive variable as having a
Boolean type with a value of either true or false. The corresponding wrapper class is Boolean.
business logic The code that implements the functional algorithms of an application. In the EJB tier, this code is implemented by Enterprise JavaBeans.
business tier The tier within an enterprise system that contains the business logic. Enterprise JavaBeans are one of the major components of the business tier.
byte A Java keyword that is used to define a primitive variable as an integer having a storage of one byte. The corresponding wrapper class is Byte.
CASE The acronym for Computer Aided Software Engineering. The scientific application of computer-based tools, utilities, and methods to enhance the end result of a software application or project.
CDC An acronym for Connected Device Configuration. A Java ME configuration that is supplied with the standard Java Virtual Machine and is utilized for devices that do not have extreme constraints of resources.
char A Java keyword that is used to define a variable as having two bytes of storage normally used to store a specified Unicode character. The corresponding wrapper class is Character.
child class A term for a class that is derived from another class through inheritance. This may also be called a child class. (Same as subclass)
class A file that contains valid Java code. A class is a blueprint for creating objects at runtime.
classpath An argument set that tells the Java Virtual Machine where to look for user-defined classes and packages. The classpath is used by various command-line tools.
class variable See static variable.
CLDC The acronym for Connected Limited Device Configuration. A common Java ME configuration that has a small compact virtual machine known as Sun’s K Virtual Machine (KVM) and a reduced set of class libraries.
comment Text within source files that provides explanations of associated code. In Java, comments are delimited with //, /*...*/, or /**...*/, the latter being used with the Javadoc documentation API.
composition association A whole-part relationship between classes where the whole is responsible for the lifetime of its parts. Composition is also known as containment and is a strong relationship.
concatenation operator An operator (+) that is used to concatenate (that is, join) two strings.
concrete class A class that has all of its methods implemented.
conditional statement A decision-making control flow used to execute statements and blocks of statements conditionally. Examples are if, if else, if else if, and switch.
configuration A term used with Java ME to describe a general JVM target. A configuration may change based on whether the targeted hardware contains different features.
container Software that provides life-cycle support to Java EE components—for example, web and EJB containers.
cookie Mechanism where information is set and retrieved on the client side by the resources of web applications.
declaration A statement that establishes an identifier with associated attributes.
design pattern A proven, familiar pattern that is recurrent in the process of implementing software solutions. Several general software design patterns, as well as specific Java EE design patterns, are commonly used today.
double A Java keyword that is used to define a primitive variable as a floating point number having storage of eight bytes. The corresponding wrapper class is Double.
EJB An acronym for Enterprise JavaBean. An enterprise component supporting business logic. The three types of EJBs are session beans, entity beans, and message-driven beans. EJBs provide significant behind-the-scenes security, concurrency, transaction handlin
encapsulation The principle of bundling classes that expose a concise public interface used to interact with the class while hiding their implementation details with private methods and instance variables.
Enterprise Information System tier (EIS tier) The tier within an enterprise system that contains the data layer. Common activities are persistence support through database management systems.
entity bean A persistent type of EJB that is typically associated with a table in a relational database.
enumeration type A type with a fixed set of constants as fields.
expression statement A statement that changes part of the application’s state. Expression statements include method calls, assignments, object creation, pre/post increments and pre/post decrements. An expression statement can be evaluated to a single value.
fat client A Java-based client as part of a client-server application. This style of client will do most of its data processing and manipulation on the client side.
float A Java keyword that is used to define a primitive variable as a floating point number having a storage of four bytes. The corresponding wrapper class is Float.
getter A simple public method used to return a private instance variable.
heap A memory area where objects are stored.
heavyweight component An AWT component that is characterized as being heavier than its Swing equivalent. AWT components are considered heavyweight because they use the native operating system component libraries. Unlike Swing, they are not a pure-Java implementation.
HTML An acronym for HyperText Markup Language. A collection of tags used to create hypertext documents (for instance, web pages).
IDE An acronym for Integrated Development Environment. A development suite that allows developers to edit, compile, debug, connect to version control systems, collaborate, and do much more depending on the specific tool. Most modern IDEs have add-in capabili
IMAP An acronym for Internet Message Access Protocol. A client/server protocol allowing for the retrieval and management of e-mail messages on a remote server. It is similar to the POP protocol but has more features.
IMP An abbreviation for Information Module Profile. This is a Java ME profile commonly found on headless systems.
import statement A statement used in the beginning of a class that allows for external packages to be made available within the class.
inheritance A term for the ability of one Java class to extend another and gain its functionality.
instance variable A variable that is declared in the class instead of in a particular method. This variable has a life cycle that lasts for the duration of the object’s existence. This variable is in scope for all methods.
int A Java keyword that is used to define a primitive variable as an integer having a storage of four bytes. The corresponding wrapper class is Integer.
interface A definition of public methods that must be implemented by a class.
iteration statement A control flow where a statement or block of statements is iterated through, based on a maintained state of a variable or expression. The for loop, enhanced for loop, and the while and do-while statements are used for iterating.
J2EE An acronym for Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition. A software development platform that includes a collection of enterprise API specifications for EJBs, servlets, and JSPs. J2EE compliance is reached when an application server (full compliance) or web c
J2ME An acronym for Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition. A software development platform including a collection of APIs designed for embedded devices. J2ME is currently known as Java ME.
J2SE An acronym for Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition. A software development platform including a collection of APIs designed for client application development. J2SE is currently known as Java SE.
JAD An acronym for Java Application Descriptor. A file used with MIDlets to deploy to the target device.
JAR An acronym for Java Archive. A JAR file is used to store a collection of Java class files. It is represented by one file with the .jar extension in the file system. It may be executable.
JavaBean A reusable Java component based on a platform-independent reusable component model in which there is a standardized means to access and modify the object state of the bean.
Javadoc A tool that produces HTML documentation from extracted comments of Java source code.
JavaMail API A standardized framework that provides electronic mail functionality.
JavaScript A scripting language that is most often used in conjunction with HTML. JavaScript has no connection to Java other than sharing a name.
JAX-RPC An acronym for Java API for XML-Based RPC. An API used to build remote procedure calls in order to generate web services and clients.
JDBC An acronym for Java Database Connectivity. A database-connectivity API providing independent connectivity between the Java programming language and various data sources—for example, databases.
JDK An acronym for Java Development Kit. A bundled set of development utilities for compiling, debugging, and interpreting Java applications. The Java Runtime Environment is included in the JDK.
JMS An acronym for the Java Message Service API. The messaging-support API is used to access the common features of enterprise messaging systems, allowing for the creation, sending, receiving, and reading of messages with Java EE application components.
JNDI An acronym for Java Naming and Directory Interface API. A support API that provides general client-side querying features against directory and naming services by both attributes and a hierarchy of names.
JRE An acronym for Java Runtime Environment. An environment that is used to run Java applications. It contains basic client and server JVMs, core classes, and supporting files.
JSF An acronym for JavaServer Faces API. A presentation layer web technology for the Java platform, designed as a component framework for building web user interfaces. Page navigation and state management are also supported.
JSP An acronym for JavaServer Pages API. A dynamic web content solution that uses template data, and custom elements to expedite and ease the development of the presentation layer. JavaServer Pages are converted to servlets before the pages are rendered for
JSR An acronym for Java Specification Request. A recommendation that is put forward to the Java Community Process (JCP) organization for review. Approved requests are adopted for fulfillment.
JSTL An acronym for JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library. An extended library of JavaServer Pages tag functions.
JTA An acronym for Java Transaction API. A technology that allows applications and Java EE servers to access transactions.
JVM An acronym for Java Virtual Machine. The platform-independent environment where the Java interpreter executes.
keyword A word in the Java programming language that cannot be used as an identifier (in other words, a variable or method name). Java SE 6 maintains 50 keywords, each designed to be used for a specific purpose.
lightweight component A Swing component characterized as being lighter than its legacy AWT equivalent. Lightweight components are a pure-Java component library. Unlike AWT, they have no direct connection to the native operating system’s components.
literal A value represented as an integer, floating point, or character value that can be stored in a variable. For example, 1115 is an integer literal, 12.5 is a floating point literal, and ‘A’ is a character literal.
local variable A variable that is only in scope for a single method, constructor, or block.
logical operator Java programming language operators that perform logical operations such as the Boolean NOT (!), conditional AND (&&), and conditional OR (||) operators.
long A Java keyword used to define a primitive variable as an integer having a storage of 8 bytes. The corresponding wrapper class is Long.
message-driven bean A type of EJB that processes messages asynchronously, acting as a JMS listener.
method argument A variable that is passed to a method. A method may have multiple arguments, or none.
method parameter A variable that is in scope for the entire method. It is declared in the method signature and is initialized from the method arguments.
method A procedure that contains the code for performing operations in a class.
MIDlet An abbreviation for Mobile Information Device Applet. A small Java program designed to run in an embedded device such as a cell phone.
MIDP An acronym for Mobile Information Device Profile. A common Java ME profile found on mobile phones and PDAs.
MIME An acronym for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. A standard that defines the structure of mail content (for example, messages and files) that is to be transferred between servers.
modulus The remainder production operator (%).
multiplicity The value or range of how many participating objects are in an association between objects.
multiplicity indicators Numerical representations used in UML to depict the number of objects that may or must be used in an association.
MVC An acronym for Model-View-Controller Architecture. A design pattern separating business and presentation logic into model, view, and controller functional areas. The model represents the state of components. The view represents the components on the scre
null A null type has a null reference represented by the literal null.
object An instance of a class created at runtime from a class file.
object-oriented The design principle that uses objects and their interactions to design applications.
operator A Java element that performs operations on up to three operands and returns a result.
overloading The process of implementing more than one method with the same return type and name, while using various numbers and/or types of parameters to distinguish between them.
overriding The process of overriding a superclass’s method by using the same method signature.
package A statement at the beginning of a class that indicates the package name it is associated with.
package-private modifier The default modifier that allows package-only access to the associated class, interface, constructor, method, or data member.
parent class See superclass.
pass by reference The action of passing an argument to a method where the JVM gives the method a reference to the same object that was passed to it. This is how objects are passed.
pass by value The action of passing an argument to a method where the JVM copies the value for the method. This is how primitives are passed.
polymorphism This is a concept that allows data of one type to be handled and referred to by a type that is more general. Generalities can be created by using inheritance and extending classes, or by implementing interfaces.
POP An acronym for Post Office Protocol. A protocol allowing for the retrieval of e-mail messages on a remote server.
presentation logic The code that implements the display algorithms of an application. In the Java web-tier environment, the implemented code of the presentation layer is supported by servlets, JavaServer Pages, and JavaServer Faces.
primitive A fundamental data type that is not an object. Examples include, but are not limited to: int, float, boolean.
primitive cast A technique in Java of changing the primitive data type of a variable to another primitive type.
private access modifier A Java keyword that allows class-only access to the associated constructor, method, or data member.
profile A term used in Java ME to describe more specific features that a JVM target implements.
protected access modifier A Java keyword that allows package-external subclass access and package-only access to the associated constructor, method, or data member.
public access modifier A Java keyword that allows unrestricted access to the associated class, interface, constructor, method, or data member.
publish/subscribe messaging model A messaging model based on events. Consumers subscribe to events by specifying a topic that is part of a set of messages. The producers of these messages will route these messages to registered consumers. The consumers will consume the events when they ar
RDBMS An acronym for Relational Database Management System. A type of database management system that organizes its data in the form of interrelated tables.
relational operator A Java programming language operator that performs relational operations such as less than (<), less than or equal to (<=), greater than (>), greater than or equal to (>=), value equality (==), and value inequality (=!).
RMI An acronym for Remote Method Invocation API. A distributed-computing API that allows Java applications to carry out distributed computing by performing remote procedure calls.
RMI-IIOP An acronym for Java Remote Method Invocation over Internet Inter-Orb Protocol. A protocol used for Java to non-Java distributed computing solutions.
scope The block of code where a variable is in existence.
servlet A pure-Java program that functions in response to an HTTP request.
session bean A type of EJB that performs methods for a client. There are stateful and stateless session beans. A stateful bean maintains a conversational state for the client, while a stateless bean does not.
setter A simple public method that accepts one argument and is used to set the value of an instance variable.
short A Java keyword that is used to define a primitive variable as an integer having a storage of two bytes. The corresponding wrapper class is Short.
SMTP An acronym for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. A TCP/IP protocol used by mail servers for sending mail messages.
SOAP An acronym for Simple Object Access Protocol. A protocol used for information exchange within a decentralized and distributed environment.
SQL An acronym for Structured Query Language. A software language designed for retrieval and management of information in RDBMS systems.
statement A command that performs an activity when executed by the Java interpreter. Common Java statements include expression, conditional, iteration, and transfer of control statements.
static variable A variable that is declared in the class like an instance variable. However, this variable is common to all objects of the same type. Only one instance of this variable exists for all objects of a particular type. Each instance of the class shares the sam
String class A class representing an immutable character string.
subclass A term for a class that is derived from another class through inheritance. This may also be called a child class.
superclass A term that describes a class used to derive other classes through inheritance. This may also be called a parent class or base class.
Swing API A rich GUI API complete with an event model that is used for creating and managing user interfaces.
thin client A non-Java-based client that is part of a client-server application. In this client-server architecture, Java only runs on the server, and most of the processing and manipulation of data is done on the server side.
transfer of control statement A statement used to change the controlled flow in an application. Transfer of control statements include the break, continue, and return statements.
UDDI An acronym for Universal Description, Discovery and Integration. An XML-based registry used by businesses to make their services and general business descriptions available through the Internet.
UML An acronym for Unified Modeling Language. A specification that defines a modeling language for the specification, presentation, construction, and documentation of object-oriented system elements.
Unicode character A 16-bit set of characters.
variable A term for a symbolic reference to data in Java code.
web server Software that hosts web sites, supports various protocols, and executes server-side applications such as servlets.
web services Web-based applications designed to exchange data with clients while making use of XML-based standards and transport protocols.
web tier The tier within an enterprise system that contains the presentation layer. Servlets, JavaServer Pages, and JavaServer Faces are all part of the web tier.
WSDL An acronym for Web Service Definition Language. An XML standard for businesses and individuals to access available services that each provide.
XML An acronym for Extensible Markup Language. A general-purpose specification used for creating markup languages. This specification allows for the creation of custom tags in structured text files. Web-based solutions make common use of XML files as configur
Created by: fd99
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